MC 1468

Guide to the Reba Snapp Ryder Missionary Collection

By Waylen Glass

Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries

Finding aid encoded in EAD, version 2002 by Tara Maharjan, September 2018
Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University received an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.

Descriptive Summary

Creator: Ryder, Reba Snapp
Title: Reba Snapp Ryder Missionary Collection
Dates: 1911-1929
Quantity: 1.2 cubic feet (3 manuscript box)
Abstract: The Reba Snapp Ryder Missionary Collection details the lives and services of Reba Snapp Ryder and her husband, Stephen Ryder, as missionaries in Japan in the early 20th century. It primarily contains correspondence dating between 1911 and 1932 between Reba Snapp Ryder and her parents, as well as a handful between Stephen Ryder and his parents-in-law, and their daughter, Elizabeth Ryder, to her grandmother. Additional materials include photographs, postcards, a diary, paper currency, a fabric sample and reports for the Reformed Church of America (RCA). This collection documents Western experiences in early 20th century Japan, Christian missions in Asia, cultural impressions, travel experiences, and natural disasters in Japan.
Collection No.: MC 1468
Language: English, occasional Japanese
Repository: Rutgers University Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives

Biographical Sketch

Reba Catherine Snapp Ryder was a missionary in Japan for the Reformed Church of America between 1914 and 1929. Born in 1890 in Rochester, New York, Reba grew up in a Methodist-Episcopal family and attended the Folt’s Missionary Institute, which was a school to educate missionaries and deaconesses in Herkimer County, New York. After graduating, she became a caretaker at the Lily House in Hamilton County, New York, until she entered the South Japan Mission of the RCA in 1914. Moving to Tokyo, she began writing letters to her family in the United States, documenting her experiences and impressions while living in Japan. While in Tokyo, she taught Sunday school classes and attended the Tokyo Language School for Missionaries. At this school, Reba met fellow missionary Reverend Stephen Willis Ryder, and they married in early September 1914. Soon after they moved to Kagoshima [Kyuushū] together and in 1916 had their first child, Elizabeth (Betty), followed by Carolyn in 1919 and Stephen Willis Jr. in 1923.

In December 1924, Reba experienced spinal issues, resulting in her hospitalization and recovery in the Peking Union Hospital in Beijing, China, for tuberculosis. In 1929 Reba and her family ended their service and returned to the U.S. to settle in Kingston, New York. Reba would go on to give lectures on her experiences abroad as a missionary.

Biographical Sketch for Reverend Stephen Willis Ryder

Stephen Willis Ryder was born on February 10th, 1880, in Rockledge, Florida, to Stephen and Phoebe Willis Ryder. Graduating from Yale University in 1909, he attended the New Brunswick Theological Seminary in 1913 and the Union Free Church College in Glasgow, Scotland. He entered the South Japan Mission in 1913, where he served as a minister until 1929, and often travelled to outlying villages to promote interest in Christianity. After returning with his family to the United States, Ryder would go on to receive his PhD in 1935 from Columbia University and publish A Historical Sourcebook of the Japan Mission of the RCA (1859-1930). He served as the pastor of the Flatbush Reformed Church in Ulster County, New York, for 17 years, before retiring from active ministry in 1953. Ryder relocated his family to Florida, where he would eventually pass away in 1967.

South Japan Mission Background

Operating under the Sakoku isolationist policy since the 1630s, Japan largely remained closed off from foreigners and travel until 1853, when the United States forcibility ended the policy through the Perry Expedition, which led to a trade agreement and the establishment of treaty ports. Soon after in 1859, the RCA sent their first missionaries to Japan. In 1889, the Nagasaki-based RCA mission divided from the North Japan Mission in Yokohama and was renamed the South Japan Mission, in which Reba Snapp Ryder and her husband, Stephen Ryder, would enroll in 1913 and 1914. This mission program would be reunited with its sister program, the North Japan Mission, in 1917.

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Scope and Content Note

The Reba Snapp Ryder Collection consists of 1 cubic feet of materials, comprising 3 manuscript boxes, and spans the period 1911 to 1929. The collection primarily features letters written by Reba Snapp Ryder to her parents during her mission for the Reformed Church of America in Japan between 1913 and 1929, which is made up of 16 folders beginning in Box 1 and continuing into Box 2. Many of these retain their original envelopes and are lengthy, ranging from 10 to 20 pages, to produce an abundance of descriptive text. The bulk of the material dates from 1913 and 1924, with correspondence thinning as the family approached their return to the United States in 1929. Earlier correspondence from 1911 to early 1913 highlight Reba’s experiences as a caretaker at the Lily House and at the Folt’s Missionary Institute, which spans 1 and 2 folders respectfully in Box 1. Additional material includes letters and reports from Stephen Ryder in 1 folder, letters from their children in 1 folder, and miscellaneous letters sent from the U.S to Reba in 1 folder. The collection also includes materials such as photographs, illustrations, postcards, Japanese and Canadian paper currency, fabric samples, and a diary. Almost all of the material is in English, except for writing on Japanese envelopes, stamps and one document.

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Arrangement Note

The Reba Snapp Ryder Collection was divided into groups based on their sender, and then into chronological order by the correspondence date sent. As a majority of correspondence was written by Reba Snapp Ryder, these letters were additionally divided into groups from which the location they were sent from, including the Lily House in New York, the Folt’s Missionary Institute, and Japan. The bulk of these letters were written by Reba during her service as a missionary for the Reformed Church of America to her parents in the United States. Other letters included are from her husband, Stephen Ryder, to his parents-in-law, and their daughter Elizabeth Ryder to her grandmother. Additional miscellaneous letters sent from the United States to Reba Snapp Ryder are included. Non-correspondence material was grouped by type, such as photographs, postcards, and a diary. In addition, miscellaneous items have been placed together at the end of the collection.

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Name and Subject Tracings

Researchers can facilitate access to related materials in other collections by searching the Rutgers University Libraries' online public catalog and other union catalogs under the following index terms used for people, organizations, and subjects represented in these records.

Personal Names

Carolyn Ryder 1919-2003
Elizabeth (Betty) Ryder 1916-2015
Reba Catherine Snapp Ryder, b. 1890
Stephen Willis Ryder 1880-1967
Stephen Willis Ryder Jr. 1923-2006

Subject Headings

Eruption of Sakurajima
Holiday celebrations in Japan
Japanese famine and farming practices
Missionaries in Japan
Passing of Empress Dowager Shōken
The Language School for Missionaries in Tokyo
The Reformed Church of America
Transatlantic voyages
Westerners in the East
World War I 1914-1918

Geographical Terms

Chuzenji-Lake (Japan)
Hamilton County, New York
Kagoshima (Japan)
Kurume (Japan)
Kyushu Island (Japan)
Nagoya (Japan)
Peking Union Hospital (Beijing, China)
Herkimer County, New York
Tokyo (Japan)

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Reba Snapp Ryder Missionary Collection. MC 1468. Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries.

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Detailed Decription of the Collection/Container List

This section provides descriptions of the materials found within each series. Each series description is followed by a container list, which gives the titles of the "containers" (for example, folders, volumes, or cassettes) and their locations in the numbered boxes that comprise the collection. The availability of any digital items from a container is indicated with a hyperlink.

Arrangement: Arranged into three subseries:
Folt’s Missionary Institute, 1911-1912
The Lily House, 1912-1913
Japan, 1913-1929
Folt’s Missionary Institute, 1911-1912: Arranged chronologically by dates written, this group includes letters sent by Reba Snapp Ryder to her mother, Cassie M. Snapp, between 1911 and 1912. This documents Reba Snapp Ryder’s experiences at the Folt’s Missionary Institute in Herkimer County, New York, including her involvement teaching, volunteering, observation of Christmas celebrations and general community engagement.
The Lily House, 1912-1913: Grouped chronologically by dates written, this series features letters dating between 1912 and 1913. These cover Reba Snapp Ryder’s time as a caretaker at the Lily House in Hamilton County, New York, an assisted-living community. Sent to her parents, Isaac G. Snapp and Cassie M. Snapp, these cover the daily routines of the Lily House and her work as a caretaker.
Japan, 1913-1929: Arranged chronologically by dates written, this group makes up the majority of documents in the entire collection. It includes letters sent by Reba Snapp Ryder during her service in Japan to her parents, Isaac G. Snapp and Cassie M. Snapp, and covers her experiences and observations as a missionary in Japan. This includes both personal and cultural insight, as Reba discusses her language classes, missionary work and marriage, and comments on her impressions of Japanese culture, travel, and cuisine. She also discusses the fluctuating attitudes of the Japanese towards foreigners during World War I, Japanese pottery, holiday celebrations, and farming. These documents pertain to several events as well, including the eruption of Sakurajima, the passing of Empress Dowager Shōken, and the cholera outbreak of 1916. Some of these letters, primarily those from 1913, 1921, and 1929, cover the conditions of trans-atlantic travel, and letters from 1924 describe her stay and treatment at the Peking Union Hospital for tuberculosis. Almost all of the letters in the group are handwritten, with occasional typewritten letters. As a whole, these documents offer insight into early 20th century missionary work in Japan, while suggesting related avenues of research.
Folt’s Missionary Institute, 1911-1912
Box Folder
1 1 To Parents, 1911
2 To Parents, 1912
The Lily House, 1912-1913
Box Folder
1 3 To Parents,
Japan, 1913-1929
Box Folder
1 4 To Parents, 1913
5 To Parents, 1914
6 To Parents, 1915
7 To Parents, 1916
Box Folder
2 1 To Parents, 1917
2 To Parents, 1918
3 To Parents, 1919
4 To Parents, 1920
5 To Parents, 1921
6 To Parents, 1923
7 To Parents, 1924
8 To Parents, 1925
9 To Parents, 1926
10 To Parents, 1927
11 To Parents, 1928
12 To Parents, 1929
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by dates written.
Summary: This series consists of letters by Stephen Ryder and document his observations of Japan. Almost all of these are letters sent by Stephen to his parents-in-law, which begin in 1915. This series provides insight into family life, missionary experiences, Japanese farming practices, transatlantic travel, the Japanese climate, natural disasters, and the famine and disease that often followed. Most are typed, with a few handwritten letters as well. There are also 2 typed reports regarding Stephen Ryder’s missionary work, as well as one that discusses meeting Captain William H. Hardy. William H. Hardy was a member of the Perry Expedition and a cousin of Alpheus Hardy, the sponsor of Christian missionary and Doshisha University founder Joseph Hardy Neesima.
Box Folder
3 1 Letters to parents-in-law and reports, 1914-1923
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically by date written.
Summary: Primarily contains letters sent by Reba Snapp Ryder’s and Stephen Ryder’s daughter, Elizabeth (Betty) Ryder, to her grandmother. These letters chronicle her experiences aboard an international cruise to China, the Philippines, and Singapore, as well as travel along the Suez Canal. Subjects highlighted are Buddhist temples, travel and weather conditions, botanical gardens, and a description of the various international travelers aboard the ship. One letter includes a fabric sample of a dress in production. Additional letters include a 1928 handwritten letter written by Carolyn Ryder, and a 1931 letter written by Willis Ryder Jr., both to their grandmother. Almost all of the letters are handwritten, excluding one typed letter from Betty Ryder.
Box Folder
3 2 Letters to grandmother, 1925-1931
POSTCARDS, 1913-1929
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically.
Summary: This series features postcards sent from Japan and the United States, including Chicago, Illinois; Ventnor, New Jersey, Kingston; New York; and Arizona. Most of these were sent by Reba Snapp Ryder to her relatives in the U.S. One of these was sent by Elizabeth Ryder, and many of them include additional letters and newspaper clippings attached with them.
Box Folder
3 3 Postcards, 1913-1929
PHOTOGRAPHS, 1913-1922
Arrangement: Arranged
Summary: This series features photographs of Reba Snapp Ryder and her family while on mission in Japan and while on vacation in Honolulu, Hawaii. Included is a class picture of first year students at the Language School of Missionaries in Tokyo, a portrait of Reba Snapp Ryder wearing a yukata, or a traditional Japanese garment for casual wear, and various personal family photographs. Additional photographs show Shinto temples, a Buddhist shrine, holiday decorations, and a view of the harbor in Yokohama.
Box Folder
3 4 Photographs, 1913-1922
DIARY, 1925-1927
Summary: This series includes Reba Snapp Ryder’s diary that was used between 1925 and 1927, with one later entry date from 1933. The diary features notes on her schedule, homework and teaching, as well as poetry, prayers, a recipe for nut bread, genealogy, and a list of birthday presents. Some of the poetry featured include works by Kate Cox Goddard, George Matheson, Rudyard Kipling, Claudia Cranston, and an excerpt from Edna Ferber’s novel, “Dawn O’Hara.” Prohibition is discussed at length as well.
Box Folder
3 5 Diary, 1925-1927
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically and by type.
Summary: This series contains groups of miscellaneous documents and correspondence. Included are letters sent to Reba Snapp Ryder from the United States and from one Japanese student, empty envelopes, paper currency from Japan and Canada, a typewritten Sunday school description, an undated fragment written by Reba Snapp Ryder, and a list of wedding gifts received by Reba Snapp Ryder and Stephen Ryder. A 1925 letter from Ruth of the Peking Union Hospital describes Reba Snapp Ryder’s medical condition and behavior while in China, and the “Circular of Information to Relatives and Friends of Missionaries in Japan” was circulated in response to the a 1923 earthquake. A typewritten quarterly update from 1915 was sent to friends and family from both Stephen Ryder and Reba Snapp Ryder, and describes a full account of their activities, the effects of World War I, and the Fall of Tsingtau as well. Lastly, five additional letters written by Reba Snapp Ryder from 1931 and 1932 cover life after returning to the United States.
Box Folder
3 6 Miscellaneous letters, envelopes, and reports, 1914-1932