Descriptive Summary |
Creator: | Alexander, Robert Jackson |
Title: | Papers |
Dates: | 1890(1945)-1999 |
Quantity: | 215 cubic feet (213 records center cartons, 2 newspaper boxes, 1 oversize folder) |
Collection No.: | MC 974 |
Location: | Stored offsite: Advance notice required to consult these records. |
Language | English. |
Repository: | Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries |
Note: | Preparation of this finding aid was funded by a grant-in-aid from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. |
A microfilm edition of Robert Alexander's interviews is available from at IDC Publishers |
Robert Jackson Alexander was born on November 26, 1918 in Canton, Ohio. He was the son of Ralph S. Alexander, an instructor and graduate student in economics, and Ruth Jackson Alexander. In 1922, the family moved to Leonia, New Jersey, five miles from New York City where R.S. Alexander had attained a teaching position at Columbia. A daughter, Margaret, was born the following year. R.S. Alexander served as a professor at Columbia's School of Business for thirty-nine years, the last ten of which as Chairman of the Marketing Department.(1)
Robert Alexander attended the public schools in Leonia, graduating from high school in 1936. Like many of his contemporaries, he became politicized during the difficult years of the Depression, joining the Young People's Socialist League in 1934. In the summer of 1936, he traveled to Europe on a graduation trip, making an unauthorized detour to Spain, at that time in the beginning stages of civil war. This expedition was the seed of a lifetime interest in Spain and opposition to Francisco Franco's dictatorship.
Upon his return, Alexander matriculated at Columbia University, receiving a B.A. in 1940. As an undergraduate, he was introduced to Latin America, writing a term paper on organized labor in Argentina as a student of the economist Frank Tannenbaum, who would become his mentor and advisor. Alexander stayed at Columbia another year, completing a Master of Arts degree under Tannenbaum's supervision. In 1941, Alexander got his first job as a wire control clerk at the Aluminum Company of America plant in Edgewater, New Jersey. In January 1942, he joined the Board of Economic Warfare as a junior economist, until April when he was drafted into the United States Air Force. In 1943, Alexander was sent to Great Britain as a group operations clerk with the 95th Bomb Group (H). He remained there for about 25 months, during which time he had the opportunity to travel throughout the country. During this period, Alexander spoke to many trade unionists and took notes on their conversations, a foreshadowing of what would become his trademark interview method of research. Alexander later recorded his experiences in an unpublished manuscript "A Yank's Eye View of Britain." He published a pamphlet entitled What Do You Know About British Labor? in 1946.
Upon demobilization in 1945, Alexander was hired by the Labor Division of the Office of Inter American Affairs as a junior economist. In 1946, he received a grant from the Office of International Exchange of Persons of the State Department that allowed him to spend from July 1946 to August 1947 in South America, collecting material for his Ph.D. dissertation on labor relations in Chile. During this period, he visited virtually all the major factories in the country and conducted hundreds of interviews. Alexander's interview method was unusual in that he asked open-ended questions, essentially letting the subject talk, and that he did not record or take notes during the interview, but wrote and typed it up directly afterwards.(2)Based on this research, Alexander was awarded a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia in 1950.
While in Chile, Alexander obtained a post as an instructor in economics at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Alexander would spend his whole career at Rutgers; he was promoted to assistant professor in 1950, associate professor in 1956, and full professor in 1961. He retired at the rank of Professor II in 1989. In 1949, Alexander married Joan O. Powell, who was also from Leonia and was a graduate of Barnard College. The couple lived first in New Brunswick and then in Piscataway across the river from Rutgers' main campus. They had two children: Anthony, born in 1957, and Margaret in 1960.
Robert Alexander's long career has many aspects–he excelled as a scholar, teacher, writer, documentarian and activist. His research interests can be divided into three areas: the politics, economics and labor relations of Latin America (which he broadly defines as all of the Western Hemisphere south of the United States); Spain, particularly the opposition to Franco; and international radical movements, especially the dissident Right and Left opposition to the Stalinist Comintern and its successors.(3)Robert Alexander's work was interdisciplinary before the term became common. His interests were extremely wide-ranging; within Latin America, he wrote about practically every country at some point. When he started his research in the 1940s, there was little secondary literature about Latin America in English. As well as conducting interviews, Alexander worked to collect as much material as possible on what became his yearly trips to the southern hemisphere. Alexander assembled this material, which included pamphlets, broadsides, periodicals, newspapers, labor contracts, union constitutions, unpublished papers, and other documents into a personal library which, along with his over 10,000 interviews, he made freely available to students and scholars.(4)
This collection, particularly the interviews, became the basis of many of Alexander's scholarly publications. He is the author of thirty-eight books; some of which have gone through several editions and been translated into foreign languages; approximately fifty book chapters, and articles too numerous to count. A complete list of his publications, as of 1991, can be found in John D. French's Robert J. Alexander: The Complete Bibliography of a Pioneering Latin Americanist. Alexander's first book, The Peron Era, was published in 1951. Like his other early books, such as Communism in Latin America (1957), and The Bolivian National Revolution (1958), it was widely reviewed in both the academic and popular press, being extremely timely in a period when Latin America had become one of the battlegrounds of the Cold War. In 1957, the Hon. Charles O. Porter of Oregon called attention to Communism in Latin America in the U.S. Congress, as showing "the need for our Government to foster democracy in Latin America and give the cold shoulder to the dictatorships."(5) Alexander's fourth book, The Struggle for Democracy in Latin America, was written with Porter. Indeed Alexander's early work clearly expresses the politics of the democratic left: although opposed to communism, he condemned U.S. military intervention in Latin America and support for dictatorships, while advocating measures to improve economic and social conditions in the southern part of the hemisphere.
In the 1960s, Alexander wrote Organized Labor in Latin America (1965), which became the standard work in the field; two monographs on Venezuela, and several textbooks. Alexander's work in the 1970s focused more on politics, including Latin American Political Parties (Praeger, 1973) and Aprismo: The Ideas and Doctrines of Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre (Kent State University Press, 1973); as well as publishing biographies of Chilean president Arturo Alessandri (whom Alexander had first met in 1947) and Juan Perón. In 1981, Alexander published a biography of his old friend, Venezuelan president Rómulo Betancourt, who died shortly before the book's publication. Betancourt, who had first met Alexander in Caracas in 1948, described him as "almost an Adéco" (a member of Betancourt's party, Acción Democrática).(6)Alexander published his interviews and correspondence with Betancourt in 1990.
During the 1980s, Alexander was editor and major contributor to two reference books, Political Parties of the Americas, published by the Greenwood Press in 1982, and Biographical Dictionary of Latin American and Caribbean Political Leaders, also by published by Greenwood. In the 1990s, Alexander returned to his earlier interests in international radical movements and Spain, with International Trotskyism (Duke University Press, 1991), International Maoism in the Developing World (1991) and Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War (1999). Five volumes of Alexander's interviews and correspondence with Latin American and Caribbean presidents and prime ministers have also been published.
Robert Alexander's research has been published in academic journals, including Social Research, the Journal of International Affairs, Hispanic American Historical Review, the Journal of Economic History, Labor History, and many others. Beginning in the 1940s, he was a regular contributor on Latin American affairs, Spain, and the labor movement to a variety of newspapers and magazines, including New Leader, The Economist, Canadian Forum, Socialist Call, the Inter American Labor Bulletin (in both English and Spanish), International Free Trade Union News, Socialist International Information, New America (the organ of the Socialist Party/Social Democratic Federation), Freedom at Issue, and Hemispherica (the organ of the Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedom). Alexander served on the editorial boards of New Politics and Iberica. His articles appeared in translation in La Revue Socialiste (Paris), Die Zukunft (Vienna), and many others. Alexander also frequently contributed articles to the New York Herald Tribune, the Washington Post, and other national newspapers, as well as numerous letters to the editor on Latin American affairs. The breadth of Alexander's journalistic endeavor reflects his clear, accessible writing style, and his desire to educate the public about Latin America. As of 1991, Alexander had published over 250 book reviews, several hundred contributions to yearbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias, and eight pamphlets, the earliest of which was a description of the Chicago World's Fair written in 1933.
Alexander collected material for his research through his yearly trips to Latin America. From 1952 to 1959, Alexander traveled under the auspices of the American Federation of Labor and the AFL-CIO, reporting on labor conditions in the countries he visited. Alexander was a supporter of the AFL-CIO's efforts to encourage "democratic," as opposed to communist-influenced trade unions in Latin America. He believed that, overall, the AFL-CIO had a positive impact on labor in the region; for example, by conducting training programs for union leaders and aiding union members who were being persecuted by their governments. (7)In 1957, he spent one month in Bolivia with the Foreign Economic Administration. He also received grants from the State Department, the Ford Foundation, and the Rutgers University Research Council, and served several times as a consultant for the Agency for International Development (AID). Alexander spent the year 1965-1966 doing research in Brazil, visiting 21 of Brazil's 22 states. Through his travels and other connections, Alexander developed a web of contacts which enabled him to interview numerous prominent figures, including the heads of state of many countries in the region. Alexander occasionally found himself caught in the middle of violent upheavals. When revolution broke out in Cuba in 1959, he made a flying trip to Havana during the Rutgers examination period to see what was going on. In 1962, he witnessed a short-lived revolt in the Dominican Republic, where Armed Forces Secretary Pedro Ramón Rodríguez Echeverría attempted to set up a military dictatorship. As he recounted afterward to a local newspaper, "when the shooting started in the main plaza, I happened to be there." During the 48 hours that the military junta was in power, Alexander roamed the streets observing. As he remarked, "The streets were deserted and I walked close to the buildings so I could duck in if anything happened."(8)
In addition to his research interests, Robert Alexander played an active role as a faculty member at Rutgers University. Although a member of the department of economics, he also taught courses in history, political science and labor studies, and supervised numerous M.A. and Ph.D. students in all these subjects. From 1959 to 1961, Alexander participated in a special economics seminar for Argentine students, and in a United States Labor Department program to bring Latin American trade unionists to the U.S., in conjunction with the Institute of Management-Labor Relations at Rutgers. An early advocate of study abroad and exchange programs, Alexander was a founder in 1968 of the Latin American Institute, an interdisciplinary program which included a junior year abroad and a Christmas trip to Mexico.(9)Alexander served the university and his college of affiliation, Rutgers College, on numerous committees. Notably, in 1952-1953, he was a member of the Emergency Committee of Rutgers Faculty which opposed the Rutgers' Trustees decision to dismiss two faculty members who had refused to testify before the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security on questions related to Communist Party affiliation. In 1962, Alexander was nominated to the American Civil Liberties Union Academic Freedom Committee. He was a member of the Council for Educational Development, which proposed innovation in the curriculum as a way to respond to student unrest on campus; the Military Education Committee, which considered the future of ROTC at Rutgers College; and the Ad Hoc Committee to Study the Reorganization of the Rutgers University Colleges in New Brunswick. He also served on the University Senate, and in 1979-1981 was a non-voting faculty representative to the Board of Governors. In 1984, he was presented with the Outstanding Teacher Award by the Parents Association of Rutgers College.
Robert Alexander was also active in campus politics, particularly as an advocate of academic freedom and faculty rights. In the 1950s, he was one of the founders and an officer of the first faculty union at Rutgers, a local branch of the American Federation of Teachers. In 1968, Alexander was part of an Ad Hoc Committee to Defend the Right to Teach, which protested the firing of ten teachers in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville District in New York and supported the teachers strike.(10)Although he initially supported the Vietnam War and was critical of the more extreme manifestations of student protest, he began to participate in teach-ins against the war in 1970. In the 1970s, Alexander led protests by the Rutgers College faculty against university president Edward Bloustein's attempt to centralize power in the university administration, citing Bloustein for his contempt of faculty, students, and his attacks on the tenure system.(11)
In addition to teaching at Rutgers, Alexander taught part-time at several other universities. He was a visiting professor of political science at Columbia from 1962 to 1963, and at the New School of Social Research in 1964. He taught summer school at Atlanta University in 1949, at the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras in 1958, 1959, 1962 and 1964, and at the Foreign Service Institute, Department of State in the early 1970s.
As well as teaching and doing research, Robert Alexander played an active role in the developing professional academic speciality of Latin American Studies. He served on the Steering Committee of the Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs, a part of the Latin American Studies Association, and on the Latin American Selection Committee of the Foreign Area Fellowship Program and the Economics Selection Committee of the Fulbright Program. From 1989 to 1990, he was president of the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies, and established its annual periodical, Latin American Essays. Alexander was a frequent speaker at Latin American Studies Association conferences, as well as at those of the American Economics Association, the Southern Economic Association and the American Historical Association. He often took notes on talks by conference participants which he incorporated into his interview files. Notably, Alexander was a member of the Council of Foreign Relations from 1960 onward. His notes on off-the-record meetings provide a valuable record of discussions not published elsewhere.
Robert Alexander's professional activities went far beyond the academic sphere, however. He was what John French has called an "intellectual engagé; a social democratic intellectual convinced, as are others today, that our ideas must speak directly to current problems."(12) As has been seen, since his teen years Alexander was a member of the Socialist Party, serving on its National Executive Committee from 1957 to 1966. He remained a member of its successor, Social Democrats, U.S.A., until 1980, when he left in disillusionment over its increasingly conservative direction. Alexander also served on the Board of Directors of the Rand School of Social Science from 1952 until it closed in 1956. He served on the League of Industrial Democracy's National Council for several years, and was active in Americans for Democratic Action as a delegate to several of its national conventions. Through these activities, Alexander became acquainted with some of the prominent figures of the left, such as Norman Thomas, Max Shachtman, Bayard Rustin, and Michael Harrington.
Robert Alexander was also actively involved in the movement to encourage democracy and condemn U.S. support of totalitarian regimes in Latin America. In the 1960 campaign, Alexander served as a consultant to John F. Kennedy on Latin America problems. In 1961, he was named by president-elect Kennedy to the Task Force on Latin America, which recommended the establishment of the Alliance for Progress. Alexander strongly supported the Alliance's position that economic development and amelioration of poverty were the best means of diffusing communist influence in the hemisphere. In 1950, Alexander was one of the founders of the Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedom, which also espoused these principles, serving as a member of its North American Committee, and as Chairman of that committee until the organization's demise in 1985. From 1958 to 1966, Alexander served on the Board of Directors of Norman Thomas' Institute for International Labor Research, a research and educational organization which sponsored a political training institute in Central America. (13)
Robert Alexander was frequently consulted by the local newspapers for his views on Latin America. In 1954, he criticized the U.S. intervention in Guatemala, and in 1965, was one of a large group of Latin American specialists to sign a petition condemning U.S. military intervention in the Dominican Republic. In 1976, he visited Paraguay as part of an International League for Human Rights mission, and testified in front of the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives on human rights abuses in that country. Alexander was determined to educate the American public on Latin America, giving frequent talks to women's clubs and college groups, and writing in the popular press. As well as giving public lectures, he was a regular speaker on the Rutgers Report on World Affairs, where he gave fifteen minute radio commentaries which were broadcast over seventeen stations across the state.
Alexander was honored in Latin America for his work. He was a special invité to inaugurations of presidents in Venezuela, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Professor Alexander's greatest honor was received in 1963, when President Victor Paz Estenssoro of Bolivia named him to the Order of the Condor of the Andes, based on his book The Bolivian National Revolution, which explained the Bolivian revolution of 1952 to the American people.
Robert J. Alexander died on April 27, 2010.
(1)Robert J. Alexander, Four Alexander Families of Wayne County Ohio.(New Brunswick., N.J., 1975), p. 151-162.
(2)Robert J. Alexander,"Reflections on the Use of Interviews as Primary Sources,"Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries 49:1 (June 1987), p. 40-42.
(4)John D. French,Introduction toRobert J. Alexander: The Complete Bibliography of a Pioneering Latin Americanist (Miami, 1995).
(5) Congressional Record Appendix(July 1, 1957).
(6) Sunday Sentinel.East Brunswick, N.J. (February 7, 1982).
(8) New Brunswick Home News(February 4, 1962).
(9) Rutgers Targum(February 25, 1976).
(10)New York Times(September 18, 1968).
(11) Rutgers Targum(November 16, 1977).
(13) W.A. Swanberg,Norman Thomas: The Last Idealist.(New York, 1976), p. 429-451.
The Robert J. Alexander Papers span the period 1890 to 1999, with the bulk dating from 1945 to 1991. They consist of approximately 215 cubic feet of material, comprised by 213 records center cartons, two newspaper boxes, and an oversized folder. About two-thirds of the material is in English, while about one-third is in Spanish and Portuguese, and a small amount is in French and German. The collection is divided into thirteen series, and consists of two types of material: documentation of Rutgers University Professor Robert J. Alexander's life and work, and research materials collected by him. Professor Alexander has retained files documenting labor, mining, housing and transportation in Latin America, communism and Trotkskyism throughout the world, and ethnic groups in the United States in his office. (See Appendix II). Correspondence files have been retained in his home. (See Appendix III). Access to these materials can be arranged through the repository. Professor Alexander's pamphlet and periodical collection is also held by Special Collections and University Archives.
Material documenting Professor Alexander's life and work comprises the series BIOGRAPHICAL FILES, PUBLISHED WORKS, PHOTOGRAPHS, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY FILES, PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES FILES, and MANUSCRIPTS OF WRITINGS. The BIOGRAPHICAL FILES primarily consist of newspaper clippings about Professor Alexander's accomplishments, activities and travels; reviews of his books, a small amount of material about his family, and personal miscellany. His PUBLISHED WORKS include journal, magazine, newspaper and newsletter articles, pamphlets, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries–essentially items that fit into files, as opposed to Professor Alexander's books, which are catalogued individually in the Rutgers University Libraries. Newspaper clippings have been photocopied on to acid-free paper. These files reflect the full spectrum of Professor Alexander's scholarly interests. In addition, this group contains a small amount of material documenting Alexander's career at Rutgers University, where he was employed from 1947 to 1989, and served on a number of committees, particularly concerned with curriculum and academic freedom. This group also contains a small amount of material documenting Alexander's work outside the university, most notably for the International Institute for Labor Research, of which he was a board member. These files document the running of the organization and include correspondence from Institute president Norman Thomas, Costa Rican president José Figueres, and shadowy figure Sacha Volman. Both the RUTGERS UNIVERSITY and PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES FILES include Professor Alexander's copies of meeting minutes. Finally, this group includes typewritten manuscripts of Professor Alexander's books, often in several drafts. Although primarily published works, this series also includes unpublished materials such as his Ph.D. dissertation, autobiographical works and monographs.
The second group, Professor Alexander's collected research materials, which comprises about two-thirds of the collection, includes the series INTERVIEWS, CORRESPONDENCE WITH JAY LOVESTONE, SUBJECT FILES, LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRY FILES, COUNTRY FILES (NON-LATIN AMERICAN), RESEARCH FILES GENERATED BY OTHERS, and COLLECTED THESES, DISSERTATIONS AND UNPUBLISHED PAPERS. Professor Alexander collected a huge amount of material both for his own research and to share with others. Of particular interest is documentation of Latin America, Spain and international leftist movements, Professor Alexander's primary research interests. This group also includes, however, information on practically every country in the world and every subject under the sun.
Most important are the over 10,000 typescripts of interviews conducted by Professor Alexander. He interviewed Latin American political leaders, industrialists, military and religious leaders, union leaders and ordinary citizens, including many women, with a particular focus on left-wing politicians and labor leaders. These interviews provided the basis for Professor Alexander's research. The letters to Jay Lovestone complement the interviews, which also contain Professor Alexander's impressions of the countries he visited. When Jay Lovestone was head of the International Department of the American Federation of Labor during the 1950s, Professor Alexander sent him reports on the countries he visited, describing the economic and political situation and paying particular attention to communist activity in the trade unions. There are no letters from Jay Lovestone to Professor Alexander.
The LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRY FILES are also of great significance. These include practically all the countries and colonies of the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, including English and French as well as Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. Types of material include newspaper clippings, press releases, publications, reports, unpublished papers, correspondence and broadsides. Like the interviews, they provided source material for Professor's Alexander's books. Primary subjects documented are agriculture, economics, education, labor relations, religion, military affairs, civil liberties, political parties and relations with the United States. This series contains many rare newsletters and broadsides including clandestine materials. Oversize material can be found in the newspaper boxes and oversize folder. The COUNTRY FILES (NON-LATIN AMERICAN) contain a similar type of material, but are generally of less interest. They primarily consist of clippings, and are not as in-depth, although material on left-wing movements and on the United States is more comprehensive.
The SUBJECT FILES again contain similar formats to those in the country files, but they are organized differently, and possibly date from an early period in Professor Alexander's career. They are organized by subject, rather than by country, although countries appear as sub-headings. The primary subjects documented are labor and socialism, but also included are agriculture, anarchism, commodities, industrialization, trade, investment, women's rights, and many others. This series includes material donated by M. Orans, which Professor Alexander interfiled into his own material. This material chiefly dates from the period 1914 to 1922 and documents international socialist movements. Particularly fragile clippings have been copied on to acid-free paper. Oversize material is again stored separately. The RESEARCH MATERIAL GENERATED BY OTHERS and COLLECTED THESES, DISSERTATIONS AND UNPUBLISHED PAPERS series contain essentially the same type of material which Professor Alexander collected in his other research files, but they have been segregated because of a difference in format. The research material consists of data submitted by two researchers on Brazil, while the theses and dissertations are comprised of bound material which could not be placed into folders.
Do not use names of living United States officials.
I. BIOGRAPHICAL FILES 1944-1984 .5 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by heading. | |||||||||||
Material documenting the life and work of Robert J. Alexander and his family. Document types include diaries, manuscripts, book reviews, broadsides, programs, newspaper and magazine clippings, receipts, programs, and identification cards. | |||||||||||
Subjects covered include lectures and programs given by Professor Alexander, his views on Latin American politics and economics, and his travels. Of particular interest is Alexander's eyewitness account of a 1962 coup in the Dominican Republic. Although most of the material is on Professor Alexander's Latin-American interests, it also reflects his interests in economic theory, trade, labor relations, left-wing movements, and his activities at Rutgers University. | |||||||||||
About one-third of the series consists of reviews of Professor Alexander's books. | |||||||||||
Diaries include an appointment book (1961) and a diary recording impressions of the political scene in Great Britain during a 1948 trip. A file of lecture and theater programs and receipts dates from Professor Alexander's war service in London. | |||||||||||
Also includes one file of clippings about Professor's Alexander's family. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
1 | 1 | Appointment Book, 1961 | |||||||||
2 | Broadsides, 1954-ca. 1980 | ||||||||||
3 | Certificates, Identification Cards and Badges | ||||||||||
4-10 | Clippings, 1947-1989 | ||||||||||
11 | Clippings--Family Members, 1959-1983 | ||||||||||
12 | Diary, ca. 1948 | ||||||||||
13 | Lectures and Courses, 1960-1978 | ||||||||||
14 | Miscellany, 1951-ca. 1970 | ||||||||||
15 | Press Releases, 1951-1984 | ||||||||||
16 | Programs--London, 1944-1945 | ||||||||||
17 | Radio Broadcasts, 1952-1971 | ||||||||||
18 | Responses to Alexander's Writings, 1956-1980 | ||||||||||
19 | Reviews: The Perón Era, 1951-1952vb | ||||||||||
20 | Reviews: The Perón Era--German Press, 1953-1954 | ||||||||||
21 | Book Reviews: Communism in Latin America, 1957-1958 | ||||||||||
22 | Reviews: Struggle for Democracy in Latin America, 1961 | ||||||||||
23 | Reviews: Prophets of the Revolution, 1962 | ||||||||||
24 | Reviews: Communist Party of Venezuela, 1970 | ||||||||||
25 | Juan Domingo Perón, 1979 | ||||||||||
26 | Reviews: Tragedy of Chile, 1979 | ||||||||||
27 | Reviews: Rómulo Betancourt, 1982-1983 | ||||||||||
28-29 | Reviews: Miscellaneous, 1942-1983 | ||||||||||
30 | Speech--"Communism in Latin America," Undated | ||||||||||
31 | Statement of Research Plans, 1968 |
II. PHOTOGRAPHS 1936-1978 .25 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Grouped by type and arranged chronologically within each type. | |||||||||||
Photographs of Robert Alexander, his friends, colleagues, and places visited. All photographs are in black and white except for one color view and are in various sizes. | |||||||||||
Portraits include Alexander teaching and speaking, South American, Central American and Caribbean leaders such as Rómulo Betancourt, Luis Monge, Michael Manley, and Luis Muñoz Marín, and Alexander's boyhood friends. Group portraits document conferences and meetings in the United States, Europe and Latin America. Views include Bolivia after the 1952 revolution. Several photographs are unidentified. | |||||||||||
Of particular interest is a photograph of a peasant militia in Bolivia after the 1952 revolution. Also of interest is a photograph of the Ideological Workshop on Social Democracy in Latin America (1978) which includes a number of Latin American political leaders. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
1 | 32 | Group Portraits--Meetings and Events, 1952-1961 | |||||||||
33 | Portraits--Robert Alexander, 1964 and Undated | ||||||||||
34 | Group Portraits--Barbados Workers Union Annual Conference and Robert Alexander with Michael Manley, 1970 | ||||||||||
35 | Group Portraits--Friedrich Ebert Foundation Conference, Badgodesburg, Germany, 1960s | ||||||||||
36 | Group Portraits--Meetings--Unidentified | ||||||||||
37 | Group Portraits--Meetings and Events, 1971-1978 and Undated | ||||||||||
38 | Group Portraits--Seminar, Undated | ||||||||||
39 | Portraits--Rómulo Betancourt, ca. 1980 | ||||||||||
40 | Portraits--Friends, 1936 | ||||||||||
41 | Views--Bolivia--Cochabamba, ca. 1954 | ||||||||||
42 | Views--Latin America, Unidentified |
III. PUBLISHED WORKS, 1946-1980 1.5 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Grouped by format. Articles are arranged alphabetically by journal title within the article format group. Other format groups are arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||
Published work written by Robert J. Alexander. Document types include magazine, journal, newspaper, and newsletter articles, pamphlets, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, book reviews, published conference papers and proceedings, published reports, and letters to the editor. | |||||||||||
Documents full spectrum of Professor Alexander's scholarly interests: Latin America, left-wing political movements, economic theory, trade policy, labor movements and labor relations. Alexander often participated in printed colloquiums with other scholars, reflecting the state of New Left scholarly thought in the 1950s and 1960s. Professor Alexander wrote in both English and Spanish. Many of his articles were translated into Portuguese, French, or German. | |||||||||||
Includes copies of Professor Alexander's regular articles for The Canadian Forum, The Economist, Freedom at Issue, Janata (an Indian socialist newspaper), New Leader, New America, Inter-American Labor Bulletin, International Free Trade Union News, Socialist International Information, and Socialist Call. He was also a frequent contributor to Current History and New Politics. Alexander's articles appeared in some unusual venues including the Oberlin College student paper, The Activist, and Barn, a Welsh-language journal. In 1957, he wrote a regular column on labor relations for Ingenieria Internacional Industria, a Spanish-language engineering trade magazine. | |||||||||||
He frequently published articles in Latin-American and U.S. newspapers, including letters to the editor of the New York Times. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
1 | 43 | Articles--The Activist, 1964 | |||||||||
44 | Articles--American Federationist, 1952-1953 | ||||||||||
45 | Articles--Barn (Wales), 1971 | ||||||||||
46 | Articles--The Canadian Forum, 1946-1957 | ||||||||||
47 | Articles--Challenge, 1960-1961 | ||||||||||
48 | Articles--Current History, 1953-1965 | ||||||||||
49 | Articles--The Economist, 1952-1957 | ||||||||||
50 | Articles--Foreign Policy Bulletin, 1952-1961 | ||||||||||
51 | Articles--Freedom at Issue, 1972-1974 | ||||||||||
52 | Articles--Hammer and Tongs, 1957-1958 | ||||||||||
53 | Articles--Humanismo, 1955 | ||||||||||
54 | Articles--Iberica, 1954 and 1964 | ||||||||||
55 | Articles--Ingeniería Internacional Industria, 1957 | ||||||||||
56 | Articles--Institute of Social Science Bulletin, 1955 | ||||||||||
57 | Articles--Janata, 1951-1963 | ||||||||||
58 | Articles--Journal of International Affairs, 1955-1961 | ||||||||||
59 | Articles--Journals: American Journal of Economics and Sociology-Europa Archiv, 1958-1961 | ||||||||||
60 | Articles--Journals: Foreign Affairs-Latin American Problems, 1949-1973 | ||||||||||
61 | Articles--Journals: Phylon-Viertel Jahres Berichte, 1949-1973 | ||||||||||
62 | Articles--Journals: Texas Quarterly, 1972 | ||||||||||
63 | Articles--Labor and Nation, 1951 and Modern Review, 1949 | ||||||||||
64-65 | Articles--New America, 1961-1974 | ||||||||||
66 | Articles--New Leader, 1949-1955 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
2 | 1-2 | Articles--New Leader, 1956-1962 | |||||||||
3-4 | Articles--New Politics, 1961-1973 | ||||||||||
5-6 | Articles--Newsletters--Inter-American Labor Bulletin, 1950-1962 | ||||||||||
7 | Articles--Newsletters--Miscellaneous, 1953-1962 | ||||||||||
8 | Articles--Newsletters--International Free Trade Union News, 1952-1958 | ||||||||||
9 | Articles--Newsletters--[International] AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 1963-1974 | ||||||||||
10 | Articles--Newsletters--Socialist International Information, 1955-1963 | ||||||||||
11 | Articles--Político, 1959-1961 | ||||||||||
12 | Articles--Problems of Communism, 1955-1961 | ||||||||||
13 | Articles--The Progressive, 1950, 1953 and 1960 | ||||||||||
14 | Articles--Programa, 1952-1953 and Undated | ||||||||||
15 | Articles--La Revue Socialiste, 1955-1965 and Undated | ||||||||||
16-17 | Articles--The Socialist Call, 1949-1962 | ||||||||||
18-19 | Articles--Various, 1947-1969 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Articles--Die Zukunft, 1954-1964 | ||||||||||
21 | Book Chapters, 1955-1977 | ||||||||||
22-31 | Book Reviews, 1949-1973 | ||||||||||
32-34 | Conference Papers, 1960-1973 | ||||||||||
35 | Conference Proceedings, 1970-1971 | ||||||||||
36 | Encyclopedia Articles, 1962-1973 | ||||||||||
37 | Letters to the Editor, 1952-1980 | ||||||||||
38 | Memoranda, 1967 and Undated | ||||||||||
39-45 | Newspaper Articles, 1940s-1974 | ||||||||||
46 | Pamphlets, 1946-1950 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
3 | 1 | Pamphlets, 1952-1960 | |||||||||
2 | Reports, 1963 and Undated | ||||||||||
3 | Textbook--Latin America, 1964 |
IV. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY FILES, 1952-1974 .3 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Grouped alphabetically by heading and thereunder chronologically. | |||||||||||
Documentation of committee work and other activities in which Robert Alexander was involved as a professor at Rutgers University. Document types include minutes, agendas, correspondence, statements, reports, and writings. | |||||||||||
Includes documentation of academic freedom cases (1952-1967); the Council for Educational Development (1969-1971); a special economics seminar for Argentine students (1959-1961); the Military Education Committee (1968); and a history of the Rutgers College economics department written by Professor Alexander. | |||||||||||
Of particular interest is documentation of the Emergency Committee of Rutgers Faculty (1952-1953), set up in response to the Rutgers trustees' decision to dismiss Simon W. Heimlich and Moses I. Finley, two faculty members who refused to testify before the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security on questions related to Communist Party affiliation. | |||||||||||
The Council for Educational Development was a faculty committee which proposed innovations in the curriculum such as independent study courses, interdisciplinary courses and exchange programs; as well as considering ways to respond to the student unrest on campus. The Military Education Committee considered the status of the ROTC program and its relationship to the Rutgers College curriculum. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
3 | 4-6 | "A History of the Economics Department of Rutgers College," 1974 | |||||||||
7-8 | Academic Freedom, 1952-1967 | ||||||||||
9-10 | Council for Educational Development, 1969-1971 | ||||||||||
11 | Economics Seminar for Argentine Student Leaders, 1959-1961 | ||||||||||
12-14 | Military Education Committee, 1968 | ||||||||||
15 | Miscellaneous Documents, 1987-1988 |
V. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES FILES, 1958-1988 .4 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Grouped alphabetically by heading and thereafter chronologically. | |||||||||||
Documentation of professional organizations and activities in which Professor Alexander was involved outside of his Rutgers University activities. Document types include correspondence, minutes, reports, budgets, telegrams and press clippings. | |||||||||||
Includes documentation of the Alliance for Progress Study Group (a sub-group of the International Study Group on Freedom and Democracy which focused on Latin American policy); and the American Civil Liberties Union Academic Freedom Committee, for which Alexander was nominated in 1962. The largest group of material, however, documents the International Institute for Labor Research, Inc. (1958-1965), of which Alexander was a board member. | |||||||||||
Files on the International Institute for Labor Research document discussion of the policies, structure and funding of the organization; its publication and educational programs; personnel and other internal issues; and events leading to the dissolution of the organization in 1966. Most of the material concerns the institute's programs in Latin America, namely the Institute for Political Education in Costa Rica, the Inter-American Center for Political Training in the Dominican Republic and the Centro de Estudios y Documentación in Mexico. Important correspondents include Costa Rican president José Figueres, institute president Norman Thomas, and secretary Sacha Volman. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
3 | 16 | Alliance for Progress Study Group (Dreier Group), 1962-1963 | |||||||||
17-18 | American Civil Liberties Union, 1962-1964 | ||||||||||
19-34 | Institute of International Labor Research, Inc., 1958-1965 and Undated | ||||||||||
35 | Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1988 |
VI. CORRESPONDENCE WITH JAY LOVESTONE, 1954-1959 3 folders | |||||||||||
Arranged chronologically. | |||||||||||
Carbon copies of letters describing conditions in Latin America written by Robert Alexander to Jay Lovestone when Lovestone was head of the International Department of the American Federation of Labor and later the AFL-CIO. | |||||||||||
Letters are long and detailed, and apparently were sent with copies of Alexander's interviews enclosed. All the letters have a similar format: Alexander describes the general political and economic situations, the outlook towards international affairs, the trade unions, and finally makes recommendations about how to counter communist influence in the labor unions. The majority of the letters focus on individual countries, but some describe two or more. Countries include Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, British Guiana, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Peru, Puerto Rico, Surinam, Trinidad and Uruguay. | |||||||||||
Of particular interest is Alexander's description of his visit to Guatemala in January 1954, shortly before the U.S. government's intervention in that country. Alexander describes communist domination of the unions and the absence of a viable democratic leftist party. Also of interest is Alexander's description of a revolt attempt in Buenos Aires in June 1956 and the repressive measures that followed it. | |||||||||||
Alexander made two trips to Cuba in 1959. In January, he commented on the relationships between different factions after the fall of Fulgencio Batista, and the ascendancy of Fidel Castro's 26 July movement. He also discusses the military trials which were taking place, the influence of communism in the trade unions, and attitudes toward the international labor movement. In July, Alexander describes changes made by the Castro government, communist infiltration of the 26 July movement, and agrarian reform. Castro, Alexander writes, "is certainly not a Communist." | |||||||||||
Other subjects discussed include the Frondizi government's attempt to implement free-market policies in Argentina in 1959 and the building of the new Brazilian capital, Brasilia. | |||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
1 | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
3 | 36-38 | 1954-1959 |
VII. INTERVIEWS, 1947-1994 7.5 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by country. | |||||||||||
Notes on interviews conducted by Robert J. Alexander. Almost all are typed, but also includes a few handwritten pages on which he based the typescripts. Primarily concerned with South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, also including discussion of North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Interviews are filed by the country or region discussed, rather than the place that the interview was held or the nationality of the speaker. Primarily documents the political and economic situation in each country, with a focus on labor relations. Other subjects discussed include foreign policy, military affairs, religion, education, and urban planning. Includes interviews with many prominent Latin American leaders including presidents, cabinet ministers, party leaders, presidents of corporations, and union leaders. Many individuals were in exile when Alexander interviewed them. He also interviewed many women–both professionals and wives of prominent men–and ordinary citizens such as taxi drivers, waiters, and chambermaids. Included are many interviews with academics and students. Some individuals were interviewed several times over the 45-year time span. | |||||||||||
Alexander classified earlier interviews by the occupation of the individual–employers, politicians, etc. Some are classified as foreign observers. Later interviews are classified simply by country and date. Some of these later interviews are actually rough transcriptions of what people said at conferences or other meetings attended by Alexander. | |||||||||||
Of particular interest in the United States files are numerous interviews with U.S. communists, socialists, and Trotskyites. Also of interest are a group of interviews with Robert Alexander's father, R.S. Alexander, about his early life. | |||||||||||
Interviews classified as "general" or "Miscellaneous" cover a number of countries or regions, or focus on general issues such as trade. | |||||||||||
Also includes Alexander's observations of countries he visited. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
4 | 1-7 | Africa, 1954-1993 | |||||||||
8-9 | Anguilla, 1969-1986 | ||||||||||
10 | Anguilla--Observations, 1969-1970 | ||||||||||
11-12 | Antigua, 1969-1970 | ||||||||||
13-23 | Argentina, 1947-1995 | ||||||||||
24 | Argentina--Business Men and Employers, 1954-1978 | ||||||||||
25 | Argentina--Government Officials, 1959-1963 | ||||||||||
26 | Argentina--Observations, 1955, 1956, 1966, 1968 | ||||||||||
27 | Argentina--Politicians--Communists and Trotskyites, 1954-1958 | ||||||||||
28 | Argentina--Politicians--Dissident Socialists--Muniz Faction, etc., 1959-1978 | ||||||||||
29-30 | Argentina--Politicians--Foreign Observers, 1952-1976 | ||||||||||
31 | Argentina--Politicians--Peronistas, 1958-1960 | ||||||||||
32 | Argentina--Politicians--Radicals, 1954-1959 | ||||||||||
33 | Argentina--Politicians--Various, 1950-1976 | ||||||||||
34-35 | Argentina--Politicians--Socialists, 1941-1977 | ||||||||||
36-37 | Argentina--Trade Unionists--Buenos Aires, 1954-1968 | ||||||||||
38 | Argentina--Trade Unionists--Interior, 1956-1978 | ||||||||||
39 | Argentina--Trade Unionists--Mendoza, 1956 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
4 | 40 | Asia--General, 1953-1966 | |||||||||
41 | Asia--Miscellaneous, 1957-1988 | ||||||||||
42 | Australia/New Zealand, 1958-1994 | ||||||||||
43 | Bahamas, 1957 and 1979 | ||||||||||
44 | Bahamas--Observations, 1956, 1965, 1969 and 1970 | ||||||||||
45 | Barbados--Interviews, 1950s | ||||||||||
46-48 | Barbados, 1960-1993 | ||||||||||
49 | Belize, 1980-1985 and 1995 | ||||||||||
50 | Bermuda, 1979-1980 and 1995 | ||||||||||
51-55 | Bolivia, 1954-1994 | ||||||||||
56 | Bolivia--Agrarian Reforms, 1953, 1957 and 1963 | ||||||||||
57 | Bolivia--Employers, Businessmen, and Managers, 1950, 1953 and 1962 | ||||||||||
58 | Bolivia--Foreign Observers, 1952-1975 | ||||||||||
59 | Bolivia--Government Officials, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1969 and 1977 | ||||||||||
60 | Bolivia--Labor Leaders, 1952, 1953, 1957, 1959 and 1963 | ||||||||||
61 | Bolivia- Politicians, 1953, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1967, 1969 and 1978 | ||||||||||
62 | Brazil, 1956-1975 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
5 | 1-2 | Brazil, 1975-A~Z | |||||||||
3-7 | Brazil, 1977-1995 | ||||||||||
8 | Brazil--Agriculture (Agrarian Reform), 1965 and 1966 | ||||||||||
9 | Brazil--Associação Commercial, 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
10 | Brazil--Banker and Bank Officials, 1956-1966 | ||||||||||
11-13 | Brazil--Businessmen and Employers, 1956-1966 | ||||||||||
14 | Brazil--Catholic Labor Groups, and Miscellaneous Labor, 1954-1966 | ||||||||||
15 | Brazil--Employers: Sindicatos, Federations and Con-Federations, 1956 | ||||||||||
16 | Brazil--Doctors, 1956 and 1966 | ||||||||||
17-18 | Brazil--Interviews--Economics 1950s-1960s | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
5 | 19-23 | Brazil--Foreign Observers, 1951- 1977 | |||||||||
24 | Brazil--Interviews--Literati, 1958, 1962, 1965 and 1966 | ||||||||||
25 | Brazil--Journalists, 1956-1970 | ||||||||||
26 | Brazil--Judges, 1956, 1965 and 1966 | ||||||||||
27 | Brazil--Military and Police, 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
28-31 | Brazil--Observations, 1953-1966 | ||||||||||
32 | Brazil--Observations and Interviews, 1971 | ||||||||||
33 | Brazil--Partido Democrata Cristão (PDC), 1959-1965 | ||||||||||
34 | Brazil--Political Scientists & Historians, 1965, 1966 and 1970 | ||||||||||
35 | Brazil--Politicians--Communist Party (PCB), 1965 | ||||||||||
36 | Brazil--Politicians--Miscellaneous, 1956-1966 | ||||||||||
37 | Brazil--Politicians--Partido de Representação Popular (PRP), 1956-1965 | ||||||||||
38 | Brazil--Partido Socialista do Brasil (PSB), 1956-1967 | ||||||||||
39 | Brazil--Partido Social Democratico (PSD), 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
40 | Brazil--Politicians--Partido Socialista Popular (PSP), 1956 | ||||||||||
41 | Brazil--Politicians--Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (PTB), 1956-1966 | ||||||||||
42 | Brazil--Politicians--União Democratica Nacional (UDN), 1961-1966 | ||||||||||
43-44 | Brazil--Interviews--Professors, Teachers, etc. 1950s-1960s | ||||||||||
45 | Brazil--Publishers, 1963, 1965 and 1966 | ||||||||||
46 | Brazil--Religious--Catholic, 1965 and 1966 | ||||||||||
47 | Brazil--Religious Interviews--Non Catholic, 1956, 1963, 1965 and 1966 | ||||||||||
48 | Brazil--SENAI and SESI and SESCI, 1956-1965 | ||||||||||
49 | Brazil--Sociologists and Anthropologists, 1956, 1962, 1965, 1966, 1970 and 1976 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
5 | 50-51 | Brazil--State and Municipal Government Officials, 1956-1966 | |||||||||
52 | Brazil--Students, 1962 and 1969 | ||||||||||
53 | Brazil--SUDENE, SPUEA, State Economic Development Groups, SENAC, 1956 and 1966 | ||||||||||
54 | Brazil--Theaters, Movies, Art, etc., 1959 and 1965 | ||||||||||
55 | Brazil--Trade Unionists--Bahia, 1956-1962 | ||||||||||
56 | Brazil--Trade Unionists--Minas Gerais and Brasilia, 1956 | ||||||||||
57 | Brazil--Trade Unionists--North & Northeast, 1956-1966 | ||||||||||
58 | Brazil--Trade Unionists--Parana, St. Catarina Rio Grande Do Sul, 1956-1965 | ||||||||||
59 | Brazil--Trade Unionists--Rio de Janeiro & Espirito Santo, 1956-1965 | ||||||||||
60 | Brazil--Trade Unionists--São Paulo, 1956-1968 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
6 | 1 | British Honduras--Interviews, 1962-1967 | |||||||||
2 | British Honduras--Observations, 1967 | ||||||||||
3 | British Virgin Islands, 1979 | ||||||||||
4 | Burma, 1957-1988 | ||||||||||
5 | Caribbean--General, 1979-1989 | ||||||||||
6-10 | Canada, 1951-1996 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
6 | 11 | Cayman Islands, 1967 and 1980 | |||||||||
12-13 | Chile, 1956-1969 | ||||||||||
14-16 | Chile, 1971, A~Z | ||||||||||
17-19 | Chile, 1972-1974 | ||||||||||
20-22 | Chile, 1974-1975, A~Z | ||||||||||
23-27 | Chile, 1975-1994 | ||||||||||
28 | Chile--Agrarian Reform, 1963 | ||||||||||
29 | Chile--Employers--North, 1956 | ||||||||||
30 | Chile--Employers (Santiago), 1956-1961 | ||||||||||
31 | Chile--Employers--Valparaiso, 1956 | ||||||||||
32 | Chile--Foreign Observers, 1952-1971 | ||||||||||
33 | Chile--Government Officials, 1950-1968 | ||||||||||
34 | Chile--Observations, 1946-1966 | ||||||||||
35 | Chile--Politicians--Christian Democrats, 1959-1980 | ||||||||||
36 | Chile--Politicians--Conservatives, 1962 | ||||||||||
37 | Chile--Politicians--Miscellaneous, 1950-1980 | ||||||||||
38 | Chile--Politicians--Radicals--Democratic, 1958-1970 | ||||||||||
39 | Chile--Politicians--Socialists, 1948-1978 | ||||||||||
40 | Chile--Religious, 1961, 1963 and 1980 | ||||||||||
41 | Chile--Trade Unionists--North, 1956 and 1960 | ||||||||||
42 | Chile--Trade Unionists (Santiago), 1949-1959 | ||||||||||
43 | Chile--Trade Unionists--Valparaiso, 1956 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
6 | 44-48 | China, 1954-1989 | |||||||||
49-50 | Colombia, 1948-1996 | ||||||||||
51 | Colombia--Businessmen & Employers, 1948, 1949 and 1963 | ||||||||||
52 | Colombia--Foreign Observers, 1951 and 1970 | ||||||||||
53 | Colombia--Observations, 1970 | ||||||||||
54 | Colombia--Politicians, 1948-1970 | ||||||||||
55 | Colombia--Trade Unionists, 1948-1970 | ||||||||||
56-59 | Costa Rica, 1948-1994 | ||||||||||
60 | Costa Rica--Employers, 1948, 1953 and 1959 | ||||||||||
61 | Costa Rica--Foreign Observers, 1952 and 1970 | ||||||||||
62 | Costa Rica--Labor, 1948-1976 | ||||||||||
63 | Costa Rica--Observations, 1952 and 1967 | ||||||||||
64-68 | Cuba, 1951-1996 | ||||||||||
69 | Cuba--Businessmen & Employers, 1959 and 1961 | ||||||||||
70-71 | Cuba--Foreign Observers, 1948-1979 | ||||||||||
72 | Cuba--Government Officials, 1952-1979 | ||||||||||
73 | Cuba--Observations, 1959 | ||||||||||
74-76 | Cuba--Politicians, 1952-1970 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
7 | 1 | Cuba--Trade Unionists, before 1959 | |||||||||
2 | Cuba--Trade Unionists, after 1959 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
7 | 3 | Curacao--Interviews, 1958 | |||||||||
4 | Dominica--Interviews, 1969 | ||||||||||
5 | Dominica--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
6-12 | Dominican Republic, 1949-1996 | ||||||||||
13 | Dominican Republic--Foreign Observers, 1957-1979 | ||||||||||
14 | Dominican Republic--Government Officials, 1949-1970 | ||||||||||
15 | Dominican Republic--Labor, 1949-1970 | ||||||||||
16 | Dominican Republic--Observations, 1962-1970 | ||||||||||
17 | Dominican Republic--Politicians--Partido Revolucionario Dominicano (PRD), 1952-1977 | ||||||||||
18 | Dominican Republic--Politicians--Partido Revolucionario Social Cristiano (PRSC), 1962-1976 | ||||||||||
19 | Dominican Republic--Politicians--Union Civica Nacional (UCN), 1962 | ||||||||||
20 | Dominican Republic--Politicians--Vanguardia Revolucionaria Dominicana (VRD), 1958-1962 | ||||||||||
21 | Dominican Republic--Politicians--Various, 1958-1962 | ||||||||||
22 | Dominican Republic--Solidarity Meeting with Partido Revolucionario Dominicano, 1978 | ||||||||||
23-24 | East Asia, 1982-1994 | ||||||||||
25-30 | Eastern Europe, 1953-1996 | ||||||||||
31-32 | Ecuador, 1952-1989 | ||||||||||
33 | Ecuador Trip, 1975 | ||||||||||
34-36 | El Salvador, 1948-1994 | ||||||||||
37 | El Salvador--Observations, 1967 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
7 | 38-42 | Europe, 1958-1994 | |||||||||
43-45 | European Trip, 1964 | ||||||||||
46-47 | France, 1957-1984 | ||||||||||
48 | French Guiana, 1956-1979 | ||||||||||
49 | General--Decade of Change Conference, 1973 | ||||||||||
50 | General--Foreign Policy, 1982-1985 | ||||||||||
51-52 | Germany, 1953-1984 | ||||||||||
53 | Grenada, 1969 | ||||||||||
54-59 | Great Britain, 1943-1991 | ||||||||||
60 | Greece, 1955-1994 | ||||||||||
61 | Grenada--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
62 | Grenada, 1983-1987, 1989 and 1995 | ||||||||||
63-64 | Guadeloupe, 1969-1983 | ||||||||||
65 | Guadeloupe--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
66 | Guatemala, 1964-1975 | ||||||||||
67 | Guatemala, 1982-1994 | ||||||||||
68 | Guatemala--Agrarian Reforms, 1948-1967 | ||||||||||
69 | Guatemala--Employers, 1948-1967 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
8 | 1 | Guatemala--Foreign Observers, 1953-1980 | |||||||||
2 | Guatemala--Government Officials and Miscellaneous, 1948-1978 | ||||||||||
3 | Guatemala--Labor, 1948-1967 | ||||||||||
4 | Guatemala--Observations, 1967 | ||||||||||
5 | Guatemala--Politicians, 1948-1980 | ||||||||||
6-7 | Guyana, 1965-1995 | ||||||||||
8 | Guyana--Observations, 1956-1970 | ||||||||||
9-12 | Haiti, 1948-1994 | ||||||||||
13 | Haiti--Observations, 1952 | ||||||||||
14 | Haiti--Observations and Interviews, 1971 | ||||||||||
15 | Honduras, 1963-1989 | ||||||||||
16 | Honduras--Observations, 1967 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
8 | 17-19 | India, 1953-1996 | |||||||||
20 | Italy, 1957-1976 and 1984 | ||||||||||
21-24 | Jamaica, 1947-1989 | ||||||||||
25 | Jamaica--Observations, 1967-1971 | ||||||||||
26 | Korea, 1958-1973 and 1989 | ||||||||||
27 | Japan, 1957-1968, 1989 and 1992 | ||||||||||
28-36 | Latin America--General, 1948-1994 | ||||||||||
37-38 | Latin America--Foreign Observers, 1964-1971 | ||||||||||
39-40 | Latin America--Observations, 1964-1975 | ||||||||||
41 | Latin American Studies Association, 1968 | ||||||||||
42 | Leeward and Windward Islands--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
43 | Martinique--Interviews, 1958-1969 | ||||||||||
44 | Martinique--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
8 | 45-48 | Mexico, 1948-1996 | |||||||||
49 | Mexico--Agrarian Reform, 1948-1963 | ||||||||||
50 | Mexico--Employers and Businessmen, 1948-1963 | ||||||||||
51 | Mexico--Foreign Observers, 1953-1980 | ||||||||||
52 | Mexico--Government Officials, 1963-1978 | ||||||||||
53 | Mexico--Observations, 1963-1971 | ||||||||||
54 | Mexico--Petroleum, 1963 | ||||||||||
55 | Mexico--Politicians--Communists and Trotskyites, 1954-1971 | ||||||||||
56 | Mexico--Politicians--Miscellaneous 1948-1963 | ||||||||||
57 | Mexico--Politicians--Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), 1963 | ||||||||||
58 | Mexico--Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI)- Politicians, 1951-1970 | ||||||||||
59 | Mexico--Religion, 1953-1963 | ||||||||||
60 | Mexico--Trade Unions--CROM, CGT, CPN and Independent, 1948-1963 | ||||||||||
61 | Mexico--Trade Unionists--Confederación de Trabajadores de Mexico (CTM), 1948-1971 | ||||||||||
62 | Mexico--Trade Unionists--Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos (CROC), 1963 | ||||||||||
63 | Mexico--Trade Unionists--Miscellaneous, 1948-1971 | ||||||||||
64 | Mexico Trip, 1975 | ||||||||||
65-68 | Middle East, 1953-1996 | ||||||||||
69-70 | Miscellaneous, 1962-1994 | ||||||||||
71 | Montserrat--Interviews, 1969 and 1979 | ||||||||||
72 | Montserrat--Observations, 1969 and 1979 | ||||||||||
73 | Netherlands Antilles, 1983-1992 | ||||||||||
74 | Nicaragua, 1953-1964 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
9 | 1-5 | Nicaragua, 1967-1992 | |||||||||
6 | Nicaragua--Observations, 1967 | ||||||||||
7 | Pakistan/Bangladesh, 1957-1994 | ||||||||||
8-10 | Panama, 1952-1993 | ||||||||||
11 | Panama--Observations, 1967 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
9 | 12-13 | Paraguay, 1954-1995 | |||||||||
14 | Paraguay--Foreign Observers, 1954-1977 | ||||||||||
15 | Paraguay--Indian Affairs, 1976 | ||||||||||
16 | Paraguay--Observations, 1976 | ||||||||||
17 | Paraguay--Politicians--Colorados, 1976 | ||||||||||
18 | Paraguay--Politicians--Liberals, 1963-1976 | ||||||||||
19 | Paraguay--Politicians--Miscellaneous, 1959-1978 | ||||||||||
20 | Paraguay--Political Prisoners, 1976 | ||||||||||
21 | Paraguay--Religion, 1965-1976 | ||||||||||
22 | Peru, 1964-1995 | ||||||||||
28 | Peru--Foreign Observers, 1953-1970 | ||||||||||
29 | Peru--Observations and Interviews, 1971 | ||||||||||
30 | Peru--Trade Unionists, 1954-1963 | ||||||||||
31 | Peru--Politicians- Apristas, 1956-1969 | ||||||||||
32 | Peru--Politicians--Communists, Ex-Communists and Trotskyites, 1962-1978 | ||||||||||
33-34 | Peru--Politicians--Miscellaneous, 1958-1979 | ||||||||||
35 | Peru--Politicians--Socialists, 1962 | ||||||||||
36 | Peru Trip, 1975 | ||||||||||
37 | Philippines, 1960-1988 | ||||||||||
38 | Portugal, 1960-1976 | ||||||||||
39-42 | Puerto Rico, 1948-1993 | ||||||||||
43 | Puerto Rico--Arts and Literati, 1958-1959 | ||||||||||
44 | Puerto Rico--Businessmen and Employers, 1956-1979 | ||||||||||
45 | Puerto Rico--Continental Foreign Observers, 1956-1976 | ||||||||||
46 | Puerto Rico--Government Officials, 1956-1977 | ||||||||||
47 | Puerto Rico--Observations, 1959-1969 | ||||||||||
48 | Puerto Rico--Politicians, 1952-1962 | ||||||||||
49 | Puerto Rico--Trade Unionists, 1956-1968 | ||||||||||
50-51 | Puerto Rico--University and College Faculty and Students, 1956-1969 | ||||||||||
52 | St. Kitts, 1955-1969 | ||||||||||
53 | St. Kitts/Nevis, 1985 | ||||||||||
54 | St. Kitts--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
55 | St. Lucia--Interviews, 1965-1969 | ||||||||||
56 | St. Lucia, 1981-1984 | ||||||||||
57 | St. Lucia--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
58 | St. Maartens--Interviews, 1969 | ||||||||||
59 | St. Maartens--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
60-61 | St. Vincent, 1969 and 1979 | ||||||||||
62 | St. Vincent--Observations, 1969 | ||||||||||
63 | Scandinavia, 1955-1981 | ||||||||||
64-65 | South Asia, 1983 and 1994 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
9 | 66-69 | Soviet Union, 1953-1994 | |||||||||
70 | Soviet Union--Views of Latin America, 1983 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
10 | 1-4 | Spain, 1955-1994 | |||||||||
5 | Spain--Anarchists, 1960 | ||||||||||
6 | Spain--Business and Economics, 1960 | ||||||||||
7 | Spain--Christian Democrats and Miscellaneous Politicians, 1960 | ||||||||||
8-11 | Spain--CNT, 1960 | ||||||||||
12 | Spain--Foreign Observers, 1960-1976 | ||||||||||
13 | Spain--Labor, 1960 | ||||||||||
14 | Spain--Miscellaneous, 1960-1966 | ||||||||||
15 | Spain--Observations, 1960 | ||||||||||
16 | Spain--Poumists, 1960-1976 | ||||||||||
17 | Spain--Republicans, Monarchists, etc., 1960-1961 | ||||||||||
18 | Spain--Sindicatos and Unions, 1960 | ||||||||||
19 | Spain--Socialists, 1960 | ||||||||||
20 | Sri Lanka, 1957-1987 | ||||||||||
21 | Surinam, 1956-1970 and 1992 | ||||||||||
23 | Surinam--Observations, 1956 | ||||||||||
24-25 | Trinidad, 1956-1995 | ||||||||||
26 | Trinidad--Observations, 1969-1970 | ||||||||||
27 | Turkey, 1994 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
10 | 28-36 | United States, 1955-1993 | |||||||||
37 | United States--R. S. Alexander, 1958-1985 | ||||||||||
38-39 | United States--American Institute for Free Labor Development, 1975 | ||||||||||
40 | United States--Business and Economics, 1953-1981 | ||||||||||
41 | United States--Education, 1957-1981 | ||||||||||
42 | United States--Foreign Policy, 1954-1996 | ||||||||||
43 | United States--Immigration, 1988 | ||||||||||
44 | United States--Labor, 1953-1981 | ||||||||||
45-49 | United States--Leftists, 1952-1992 | ||||||||||
50 | United States--Lovestoneites, 1973 and 1983 | ||||||||||
51 | United States--Race Relations, 1953-1981 | ||||||||||
52 | United States--Religion, 1958-1977 | ||||||||||
53 | United States--Norman Thomas, 1982-1983 | ||||||||||
54 | United States--Norman Thomas Centenary, 1984 | ||||||||||
55 | United States--Trotskyists, 1982-1983 | ||||||||||
56 | United States--United States Labor Party, 1973-1977 | ||||||||||
57-59 | Uruguay, 1956-1990 | ||||||||||
60 | Uruguay--Foreign Observers, 1953-1959 | ||||||||||
61 | Uruguay--Politicians--Miscellaneous, 1959-1979 | ||||||||||
62 | Uruguay--Politicians--Socialists, 1954-1976 | ||||||||||
63 | Uruguay--Trade Unionists, 1954-1976 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
10 | 64-69 | Venezuela, 1957-1974 | |||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
11 | 1-5 | Venezuela, 1974-1994 | |||||||||
6 | Venezuela--Agrarian Reform, 1959-1976 | ||||||||||
7-8 | Venezuela--Rómulo Betancourt, 1978 | ||||||||||
9 | Venezuela--Economics, 1978 | ||||||||||
10 | Venezuela--Education, 1961-1976 | ||||||||||
11-12 | Venezuela--Employees and Businessmen, 1958-1976 | ||||||||||
13-14 | Venezuela--Foreign Observers, 1952-1976 | ||||||||||
15 | Venezuela--Forum on Venezuelan Democracy, 1978 | ||||||||||
16-17 | Venezuela--Government Officials, 1948-1976 | ||||||||||
18 | Venezuela--Impressions and Interviews, 1971 | ||||||||||
Reel | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
11 | 19-20 | Venezuela--Observations, 1947-1978 | |||||||||
21 | Venezuela--Oil Industry, 1958-1977 | ||||||||||
22-27 | Venezuela--Politicians--Acción Democrática, 1956-1976 and 1978 | ||||||||||
28 | Venezuela--Politicians--Communists, 1958-1961 | ||||||||||
29 | Venezuela--Politicians--Copei, 1958-1978 | ||||||||||
30 | Venezuela--Politicians--Miscellaneous, 1957-1978 | ||||||||||
31 | Venezuela--Politicians--Movimiento Electoral del Pueblo (MEP), Movimiento Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), and Movimiento a Socialismo (MS), 1961-1979 | ||||||||||
32 | Venezuela--Politicians--Union Republicana Democrática (URD), 1958-1962 and 1977- 1978 | ||||||||||
33 | Venezuela--Trade Unionists, 1953-1969 and 1978 | ||||||||||
34 | Venezuelan-American Conference, 1975 | ||||||||||
35 | Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia, 1955-1993 | ||||||||||
36 | Virgin Islands--Interviews, 1958-1959 |
VIII. SUBJECT FILES [See also Box 214 and map folder] 1890-1992 34 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by subject and thereunder chronologically. | |||||||||||
Files on various aspects of politics and economics in countries throughout the world, particularly Latin America, the United States, and Europe. The earlier material (before 1930) was collected by M. Orans and later incorporated by Alexander into his own collection. Document types are primarily newspaper clippings, as well as newsletters, unpublished papers, broadsides, and, to a lesser degree, minutes and correspondence. | |||||||||||
Subjects documented include large sections on socialism and labor in countries throughout the world, but particularly in the United States. Other topics include agriculture, agrarian reform, anarchism, banking, civil service reform; commodities such as sugar, rubber, and coffee; the cooperative movement, economic development, fishing, foreign relations, forestry, industrialization, investment, petroleum, social security, trade, and women's rights. Within each subject, material is subdivided by country. | |||||||||||
Of particular interest is the Orans material, the bulk of which dates from 1914 to 1922. Includes flyers announcing socialist meetings, newspaper coverage of socialist candidates from throughout the United States, and clippings from U.S. foreign-language newspapers. Orans may have been preparing a biographical dictionary of socialists because his files include index cards with biographical information about socialist leaders, including a large number of women. He also compiled data on socialists in countries all over the world; for example, he includes a letter from the International Socialist League (S.A.) about the socialist movement in South Africa. | |||||||||||
Also of interest are files on fascist, radical, and national revolutionary parties in Latin America, and a file on the United Fruit Company in Guatemala from the 1940s through the 1970s. | |||||||||||
Interspersed among the secondary material are primary documents such as a P.O.U.M. manifesto from 1952 (filed as socialism--Spain--P.O.U.M.). The heading socialism--United States contain minutes and correspondence received by Professor Alexander as a member of the Young People's Socialist League in the 1930s, and as a member of the Socialist Party/Social Democratic Federation until 1980. | |||||||||||
Several oversize items are stored separately. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
11 | 37 | Agrarian Reform--Argentina, 1952-1976 | |||||||||
38-40 | Agrarian Reform--Bolivia, 1959-1974 | ||||||||||
41 | Agrarian Reform--Brazil, 1961-1986 | ||||||||||
42 | Agrarian Reform--Chile--Allende and After, 1971-1975 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
12 | 1 | Agrarian Reform--Chile--Allende and After, 1971-1975 | |||||||||
2-5 | Agrarian Reform--Chile--Frei, 1963-1971 | ||||||||||
6-7 | Agrarian Reform--Colombia, 1969-1976 | ||||||||||
8 | Agrarian Reform--Costa Rica, Undated | ||||||||||
9 | Agrarian Reform--Cuba, 1959-1961 | ||||||||||
10 | Agrarian Reform--Dominican Republic, 1965-1975 | ||||||||||
11 | Agrarian Reform--Ecuador, 1964-1983 | ||||||||||
12 | Agrarian Reform--El Salvador, 1974-1984 | ||||||||||
13 | Agrarian Reform--Guatemala, 1952-1955 | ||||||||||
14 | Agrarian Reform--Honduras, 1975 | ||||||||||
15-16 | Agrarian Reform--Latin America, 1961-1983 | ||||||||||
17-19 | Agrarian Reform--Mexico, 1936-1984 | ||||||||||
20 | Agrarian Reform--Nicaragua, 1980-1986 | ||||||||||
21 | Agrarian Reform--Paraguay, 1964-1966 | ||||||||||
22-24 | Agrarian Reform--Peru, 1961-1973 | ||||||||||
25 | Agrarian Reform--Philippines, 1987 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
13 | 1 | Agrarian Reform--Puerto Rico, 1955-1964 | |||||||||
2-4 | Agrarian Reform--Venezuela, 1948-1977 | ||||||||||
5 | Agriculture--Argentina, 1950-1952 | ||||||||||
6 | Agriculture--Bolivia, 1970-1983 | ||||||||||
7 | Agriculture--Brazil, 1948-1987 | ||||||||||
8 | Agriculture--Central America, 1945-1948 | ||||||||||
9 | Agriculture--Chile, 1952-1974 | ||||||||||
10 | Agriculture--Colombia, 1952-1970 | ||||||||||
11 | Agriculture--Costa Rica, 1950 | ||||||||||
12 | Agriculture--Cuba, 1929-1982 (Agrarian Reform, Sugar) | ||||||||||
13 | Agriculture--Guatemala, 1952-1964 | ||||||||||
14 | Agriculture--Haiti, 1952 | ||||||||||
15 | Agriculture--Jamaica, 1964 | ||||||||||
16 | Agriculture--Mexico, 1950-1971 | ||||||||||
17 | Agriculture--Perón Policies, 1947 | ||||||||||
18 | Agriculture--Puerto Rico, 1941-1964 | ||||||||||
19 | Agriculture--Venezuela, 1946-1964 | ||||||||||
20 | Agriculture--West Indies, 1948-1972 | ||||||||||
21 | Airlines--Colombia, 1945 | ||||||||||
22 | Airlines--European, 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
23 | Airlines--Far East, 1946-1950 | ||||||||||
24 | Airlines--Latin America, 1947-1949 | ||||||||||
25 | Airlines--Mexico, 1946 | ||||||||||
26 | Airlines--Pan America and Canada, 1945 | ||||||||||
27 | Airlines--Worldwide, 1943-1949 | ||||||||||
28 | Anarchists--Anarcho-Syndicalist Organization, 1923-1956 | ||||||||||
29 | Anarchists--Argentina, 1925-1974 | ||||||||||
30 | Anarchists--Bulgaria, 1946 | ||||||||||
31 | Anarchists--Cuba, 1948 and Undated | ||||||||||
32 | Anarchists--Far East, 1950 | ||||||||||
33 | Anarchists--France, 1912-1989 | ||||||||||
34 | Anarchists--General, 1912-1972 and Undated | ||||||||||
35 | Anarchists--General--History and Scholarly Paper, 1930-1986 | ||||||||||
36 | Anarchists--Germany--History and Miscellany, 1907-1989 | ||||||||||
37 | Anarchists--Great Britain--History and Miscellany, 1912-1975 | ||||||||||
38 | Anarchists--Italy--History and Miscellany, 1915-1972 | ||||||||||
39 | Anarchists--Japan, 1923-1928 and Undated | ||||||||||
40 | Anarchists--Latin America, 1906-1961 | ||||||||||
41 | Anarchists--Norway--Biographies and Miscellany, Undated | ||||||||||
42 | Anarchists--Paraguay, 1946 | ||||||||||
43 | Anarchists--Poland, 1991 | ||||||||||
44 | Anarchists--Russia--History, Biographies and Miscellany, 1913-1934 | ||||||||||
45 | Anarchists--Russia--Peter Kropotkin, 1912-1921 | ||||||||||
46 | Anarchists--Russia--Peter Kropotkin--Scholarly Papers, 1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
47 | Anarchists--Spain, 1946 and 1988 | ||||||||||
48 | Anarchists--United States, 1912-1977 | ||||||||||
49 | Anarchists--United States--History and Scholarly Papers, 1932-1986 | ||||||||||
50 | Anarchists--Uruguay, 1944 and Undated | ||||||||||
51 | Arms Control and Disarmament--United States, 1985-1986 | ||||||||||
52 | Banking--Argentina, 1961 | ||||||||||
53 | Banking--Central America, 1947 and 1948 | ||||||||||
54 | Banking--Chile, 1949 | ||||||||||
55 | Banking--Colombia, 1948 | ||||||||||
56 | Banking--Cuba, 1952-1961 | ||||||||||
57 | Banking--Venezuela, 1949 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
14 | 1 | Canadian Investment in Latin America, 1951-1964 | |||||||||
2 | Catholic Social Ideas, 1918-1979 | ||||||||||
3 | Christian Democrats--Argentina, 1955-1973 | ||||||||||
4 | Christian Democrats--Bolivia, 1956-1974 | ||||||||||
5 | Christian Democrats--Brazil, 1948-1971 | ||||||||||
6-10 | Christian Democrats--Chile, 1946-1987 | ||||||||||
11 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Alianza Democrática, 1983 | ||||||||||
12 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Documentación Ideologia y Politica, 1967-1968 | ||||||||||
13 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Letters, Interviews and Miscellany, 1946-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
14 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Partido Demócrata Cristiano (PDC)--Propositions, 1967 | ||||||||||
15 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Reports and Speeches, 1963-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Scholarly Papers, 1972 and 1994 | ||||||||||
17 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Unión Demócrata Independiente, 1983 | ||||||||||
18 | Christian Democrats--Chile--Unión Nacional, 1983 | ||||||||||
19 | Christian Democrats--Cuba, 1947-1948 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Christian Democrats--Dominican Republic, 1964-1974 | ||||||||||
21 | Christian Democrats--El Salvador, 1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
22 | Christian Democrats--International, 1966-1985 | ||||||||||
23 | Christian Democrats--Italy, 1964-1980 | ||||||||||
24 | Christian Democrats--Latin America, 1956-1983 | ||||||||||
25 | Christian Democrats--Latin America, Scholarly Papers and Miscellany, 1963-1965 and Undated | ||||||||||
26 | Christian Democrats--Mexico, 1963 | ||||||||||
27 | Christian Democrats--Peru, 1964-1975 | ||||||||||
28 | Christian Democrats--Puerto Rico, 1962 | ||||||||||
29 | Christian Democrats--Uruguay, 1946-1972 and Undated | ||||||||||
30-32 | Christian Democrats--Venezuela, 1956-1992 | ||||||||||
33 | Christian Democrats--Venezuela--Scholarly Papers, 1976 | ||||||||||
34 | Christian Democrats--Venezuela--Speeches and Miscellany, 1946-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
35 | Civil Service Reform, 1936 | ||||||||||
36 | Coffee--Brazil, 1952 | ||||||||||
37 | Coffee--Central America, 1948-1993 | ||||||||||
38 | Coffee--Colombia, 1951-1954 | ||||||||||
39 | Coffee--Costa Rica, 1950-1954 | ||||||||||
40 | Coffee--El Salvador, 1950-1951 | ||||||||||
41 | Coffee--Haiti, 1950 | ||||||||||
42 | Coffee--Guatemala, 1950-1953 | ||||||||||
43 | Coffee--Inter-American Control, 1947-1955 | ||||||||||
44-45 | Coffee--Latin America, 1950-1968 | ||||||||||
46 | Coffee--Nicaragua, 1950 | ||||||||||
47 | Coffee--Venezuela, 1974 | ||||||||||
48 | Communists and Anti-Semitism, 1952-1958 | ||||||||||
49 | Communists and the Arts, 1953-1954 | ||||||||||
50 | Communists and Creeping Capitalism, 1985 | ||||||||||
51 | Communists and Democracy, 1955 and Undated | ||||||||||
52 | Communists and Education, 1953 | ||||||||||
53 | Communists and the Intellectuals, 1949-1953 and Undated | ||||||||||
54 | Communists and International Right Opposition, 1930-1940 | ||||||||||
55 | Communists and Pacifism, 1954 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
15 | 1 | Communists and Population Problems, 1953 | |||||||||
2 | Communists and Religion, 1934-1954 | ||||||||||
3 | Communists and Sailors' Union of the Pacific, 1938 | ||||||||||
4 | Communists and United States Lovestoneites, 1930-1990 | ||||||||||
5 | Communists and United States Pornography, 1986 | ||||||||||
6 | Communists and United States Writers, 1919-1983 | ||||||||||
7 | Communists and Women, 1953 | ||||||||||
8 | Confiscation of Foreign Capital, 1932-1940 | ||||||||||
9 | Continental Investments in Latin America, 1948 | ||||||||||
10 | Cooperatives--Africa, 1920-1940 | ||||||||||
11 | Cooperatives--Argentina, 1922-1932 | ||||||||||
12 | Cooperatives--Australia, 1918-1935 | ||||||||||
13 | Cooperatives--Austria, 1909-1934 | ||||||||||
14 | Cooperatives--Baltic Countries--History and Miscellany, 1920-1939 | ||||||||||
15 | Cooperatives--Belgium--History and Miscellany, 1910-1933 | ||||||||||
16 | Cooperatives--Bolivia, 1973-1984 | ||||||||||
17 | Cooperatives--Bulgaria, 1935-1954 | ||||||||||
18 | Cooperatives--Canada, 1919-1975 | ||||||||||
19 | Cooperatives--Central and South America, 1923-1944 | ||||||||||
20 | Cooperatives--China, 1922-1951 | ||||||||||
21 | Cooperatives--Colombia, 1984 | ||||||||||
22 | Cooperatives--Czechoslovakia, 1922-1938 | ||||||||||
23 | Cooperatives--Denmark and Finland, 1924-1932 | ||||||||||
24 | Cooperatives--Denmark--History and Miscellany, 1918-1936 | ||||||||||
25 | Cooperatives--Egypt--History and Miscellany, 1920-1934 | ||||||||||
26 | Cooperatives--Europe, 1920-1936 | ||||||||||
27 | Cooperatives--Finland, 1916-1937 | ||||||||||
28 | Cooperatives--France--History and Miscellany, 1916-1939 | ||||||||||
29-30 | Cooperatives--General Cooperatives, 1922-1946 | ||||||||||
31 | Cooperatives--Germany, 1913-1945 | ||||||||||
32 | Cooperatives--Great Britain, 1910-1962 | ||||||||||
33 | Cooperatives--Great Britain--Congresses, 1913-1938 | ||||||||||
34 | Cooperatives--Great Britain--History and Miscellany, 1925-1930 and Undated | ||||||||||
35 | Cooperatives--Great Britain--Labor Relations, 1919-1927 | ||||||||||
36 | Cooperatives--Great Britain--Leaders, 1922-1932 | ||||||||||
37 | Cooperatives--Great Britain--Politics, 1913-1947 | ||||||||||
38 | Cooperatives--Great Britain--Producers Cooperatives, 1920-1933 | ||||||||||
39 | Cooperatives--Great Britain--Women's Participation--History and Miscellany, 1922- 1938 | ||||||||||
40 | Cooperatives--Greece, 1924 | ||||||||||
41 | Cooperatives--Hungary, 1923 | ||||||||||
42 | Cooperatives--Iceland, 1920-1927 | ||||||||||
43 | Cooperatives--India, 1913-1951 | ||||||||||
44 | Cooperatives--Ireland, 1920-1932 | ||||||||||
45 | Cooperatives--Israel, 1923-1939 | ||||||||||
46 | Cooperatives--Italy, 1916-1950 | ||||||||||
47 | Cooperatives--Japan, 1924-1936 | ||||||||||
48 | Cooperatives--Jewish, 1915 | ||||||||||
49 | Cooperatives--Korea, 1934 | ||||||||||
50 | Cooperatives--Netherlands, 1921-1938 | ||||||||||
51 | Cooperatives--New Zealand and New South Wales, 1919-1934 | ||||||||||
52 | Cooperatives--Norway, 1913-1937 | ||||||||||
53 | Cooperatives--Poland, 1924 | ||||||||||
54 | Cooperatives--Portugal, 1930 | ||||||||||
55 | Cooperatives--Scandinavia, 1922-1933 | ||||||||||
56 | Cooperatives--South America, 1920-1935 | ||||||||||
57 | Cooperatives--Spain, 1920-1935 | ||||||||||
58 | Cooperatives--Spain--History--Miscellany, 1931 and Undated | ||||||||||
59 | Cooperatives--Sweden, 1920-1938 | ||||||||||
60 | Cooperatives--Switzerland, 1920-1934 | ||||||||||
61 | Cooperatives--Thailand, 1923-1954 | ||||||||||
62-63 | Cooperatives--United States, 1914-1934 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
16 | 1 | Cooperatives--United States, 1935-1948 | |||||||||
2 | Cooperatives--United States--History and Miscellany, 1931-1933 and Undated | ||||||||||
3-4 | Cooperatives--United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), 1917-1948 | ||||||||||
5 | Cooperatives--United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), History and Miscellany, 1925- 1930 and Undated | ||||||||||
6 | Esperanto, 1921-1937 | ||||||||||
7 | Fascists--Argentina, 1925-1956 | ||||||||||
8 | Fascists--Bolivia, 1942-1976 | ||||||||||
9 | Fascists--Bolivia--Falange, 1967-1982 | ||||||||||
10 | Fascists--Brazil, 1934-1965 | ||||||||||
11 | Fascists--Chile--Nazis, 1933-1966 | ||||||||||
12 | Fascists--Chile--Partido Nacional (Conservative), 1969-1972 | ||||||||||
13 | Fascists--Colombia, 1940-1942 | ||||||||||
14 | Fascists--Latin America--History and Miscellany, 1933-1944 | ||||||||||
15 | Fascists--Mexico, 1935-1958 | ||||||||||
16 | Fishing and Forestry--Grazing, 1948-1972 | ||||||||||
17 | Foreign Aid--United States--European Recovery Program, 1948-1961 | ||||||||||
18 | Foreign Aid--United States--General, 1951-1985 | ||||||||||
19 | Foreign Aid--United States--Marshall Plan, 1950-1977 | ||||||||||
20-21 | Foreign Aid--United States--Point Four (Truman Development Plan), 1951-1964 | ||||||||||
22 | Foreign Aid--United States--Point Four (Truman Development Plan)--"Partners in Progress," 1951 | ||||||||||
23 | Foreign Policy--United States--Department of State Publications, 1973-1987 | ||||||||||
24 | Foreign Policy--United States--Human Rights, 1976-1984 | ||||||||||
25-26 | Foreign Policy--United States--"Labor-Foreign Policy" by George Lodge, 1961 | ||||||||||
27 | Foreign Policy--United States--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1961-1980 | ||||||||||
28 | Foreign Policy--United States--Scholarly Papers, 1963-1967 | ||||||||||
29 | Foreign Policy--United States--Scholarly Papers--Union for Democratic Action, 1966 | ||||||||||
30-32 | Foreign Relations--United States, 1954-1987 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
17 | 1 | Foreign Relations--United States and Africa, 1974-1978 | |||||||||
2 | Foreign Relations--United States and Asia, 1960-1980 | ||||||||||
3 | Foreign Relations--United States and Canada, 1976 | ||||||||||
4 | Foreign Relations--United States--Department of State--Current Policy Newsletter, 1979-1986 | ||||||||||
5 | Foreign Relations--United States--Department of State Publications, 1974-1978 | ||||||||||
6 | Foreign Relations--United States and Eastern Europe, 1975-1989 | ||||||||||
7 | Foreign Relations--United States--Economics, 1977-1987 | ||||||||||
8 | Foreign Relations--United States and Latin America, 1962-1986 | ||||||||||
9 | Foreign Relations--United States and Middle East, 1967-1982 | ||||||||||
10 | Foreign Relations--United States--National Endowment for Democracy, 1986 | ||||||||||
11 | Foreign Relations--United States--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1977-1987 | ||||||||||
12 | Foreign Relations--United States and Soviet Union, 1920-1983 | ||||||||||
13 | Foreign Relations--United States and Western Europe, 1964-1982 | ||||||||||
14 | Foreign Service--United States, 1947-1972 | ||||||||||
15 | Foreign Trade--Argentina, 1921-1960 | ||||||||||
16 | Foreign Trade--Balance of Payments--Brazil, 1948 | ||||||||||
17 | Foreign Trade--Balance of Payments--Colombia, 1948-1950 | ||||||||||
18 | Foreign Trade--Brazil, 1949-1954 | ||||||||||
19 | Foreign Trade--Central America, 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
20 | Foreign Trade--Chile, 1946-1968 | ||||||||||
21 | Foreign Trade--Colombia, 1950-1961 | ||||||||||
22 | Foreign Trade--Commercial Treaties, 1937-1948 | ||||||||||
23 | Foreign Trade--Cuba, 1952 | ||||||||||
24 | Foreign Trade--Customs Unions--Argentina-Chile, 1947-1963 | ||||||||||
25 | Foreign Trade--Dominican Republic, 1950 | ||||||||||
26 | Foreign Trade--Economic Unions--Argentina-Bolivia, 1947 | ||||||||||
27 | Foreign Trade--Economic Unions--Grancolombia, 1946-1948 | ||||||||||
28 | Foreign Trade--Foreign Commerce, 1946 | ||||||||||
29 | Foreign Trade--Inter-American Development Commission, 1948 | ||||||||||
30 | Foreign Trade--Inter-Latin American Trade, 1947-1965 | ||||||||||
31 | Foreign Trade--Mexico, 1949-1952 | ||||||||||
32 | Foreign Trade--Tariff Protection, 1946-1948 | ||||||||||
33 | Foreign Trade--Tourist Trade, 1946-1964 | ||||||||||
34 | Foreign Trade--U.S.-Latin American Trade, 1947-1963 | ||||||||||
35 | Foreign Trade--Venezuela, 1946-1965 | ||||||||||
36 | Indians, 1923-1965 | ||||||||||
37 | Indians and Archeology, 1934-1955 | ||||||||||
38 | Industrialization--Argentina, 1948-1961 | ||||||||||
39 | Industrialization--Caribbean Development, 1948-1963 | ||||||||||
40 | Industrialization--Colombia, 1948-1952 | ||||||||||
41 | Industrialization--Costa Rica, 1964 | ||||||||||
42 | Industrialization--Development--Education, 1951-1953 | ||||||||||
43 | Industrialization--Government Aid--Mexico, 1948 | ||||||||||
44 | Industrialization--Government Intervention in Industry, 1945-1959 | ||||||||||
45 | Industrialization--Inter-American Development Bank, 1962-1985 | ||||||||||
46 | Industrialization--Latin America--Brazil, 1919-1956 | ||||||||||
47 | Industrialization--Latin America--Iron and Steel, 1950-1957 | ||||||||||
48 | Industrialization--Latin America--Miscellany, 1970 | ||||||||||
49 | Industrialization--Mexico, 1940-1953 | ||||||||||
50 | Industrialization--Peru, 1964-1966 | ||||||||||
51 | Industrialization--Puerto Rico, 1948 | ||||||||||
52 | Industrialization--Venezuela, 1949-1961 | ||||||||||
53 | Industrialization--West Indies, 1964 | ||||||||||
54 | Industries--Central America, 1947 | ||||||||||
55 | Insurance, 1951 | ||||||||||
56 | International Communist Opposition (ICO)--Alsace, 1931-1936 | ||||||||||
57 | International Communist Opposition (ICO)--Germany, 1930-1940 | ||||||||||
58 | International Communist Opposition (ICO)--Spain, 1934-1939 | ||||||||||
59 | International Economics Commodity Agreements, 1975-1986 | ||||||||||
60 | International Economics--Development and Environment, 1989 | ||||||||||
61 | International Economics--Economic Development--Stock Market, 1988 | ||||||||||
62 | International Economics--Economic Development--Import Substitution, 1985 | ||||||||||
63-65 | International Economics--Economic Development, 1977-1988 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
18 | 1-12 | International Economics--Economic Development, 1948-1980 | |||||||||
13 | International Economics--Economic Policy, 1972-1986 | ||||||||||
14-17 | International Economics--Energy Crises, 1974-1975 | ||||||||||
18 | International Economics--Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and Food Crises, 1974 and 1978 | ||||||||||
19 | International Economics--Foreign Investment, 1985-1990 | ||||||||||
20 | International Economics--Foreign Trade, 1948-1986 | ||||||||||
24 | International Economics--ICSID--International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, 1965-1982 | ||||||||||
25 | International Economics--International Cartels, 1974-1986 | ||||||||||
26 | International Economics--International Finance, 1985 | ||||||||||
27 | International Economics--International Miscellany, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
28-30 | International Economics--International Trade, 1968-1989 | ||||||||||
31-33 | International Economics--Land Reform, 1941-1979 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
19 | 1 | International Economics--Land Reform, 1980-1986 | |||||||||
2 | International Economics--OPEC, 1977-1990 | ||||||||||
3-5 | International Economics--Population Problems, 1966-1984 | ||||||||||
6 | International Economics--Raw Materials Crises, 1974-1978 | ||||||||||
7 | International Economics--Recession (World), 1974-1982 | ||||||||||
8 | International Economics--Technology Changes, 1975 | ||||||||||
9 | International Economics--U.S. Business Cycle, 1989 | ||||||||||
10 | International Economics--U.S. Foreign Aid, 1965 | ||||||||||
11 | International Economics--World Inflation, 1982 | ||||||||||
12 | International Economics--World Trade, 1977-1979 | ||||||||||
13-14 | International Trade, 1950-1969 | ||||||||||
15 | International Trade--Scholarly Papers and Speeches, 1962-1964 | ||||||||||
16-18 | Labor--Africa, 1957-1984 | ||||||||||
19 | Labor--Alaska, 1925-1953 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--Albania, 1955 | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--Algeria, 1958-1978 | ||||||||||
22 | Labor--Alsace-Lorraine, 1919-1925 | ||||||||||
23 | Labor--Angola, 1976 | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--Asia, 1953-1972 | ||||||||||
25-27 | Labor--Australia, 1916-1987 | ||||||||||
28-29 | Labor--Austria, 1915-1987 | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--Balkans, 1926 | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--Baltic-Bangladesh, 1928-1982 | ||||||||||
32-35 | Labor--Belgium, 1913-1978 | ||||||||||
36 | Labor--Botswana-Brazil, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--British Colonies, 1925-1959 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--British Commonwealth--British East and Central Africa, 1923-1956 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
20 | 1 | Labor--British West Africa, 1925--1961 | |||||||||
2 | Labor--Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia and Cameroon, 1924-1955 | ||||||||||
3-4 | Labor--Canada--Conferences, 1920-1980 | ||||||||||
5-8 | Labor--Canada--General, 1913-1986 | ||||||||||
9 | Labor--Canada--Legislation, 1920-1976 | ||||||||||
10 | Labor--Canada--Strikes, 1910-1959 | ||||||||||
11 | Labor--Canada--Union Activity, 1919-1961 | ||||||||||
12-13 | Labor--Ceylon, 1934-1980 | ||||||||||
14-15 | Labor--China, 1912-1989 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--Christian Trade Union International, 1922-1957 | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--Communist Countries, 1951-1955 | ||||||||||
18 | Labor--Congo and Cyprus, 1923, 1930 and 1955-1990 | ||||||||||
19-20 | Labor--Czechoslovakia, 1922-1989 | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--Danzig and Fiji, 1927-1956 | ||||||||||
22 | Labor--Denmark, 1912-1938 and 1950-1983 | ||||||||||
23 | Labor--Dutch East Indies and Eastern Europe, 1914-1925 and 1948-1989 | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--East Germany, 1948-1960 and 1978-1990 | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--Egypt, 1921-1957 | ||||||||||
26 | Labor--Egypt, Estonia and Ethiopia, 1917-1939 and 1951-1978 | ||||||||||
27-28 | Labor--Europe, 1911-1984 | ||||||||||
29 | Labor--Far East, 1926-1954 | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--Finland, 1912-1972 | ||||||||||
31-33 | Labor--France, 1911-1988 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
21 | 1 | Labor--France--Agriculture, 1920-1981 | |||||||||
2 | Labor--France--Catholic Unions, 1921-1929 and 1948-1964 | ||||||||||
3 | Labor--France--Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT), and Confédération Général du Travail (CGT), 1948-1982 | ||||||||||
4 | Labor--France--Confédération Général du Travail (CGT), 1921-1948 | ||||||||||
5 | Labor--France--Confédération Général du Travail Unitaire (CGTU), 1916-1946 and 1977-1981 | ||||||||||
6 | Labor--France--Force Ouvrière, 1946-1985 | ||||||||||
7-9 | Labor--France--General, 1905-1984 | ||||||||||
10 | Labor--France--Pre WWI, 1906-1913 | ||||||||||
11 | Labor--France--Syndicalists, 1919-1968 | ||||||||||
12 | Labor--France--WWII and Immediate Post War, 1940-1964 and 1977-1984 | ||||||||||
13 | Labor--French Equatorial Africa, French North Africa and French West Africa, 1915, 1923-1943 and 1952-1963 | ||||||||||
14 | Labor--General, 1983 | ||||||||||
15 | Labor--Germany--Agricultural Workers, 1909-1926 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--Germany--Before 1914, 1863 and 1905-1930 | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--Germany--Building and Clothing, 1919-1931 | ||||||||||
18 | Labor--Germany--Christian Unions, 1910-1958 | ||||||||||
19 | Labor--Germany--Domestics--Factory Workers, Mine Workers Union and Textile Unions, 1912-1943 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--Germany--Post WWI, 1945-1957 and 1990 | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--Germany--Reunited, 1991, and Slave Labor, 1935-1943 | ||||||||||
22 | Labor--Germany--Various Unions, 1922-1931, 1983, and 1991 | ||||||||||
23 | Labor--Germany--WWI, 1907-1932 | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--Ghana--[Gold Coast], 1925-1973 | ||||||||||
25-33 | Labor--Great Britain, 1906-1991 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
22 | 1 | Labor--Great Britain--Agricultural Workers, 1913-1951 and 1982-1988 | |||||||||
2 | Labor--Great Britain--Building Trades and Labor Education, 1910-1931 | ||||||||||
3 | Labor--Great Britain--Metal and Electrical Trades, 1910-1976 | ||||||||||
4-6 | Labor--Great Britain--Miners, 1907-1990 | ||||||||||
7 | Labor--Great Britain--Professional and Commercial Workers, 1907-1953 | ||||||||||
8 | Labor--Great Britain--Railroad Workers, 1908-1936 and 1949-1982 | ||||||||||
9 | Labor--Great Britain--Textile Workers, 1914-1949 | ||||||||||
10-13 | Labor--Great Britain--Trade Union Congress (TUC), 1906-1986 | ||||||||||
14 | Labor--Great Britain--Transport and General, 1916-1987 | ||||||||||
15 | Labor--Great Britain--Various Unions, 1911-1986 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--Great Britain--Women in Labor, 1909-1932 | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--Great Britain--Workers Participation and Control, 1977 and 1978 | ||||||||||
18-19 | Labor--Greece, 1916-1985 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--Holland, Hong Kong and Hungary, 1919-1987 | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--Iceland, 1914-1977 | ||||||||||
22-28 | Labor--India, 1915-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
29 | Labor--Indo-China, 1930-1964 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
23 | 1 | Labor--Indonesia, 1923-1985 | |||||||||
2 | Labor--International--Agriculture, 1924-1960 | ||||||||||
3 | Labor--International--Clerical, 1910-1969 | ||||||||||
4-7 | Labor--International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), 1949-1972 | ||||||||||
8 | Labor--International--Construction, 1918-1929 | ||||||||||
9 | Labor--International--Education, 1922-1931 | ||||||||||
10 | Labor--International Federation of Neutral Trade Unions, 1921-1930 | ||||||||||
11-13 | Labor--International Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), 1910-1983 | ||||||||||
14 | Labor--International--Food and Tobacco, 1920-1929 | ||||||||||
15 | Labor--International Food Workers Union, 1963-1965 | ||||||||||
16-19 | Labor--International--General, 1907-1992 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--International--Government, Postal, Telephone and Telegraph, 1921-1975 | ||||||||||
21-24 | Labor--International--Labor Organization (ILO), 1919-1980 | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--International--Metal Workers, 1913-1925 | ||||||||||
26 | Labor--International--Miners, 1913-1954 | ||||||||||
27 | Labor--International--Miscellaneous--Trade Secretariats, 1921-1978 | ||||||||||
28 | Labor--International--Miscellany, 1983-1988 | ||||||||||
29 | Labor--International Monetary Fund, 1930 and 1965-1973 | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--International--Printing, 1923-1939 | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--International--Public Service International, 1976 | ||||||||||
32 | Labor--International--Teachers, Professional and Intellectual, 1922-1951 | ||||||||||
33 | Labor--International--Textile and Clothing, 1914-1930 | ||||||||||
34 | Labor--International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), 1920-1957 | ||||||||||
35 | Labor--International--Women, 1919-1932 | ||||||||||
36 | Labor--International--World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), 1936-1982 | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--International--WWI, 1916-1918 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--Iran, 1922-1937 and 1972-1985 | ||||||||||
39 | Labor--Iran and Iraq, 1936-1948 and Undated | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
24 | 1 | Labor--Iraq and Ireland, 1913-1985 | |||||||||
2-4 | Labor--Israel, 1923-1978 | ||||||||||
5 | Labor--Italy, 1907-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
12 | Labor--Italy--Scholarly Paper, ca. 1974 | ||||||||||
13-19 | Labor--Japan, 1912-1992 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--Japan--History, Memos and Press Releases, 1925-1965 | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--Japan--Scholarly Papers, 1960 and 1964 | ||||||||||
22 | Labor--Kenya, 1925-1977 | ||||||||||
23 | Labor--Korea, 1921-1993 | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--Korea--Journal of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, 1975 | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--Kuwait, 1982 | ||||||||||
26 | Labor--Latvia, 1912-1932 | ||||||||||
27 | Labor--Liberia, 1955 and 1963 | ||||||||||
28 | Labor--Libya, 1927 and 1961 | ||||||||||
29 | Labor--Lithuania, 1922-1924 | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--Luxembourg, 1917-1982 | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--Madagascar, 1954 | ||||||||||
32 | Labor--Malawi (Nyasaland), 1925 | ||||||||||
33 | Labor--Malay, 1922-1988 | ||||||||||
34 | Labor--Malta, 1921-1930 | ||||||||||
35 | Labor--Manchuria, 1931 | ||||||||||
36 | Labor--Martinique, 1976 | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--Mauritius, 1956 and 1979 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--Memel, 1929 | ||||||||||
39 | Labor--Middle East, 1953 and 1979 | ||||||||||
40 | Labor--Monaco, 1937 | ||||||||||
41 | Labor--Morocco, 1951-1978 | ||||||||||
42 | Labor--Nazi Germany, 1928-1954 | ||||||||||
43 | Labor--Netherlands, 1907-1929 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
25 | 1 | Labor--Netherlands, 1930-1992 and Undated | |||||||||
2 | Labor--Netherlands--History and Miscellany, Undated | ||||||||||
3 | Labor--New Caledonia, 1978 | ||||||||||
4 | Labor--Newfoundland, 1922-1959 | ||||||||||
5 | Labor--New Guinea, 1941-1975 | ||||||||||
6 | Labor--New Zealand, 1909-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
7 | Labor--Nicaragua, 1979-1980 | ||||||||||
8 | Labor--Nigeria, 1968-1980 | ||||||||||
9 | Labor--Norway, 1913-1924 | ||||||||||
10 | Labor--Norway, 1925-1990 | ||||||||||
11 | Labor--Norway--History, ca.1920 | ||||||||||
12 | Labor--Oceanica--Book Report, Undated | ||||||||||
13 | Labor--Okinawa, 1959-1971 | ||||||||||
14 | Labor--Pakistan, 1950-1978 | ||||||||||
15 | Labor--Pakistan--Scholarly Paper, 1959 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--Palestine, 1919-1933 | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--Philippines, 1913-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
18 | Labor--Philippines--U.S. Department of Labor Information, 1956 | ||||||||||
19-22 | Labor--Poland, 1922-1992 | ||||||||||
23 | Labor--Poland--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1980-1990 and Undated | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--Poland--Reports and History, 1947-1949 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--Poland--Scholarly Papers, 1952 and 1974 | ||||||||||
26-27 | Labor--Portugal, 1913-1984 | ||||||||||
28 | Labor--Portugal--History, 1925 and Undated | ||||||||||
29 | Labor--Portuguese Africa, 1916-1964 and Undated | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--Red International of Labor Unions (RILU), 1922-1924 | ||||||||||
31-32 | Labor--Rumania, 1926-1980 | ||||||||||
33 | Labor--Rumania--History and Press Release, 1930 and 1955 | ||||||||||
34 | Labor--Saarbrucken (Saar)--Germany, 1922 and 1933 | ||||||||||
35 | Labor--Samoa, 1920 and 1959 | ||||||||||
36 | Labor--Scandinavia, 1909-1954 and Undated | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--Scandinavia--History, 1912-1930 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--Senegal, 1969, 1977 and Undated | ||||||||||
39-40 | Labor--Singapore, 1974-1988 | ||||||||||
41 | Labor--Somalia, 1954 | ||||||||||
42-44 | Labor--South Africa, 1910-1990 | ||||||||||
45 | Labor--South Africa--History and Press Releases, 1930-1963 and Undated | ||||||||||
46 | Labor--Southwest Africa, 1962-1972 and Undated | ||||||||||
47-48 | Labor--Spain, 1908-1949 and Undated | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
26 | 1-4 | Labor--Spain, 1950-1989 | |||||||||
5 | Labor--Spain--CNT--Confederació National Del Treball, 1934-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
6 | Labor--Spain--Exiles and Imprisoned Workers, 1947-1961 | ||||||||||
7 | Labor--Spain--History and Miscellany, 1925-1962 and Undated | ||||||||||
8 | Labor--Spain--Press Releases, 1953-1967 | ||||||||||
9 | Labor--Spain--Scholarly Papers, 1951 | ||||||||||
10-11 | Labor--Sweden, 1909-1990 | ||||||||||
12 | Labor--Sweden--History and Scholarly Paper, 1925-1962 and Undated | ||||||||||
13 | Labor--Sweden--Reports, 1976-1988 | ||||||||||
14-15 | Labor--Switzerland, 1909-1989 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--Switzerland--History, ca. 1920s | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--Syria, 1925-1955 | ||||||||||
18 | Labor--Trade Secretariats, 1921-1952 | ||||||||||
19 | Labor--Trade Unions and Socialized Industry, 1947-1950 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--U.S.--Immigrants, 1982 [See also boxes 213 and 214] | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--U.S.--Independent Unions, 1921-1984 | ||||||||||
22 | Labor--U.S.--Industrial Unions, 1911-1977 | ||||||||||
23-24 | Labor--U.S.--Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 1908-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--U.S.--Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)--Biographies, Undated | ||||||||||
26 | Labor--U.S.--Injunctions, 1916-1955 | ||||||||||
27 | Labor--U.S.--Insurance Schemes, 1926-1977 | ||||||||||
28 | Labor--U.S. International Relations--Report and Clippings, 1975-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
29 | Labor--U.S.--Job Evaluation, 1947-1979 | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--U.S.--Latin America, 1921-1984 | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--U.S.--Latin America--Proposed Research Grant, 1967 | ||||||||||
32 | Labor--U.S.--Latin America--Scholarly Paper and Report, 1962-1963 | ||||||||||
33-35 | Labor--U.S.--Legislation, 1911-1985 | ||||||||||
36 | Labor--U.S.--Legislation--Reports and Miscellany, 1955-1964 | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--U.S.--Longshoremen, 1987-1988 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--U.S.--Lumber and Forestry Unions, 1908-1958 | ||||||||||
39 | Labor--U.S.--Lumber and Forestry Unions--History, 1931 | ||||||||||
40 | Labor--U.S.--Machinists (International Association of Machinists), 1948-1983 | ||||||||||
41 | Labor--U.S.--Maritime and Airline Unions, 1909-1939 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
27 | 1 | Labor--U.S.--Maritime and Airline Unions, 1940-1990 | |||||||||
2 | Labor--U.S.--Maritime and Airline Unions, Press Releases, 1975 | ||||||||||
3 | Labor--U.S.--Mediation, 1917-1948 | ||||||||||
4 | Labor--U.S.--Metal Mining Workers, 1920-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
5-6 | Labor--U.S.--Metal Mining Workers--History and Miscellany, 1907-1929 and Undated | ||||||||||
7-9 | Labor--U.S.--Metal Trades Union and Miscellany, 1908-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
10 | Labor--U.S.--Minorities, 1973-1984 | ||||||||||
11 | Labor--U.S.--Musicians Union, 1986 | ||||||||||
12 | Labor--U.S.--Mutual Aid Societies, 1975 | ||||||||||
13 | Labor--U.S.--National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 1935-1987 | ||||||||||
14 | Labor--U.S.--National Recovery Act (NRA), 1933-1934 | ||||||||||
15 | Labor--U.S.--Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 1976-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--U.S.--Oil Workers' Unions, 1934-1983 | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--U.S.--Organized Labor in the South, 1916-1979 | ||||||||||
18 | Labor--U.S.--Packing House Workers, 1986-1989 | ||||||||||
19 | Labor--U.S.--Paper Workers' Unions, 1917-1980 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--U.S.--Pensions, 1965-1982 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Labor--U.S.--Political Action and Lobbying, 1908-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--U.S.--Political Action and Lobbying--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1924- 1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--U.S.--Political Action and Lobbying--Scholarly Papers, Undated | ||||||||||
26 | Labor--U.S.--Press and Radio, 1910-1977 | ||||||||||
27 | Labor--U.S.--Press and Radio--Miscellany, 1916-1957 and Undated | ||||||||||
28-29 | Labor--U.S.--Printing Trade Unions, 1909-1989 | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--U.S.--Printing Trade Unions--Miscellany, 1923 and Undated | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--U.S.--Prison Labor, 1937 | ||||||||||
32 | Labor--U.S.--Productivity, 1925-1979 | ||||||||||
33-35 | Labor--U.S.--Professional People's Unions, 1913-1986 | ||||||||||
36-39 | Labor--U.S.--Railway Workers--History and Miscellany, 1907-1988 and Undated | ||||||||||
40 | Labor--U.S.--Restaurant and Hotel Operators' Unions, 1977-1982 | ||||||||||
41 | Labor--U.S.--Right to Work, 1975-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
42 | Labor--U.S.--Rubber Workers' Unions, 1926-1979 | ||||||||||
43 | Labor--U.S.--Seniority, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
44 | Labor--U.S.--Shoe Makers' Unions, 1909-1939 | ||||||||||
45 | Labor--U.S.--Social Security, 1976-1991 | ||||||||||
46 | Labor--U.S.--Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 1978-1979 | ||||||||||
47 | Labor--U.S.--State Labor Federations, 1910-1959 | ||||||||||
48-49 | Labor--U.S.--Steel Workers, 1976-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
50 | Labor--U.S.--Strikes, the Outlawing of, 1948 and 1978 | ||||||||||
51 | Labor--U.S.--Sweatshops, 1983 | ||||||||||
52 | Labor--U.S.--Taft-Hartley Act, 1947-1957 and Undated | ||||||||||
53 | Labor--U.S.--Taft-Hartley Act--Labor Relations Information Bureau, 1947-1948 and Undated | ||||||||||
54 | Labor--U.S.--Teachers' Strike--NYC, 1968 | ||||||||||
55 | Labor--U.S.--Teachers' Unions, 1917-1969 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
28 | 1-3 | Labor--U.S.--Teachers' Unions, 1944-1988 and Undated | |||||||||
4-5 | Labor--U.S.--Teamsters, 1910-1989 | ||||||||||
6 | Labor--U.S.--Telephone Workers, 1974 and 1984 | ||||||||||
7-9 | Labor--U.S.--Textile Workers' Unions, 1909-1986 and Undated | ||||||||||
10 | Labor--U.S.--Tobacco Workers' Union, 1910-1946 | ||||||||||
11 | Labor--U.S.--Trade Union Unity League (TUUL)/Trade Union Education League (TUEL), 1922-1934 | ||||||||||
12 | Labor--U.S.--Transport Workers' Unions, 1911-1959 | ||||||||||
13 | Labor--U.S.--Unemployed Unions, 1932-1975 | ||||||||||
14 | Labor--U.S.--Unemployment, 1965-1985 | ||||||||||
15 | Labor--U.S.--Union Banks, 1920-1930 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--U.S.--Union Busting/Union Mergers, 1982-1985 | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--U.S.--Union Incorporation, 1935 and 1938 | ||||||||||
18 | Labor--U.S.--Union Label, 1951-1988 | ||||||||||
19-20 | Labor--U.S.--Union Leadership, 1909-1975 and Undated | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--U.S.--Union/Management Cooperation, 1917-1960 | ||||||||||
22 | Labor--U.S.--Union Organizers' Unions, 1961 | ||||||||||
23 | Labor--U.S.--Union Organizers' Unions--Newsletters, 1961 and Undated | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--U.S.--Union Racketeering, 1933-1987 | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--U.S.--Union Rivalry, 1947-1973 | ||||||||||
26 | Labor--U.S.--Union Shop, 1977-1979 | ||||||||||
27-29 | Labor--U.S.--Unions' International Activities, 1909-1989 | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--U.S.--Unions' International Activities--Press Releases, 1925-1960 and Undated | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--U.S.--Unions and the Catholic Church, 1913-1954 | ||||||||||
32 | Labor--U.S.--Unions and Prices, 1937-1973 and Undated | ||||||||||
33-36 | Labor--U.S.--United Auto Workers (UAW), 1933-1989 | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--U.S.--United Auto Workers (UAW)--History, 1933 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--U.S.--United Auto Workers (UAW)--Miscellany, 1962-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
39 | Labor--U.S.--United Hebrew Trades, 1914-1934 | ||||||||||
40-43 | Labor--U.S.--United Mine Workers (UMW), 1910-1983 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
29 | 1 | Labor--U.S.--United Mine Workers (UMW)--History and Miscellany, Undated | |||||||||
2 | Labor--U.S.--Veterans' Labor Problems, 1946 | ||||||||||
3 | Labor--U.S.--Wages, 1917-1990 and Undated | ||||||||||
4 | Labor--U.S.--Wages--Guaranteed Annual, 1953-1955 | ||||||||||
5-6 | Labor--U.S.--Wages--Minimum Wage Legislation, 1912-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
7 | Labor--U.S.--Wages--Minimum Wages, 1920-1990 | ||||||||||
8 | Labor--U.S.--White Collar Workers' Unions, 1964-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
9-15 | Labor--U.S.--Women in Labor, 1907-1987 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--U.S.--Workers' Attitudes Toward Unions, 1948 | ||||||||||
17 | Labor--U.S.--Workers--Disabled (Handicapped), 1948-1984 | ||||||||||
18 | Labor--U.S.--Workers' Morale and Suggestion Programs, 1948-1954 and Undated | ||||||||||
19 | Labor--U.S.--Workers, Older, 1948-1977 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--U.S.--Workmen's Compensation, 1912-1988 | ||||||||||
21-30 | Labor--Weimar Republic, 1909-1980 | ||||||||||
31-33 | Labor--West Germany, 1942-1990 | ||||||||||
34 | Labor--Yugoslavia, 1920-1983 | ||||||||||
35 | Labor--Yugoslavia--History and Report, 1922-1964 | ||||||||||
36 | Liberal Internationalists, 1947-1964 | ||||||||||
37 | Lovestoneites, 1936-1940 | ||||||||||
38 | Lovestoneites--Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1936-1938 | ||||||||||
39 | Lovestoneites--Conventions, 1930-1939 | ||||||||||
40 | Lovestoneites--Dissolution, 1940-1941 | ||||||||||
41 | Lovestoneites--Farm Problems and Furriers, 1934 and 1938 | ||||||||||
42 | Lovestoneites--Labor Party, 1935-1936 | ||||||||||
43 | Lovestoneites--Lithuanian Communist Opposition, 1931-1936 | ||||||||||
44-45 | Lovestoneites--Marxism and Leninism, 1931-1940 | ||||||||||
46 | Lovestoneites--Nazi Soviet Pact, 1939 | ||||||||||
47 | Lovestoneites--New Deal, 1934-1936 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
30 | 1-2 | Lovestoneites--Relations with Communist Party, 1930-1981 | |||||||||
3 | Lovestoneites--Relations with Musteites, 1931-1934 | ||||||||||
4 | Lovestoneites--Relations with Socialist Party, 1934-1937 | ||||||||||
5 | Lovestoneites--Relations with Trotskyism, 1930-1940 | ||||||||||
6 | Lovestoneites--Trade Unions, 1930-1937 | ||||||||||
7 | Lovestoneites--United Auto Workers (UAW), 1937-1939 | ||||||||||
8 | Lovestoneites--United Front and Popular Front, 1932-1936 | ||||||||||
9-10 | Lovestoneites--Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1930-1939 | ||||||||||
11 | Lovestoneites--World War II (WWII), 1936-1940 | ||||||||||
12 | Monetary "Nuts," 1986 | ||||||||||
13 | National Revolutionary Parties--Brazil--Tenentismo, 1933-1968 | ||||||||||
14-16 | National Revolutionary Parties--Bolivia--Anti-Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (MNR) Propaganda, 1955-1971 and Undated | ||||||||||
17-19 | National Revolutionary Parties--Bolivia--MNR, 1950-1982 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | National Revolutionary Parties--Bolivia--MNR--Regime of Busch, 1937-1939 | ||||||||||
21 | National Revolutionary Parties--Bolivia--MNR--Regime of Toro, 1936-1937 | ||||||||||
22 | National Revolutionary Parties--Bolivia--MNR--Regime of Villaroel, 1943-1946 | ||||||||||
23 | National Revolutionary Parties--Chile, Undated | ||||||||||
24 | National Revolutionary Parties--Costa Rica, 1948-1986 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | National Revolutionary Parties--Costa Rica--José Figueres, 1950 and 1954 | ||||||||||
26 | National Revolutionary Parties--Costa Rica--Miscellany, 1954-1971 and Undated | ||||||||||
27 | National Revolutionary Parties--Costa Rica--Scholarly Paper on Luís Alberto Monge, 1978 | ||||||||||
28 | National Revolutionary Parties--Croatia, 1964 | ||||||||||
29 | National Revolutionary Parties--Cuba, 1974 | ||||||||||
30-31 | National Revolutionary Parties--Dominican Republic, 1962-1990 | ||||||||||
32 | National Revolutionary Parties--Latin America, 1970-1978 | ||||||||||
33 | National Revolutionary Parties--Mexico, 1934-1943 | ||||||||||
34-35 | National Revolutionary Parties--Paraguay--Febrerismo, 1936-1975 | ||||||||||
36 | National Revolutionary Parties--Peru--Aprismo, 1924-1996 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
31 | 1-2 | National Revolutionary Parties--Peru--Aprismo--Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, 1954, 1962, 1978 and 1988 and Undated | |||||||||
3 | National Revolutionary Parties--Peru--Movimiento de Integracion y Desarrollo (MID), 1982 | ||||||||||
4-5 | National Revolutionary Parties--Puerto Rico--Nationalists and Independentists, 1936- 1976 and Undated | ||||||||||
6 | National Revolutionary Parties--Puerto Rico--Popular Democratic Party, 1940-1977 and Undated | ||||||||||
7 | National Revolutionary Parties--Puerto Rico--Popular Democratic Party--Luís Muñoz Marín, 1939-1941 | ||||||||||
8 | National Revolutionary Parties--Puerto Rico--Popular Democratic Party--Miscellany, 1960 and Undated | ||||||||||
9 | National Revolutionary Parties--Uruguay--Batllista, 1925-1968 | ||||||||||
10-15 | National Revolutionary Parties--Venezuela--Acción Democrática, 1945-1992 and Undated | ||||||||||
16-19 | National Revolutionary Parties--Venezuela--Betancourt Biographical Material, 1928- 1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | National Revolutionary Parties--Venezuela--Informaciones Venezolanas, 1951-1955 | ||||||||||
21 | National Revolutionary Parties--Venezuela--Movimiento Electoral del Pueblo, 1970- 1984 | ||||||||||
22 | Nationalism--Arab, 1925-1971 | ||||||||||
23 | Nationalism--Armenian, 1986 | ||||||||||
24 | Nationalism--Basque, 1933-1987 | ||||||||||
25 | Nationalism--Catalan, 1932-1985 | ||||||||||
26 | Nationalism--French Canada, 1971 | ||||||||||
27 | Nationalism--General, 1937-1964 | ||||||||||
28 | Nationalism--India, 1916-1937 | ||||||||||
29 | Nationalism--Ireland, 1970-1984 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
32 | 1 | Nationalism--Quebec, 1971-1980 | |||||||||
2 | Nationalism--Scotland and Wales, 1937-1975 | ||||||||||
3 | Nationalism--Theory, 1970 | ||||||||||
4 | Nationalism--U.S., 1990-1994 | ||||||||||
5 | Nationalism--Zionism, 1933-1935 | ||||||||||
6 | Nationalists--Arab, 1975-1984 | ||||||||||
7 | Nationalists--Britain, 1971-1982 | ||||||||||
8 | Nationalists--Canada, 1963-1970 | ||||||||||
9 | Nationalists--China, 1950 | ||||||||||
10 | Nationalists--Corsica, 1980-1987 | ||||||||||
11 | Nationalists--Croatia, 1961-1979 | ||||||||||
12 | Nationalists--Europe, 1975 | ||||||||||
13 | Nationalists--French North Africa, 1942-1955 | ||||||||||
14 | Nationalists--Galicia, 1984 | ||||||||||
15 | Nationalists--Italy, 1921 | ||||||||||
16 | Nationalists--Kurds, 1975-1986 | ||||||||||
17 | Nationalists--Macedonia, 1934-1935 | ||||||||||
18 | Nationalists--South Africa, 1929-1948 | ||||||||||
19 | Nationalists--Spain, 1975 | ||||||||||
20 | Nationalists--Welsh, 1975 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Peronism--Argentina--Military Dictatorship, 1943-1972 and Undated | ||||||||||
24-26 | Peronism--Argentina--Perón's Presidency, 1944-1974 and Undated | ||||||||||
27 | Petroleum--Argentina, 1962-1977 | ||||||||||
28 | Petroleum--Bolivia, 1951-1979 | ||||||||||
29 | Petroleum--Brazil, 1952-1986 | ||||||||||
30 | Petroleum--Chile, 1951-1975 | ||||||||||
31 | Petroleum--Colombia, 1927-1974 | ||||||||||
32 | Petroleum--Ecuador, 1973-1975 | ||||||||||
33 | Petroleum--Latin America, 1952-1975 | ||||||||||
34 | Petroleum--Mexico, 1927-1979 | ||||||||||
35 | Petroleum--Peru, 1963-1972 | ||||||||||
36-40 | Petroleum--Venezuela, 1951-1991 | ||||||||||
41 | Petroleum--West Indies, 1964 | ||||||||||
42 | Political and Social Science, 1970 | ||||||||||
43 | Prohibition, 1918-1938 | ||||||||||
44 | Proportional Representation, 1934 and Undated | ||||||||||
45-46 | Radicals--Argentina, 1940-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
47 | Radicals--Chile, 1947-1990 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
33 | 1 | Radicals--Chile--Flyers and Miscellany, 1946-1971 and Undated | |||||||||
2 | Radicals--Venezuela, 1953-1978 | ||||||||||
3 | Religions--Islam, 1985 | ||||||||||
4 | Religions--Roman Catholicism, 1983-1987 | ||||||||||
5 | Religions--World Council of Churches, 1984 | ||||||||||
6 | Religions--Zionism--General, 1984 | ||||||||||
7 | Rubber in Latin America, 1944-1952 | ||||||||||
8 | Single Tax, 1933-1955 | ||||||||||
9 | Social Credit, 1933-1944 | ||||||||||
10 | Social Security--Argentina, Undated | ||||||||||
11 | Social Security--Austria, 1975 | ||||||||||
12-13 | Social Security--Bolivia, 1950 and 1970-1976 | ||||||||||
14 | Social Security--Brazil, 1948-1987 | ||||||||||
15 | Social Security--Canada, 1978-1986 | ||||||||||
16 | Social Security--Central America, 1948 | ||||||||||
17-18 | Social Security--Chile, 1948-1975 | ||||||||||
19 | Social Security--China, 1976 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Social Security--Colombia, 1948-1970 | ||||||||||
21 | Social Security--Denmark, 1914-1933 | ||||||||||
22 | Social Security--Eastern Europe, 1953-1955 | ||||||||||
23 | Social Security--Ecuador, 1936-1982 | ||||||||||
24 | Social Security--El Salvador, 1955 | ||||||||||
25 | Social Security--Finland, 1937 | ||||||||||
26 | Social Security--France, 1928-1964 | ||||||||||
27-28 | Social Security--General, 1912-1947 | ||||||||||
29 | Social Security--Great Britain, 1950-1976 | ||||||||||
30 | Social Security--Greece, 1984 | ||||||||||
31 | Social Security--Guatemala, 1951-1954 | ||||||||||
32 | Social Security--India, 1945 | ||||||||||
33 | Social Security--International, 1951 | ||||||||||
34 | Social Security--Iran, 1975-1979 | ||||||||||
35 | Social Security--Italy, 1923-1950 | ||||||||||
36 | Social Security--Japan, 1935 | ||||||||||
37 | Social Security--Latin America, 1968 | ||||||||||
38 | Social Security--Mexico, 1948-1975 | ||||||||||
39 | Social Security--Netherlands, 1930-1985 | ||||||||||
40 | Social Security--New Zealand, 1938-1941 | ||||||||||
41 | Social Security--Nicaragua, 1971 | ||||||||||
42 | Social Security--Norway, 1989 | ||||||||||
43 | Social Security--Paraguay, 1949 | ||||||||||
44 | Social Security--Peru, 1936-1975 | ||||||||||
45 | Social Security--Poland, 1923 | ||||||||||
46 | Social Security--Portugal, 1919-1936 | ||||||||||
47 | Social Security--Spain, 1925-1935 | ||||||||||
48 | Social Security--Sweden, 1923-1964 | ||||||||||
49 | Social Security--Switzerland, 1923-1975 | ||||||||||
50 | Social Security--UK--Health Services, 1922-1961 | ||||||||||
51 | Social Security--Uruguay, 1976 | ||||||||||
52 | Social Security--U.S., 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
53 | Social Security--USSR, 1913-1978 | ||||||||||
54 | Social Security--Venezuela, 1948-1961 | ||||||||||
55 | Social Security--World, 1929-1948 | ||||||||||
56 | Social Security--Yugoslavia, 1960-1961 | ||||||||||
57 | Socialism and Communism, 1946 | ||||||||||
58 | Socialism and Democracy, 1953-1958 | ||||||||||
59 | Socialism--General, 1904-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
60 | Socialism--International--Post WWII, 1946-1985 | ||||||||||
61 | Socialism--International--Splinter Groups, 1951 | ||||||||||
62 | Socialism--Penal Reform, 1932 | ||||||||||
63-64 | Socialism--Theory, 1905-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
65 | Socialism--Theory--Scholarly Papers, 1960, 1969 and Undated | ||||||||||
66-68 | Socialism--U.S., 1907-1922 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
34 | 1-12 | Socialism--U.S., 1913-1937 | |||||||||
13-16 | Socialism--U.S., 1976-1992 (Socialist Democrats) | ||||||||||
17 | Socialism--U.S., 1978-1982 (Socialist Party/Social Democrats) | ||||||||||
18-26 | Socialism--U.S., 1968-1981 (Socialist Party/Socialist Democratic Federation) | ||||||||||
27-28 | Socialism--U.S., 1919-1921 (split) | ||||||||||
29-30 | Socialism--U.S., 1912-1974 [Young People's Socialist League (Y. P.S. L.)] | ||||||||||
31 | Socialism--U.S.--Before WWI--Student Paper, 1986 | ||||||||||
32-33 | Socialism--U.S.--Call, 1907-1925 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
35 | 1 | Socialism--U.S.--Magazine Clippings and Notes, 1904-1919 | |||||||||
2-3 | Socialism--Utopian, 1915-1976 and Undated | ||||||||||
4 | Socialism--Vietnam, 1955-1956 | ||||||||||
5 | Socialists--Africa, 1927-1975 | ||||||||||
6 | Socialists--Algeria, 1912-1954 | ||||||||||
7 | Socialists--Alsace-Lorraine, 1912 | ||||||||||
8 | Socialists--Arab Countries, 1955-1965 | ||||||||||
9 | Socialists--Armenia, 1916-1934 and Undated | ||||||||||
10 | Socialists--Asia, 1952-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
11-14 | Socialists--Australia, 1916-1971 and Undated | ||||||||||
15-19 | Socialists--Austria, 1907-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Socialists--Austria--Biographies and Obituaries, 1915-1990 | ||||||||||
21 | Socialists--Austria--Miscellany, 1914-1949 | ||||||||||
22 | Socialists--Balkans, 1915-1924 | ||||||||||
23 | Socialists--Baltic, 1921-1926 | ||||||||||
24-26 | Socialists--Belgium, 1899-1982 | ||||||||||
27-28 | Socialists--Belgium--Biographies and Obituaries, 1916-1938 | ||||||||||
29 | Socialists--Belgium--History and Miscellany, Undated | ||||||||||
30 | Socialists--Belgium--"International Information," 1925-1939 | ||||||||||
31 | Socialists--Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1909-1917 | ||||||||||
32 | Socialists--Bulgaria, 1912-1948 | ||||||||||
33 | Socialists--Burma--Clippings and Scholarly Paper, 1953-1958 | ||||||||||
34-38 | Socialists--Canada, 1908-1990 and Undated | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
36 | 1 | Socialists--Caucasus, 1916-1947 | |||||||||
2 | Socialists--Ceylon, 1957-1959 | ||||||||||
3 | Socialists--China, 1907-1925 and Undated | ||||||||||
4 | Socialists--Cyprus, 1977 and Undated | ||||||||||
5 | Socialists--Czech, 1914-1982 and Undated | ||||||||||
6 | Socialists--Czech--Biographies and Miscellany, 1917-1958 and Undated | ||||||||||
7 | Socialists--Danzig (Poland), 1933-1936 | ||||||||||
8-9 | Socialists--Denmark, 1899-1981 | ||||||||||
10 | Socialists--Denmark--Biographies and Miscellany, 1914-1946 and Undated | ||||||||||
11 | Socialists--East Europe, 1950 and 1964 | ||||||||||
12 | Socialists--Estonia, 1918-1939 | ||||||||||
13 | Socialists--Estonia--Biographies and Miscellany, 1920-1947 and Undated | ||||||||||
14-15 | Socialists--Europe, 1910-1985 | ||||||||||
16-17 | Socialists--Finland, 1907-1978 and Undated | ||||||||||
18 | Socialists--Finland--Biographies and History, 1926-1932 and Undated | ||||||||||
19-28 | Socialists--France, 1899-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
29 | Socialists--France--Biographies and Obituaries, 1910-1956 and Undated | ||||||||||
30 | Socialists--France--Communes and Utopias, 1908-1976 and Undated | ||||||||||
31 | Socialists--France--History and Miscellany, 1916-1960 and Undated | ||||||||||
32 | Socialists--Georgia, 1913-1926 | ||||||||||
33 | Socialists--Georgia--Biographies and Miscellany, 1917-1933 and Undated | ||||||||||
34 | Socialists--Germany--Engels, 1970-1982 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
37 | 1 | Socialists--Germany--General, 1933-1991 | |||||||||
2-4 | Socialists--Germany--Hitler and After, 1930-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
5-6 | Socialists--Germany--Independents, 1912-1976 | ||||||||||
7 | Socialists--Germany--Independents--Biographies and Miscellany, 1917-1928 and Undated | ||||||||||
8-10 | Socialists--Germany--Leaders, 1906-1982 and Undated | ||||||||||
11-13 | Socialists--Germany--Leaders--Biographies--A~Z, Undated | ||||||||||
14 | Socialists--Germany--Leaders--Miscellaneous, 1919-1930 and Undated | ||||||||||
15 | Socialists--Germany--Miscellany, 1914-1916 | ||||||||||
16-19 | Socialists--Germany--Pre-1914, 1907-1970 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Socialists--Germany--Reunited, 1990-1991 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Socialists--Germany--Weimar, 1912-1932 | ||||||||||
24 | Socialists--Germany--West Germany, 1977-1990 | ||||||||||
25-26 | Socialists--Germany--WWI, 1910-1929 | ||||||||||
27 | Socialists--Germany--Youth, 1909-1923 | ||||||||||
28 | Socialists--Ghana, 1964 | ||||||||||
29 | Socialists--Great Britain--British Labor Party (BLP), 1944-1985 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
38 | 1 | Socialists--Great Britain--Chartists, 1910-1948 | |||||||||
2 | Socialists--Great Britain--Christian Socialists, 1919-1925 and Undated | ||||||||||
3 | Socialists--Great Britain--Commonwealth Party, 1934-1958 and Undated | ||||||||||
4 | Socialists--Great Britain--Fabian, 1916-1986 and Undated | ||||||||||
5-8 | Socialists--Great Britain--General, 1912-1980 | ||||||||||
9 | Socialists--Great Britain--Guild Socialism, 1918-1923 | ||||||||||
10 | Socialists--Great Britain--Hyndman Group, 1909-1950 and Undated | ||||||||||
11-13 | Socialists--Great Britain--Independent Labor Party (ILP), 1909-1980 | ||||||||||
14 | |||||||||||
15-28 | Socialists--Great Britain--Labor Party, 1919-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
39 | 1 | Socialists--Great Britain--Labor Party Flyers, Undated | |||||||||
2 | Socialists--Great Britain--Labor Party--Leaders, 1909-1977 | ||||||||||
3-4 | Socialists--Great Britain--Labor Party--Pre-1919, and 1908-1918 | ||||||||||
5 | Socialists--Great Britain--Labor Party--Wilson Government, 1964-1982 and Undated | ||||||||||
6 | Socialists--Great Britain--Leaders--Biographies and Obituaries, 1908-1939 and Undated | ||||||||||
7 | Socialists--Great Britain--Ruskinites, Morris and Others, 1915-1944 and Undated | ||||||||||
8 | Socialists--Great Britain--Social Democratic Party (SDP), 1982-1987 | ||||||||||
9 | Socialists--Great Britain--Socialist Labor Party (SLP), 1916-1988 | ||||||||||
10-11 | Socialists--Great Britain--Socialist Literary Figures, 1908-1962 | ||||||||||
12 | Socialists--Great Britain--Socialist Literary Figures--Biographies and Miscellany, 1927 and Undated | ||||||||||
13 | Socialists--Great Britain--Workers' Education, 1968 | ||||||||||
14 | Socialists--Greece, 1914-1985 | ||||||||||
15 | Socialists--Hungary--Biographies and Miscellany, 1912-1956 and Undated | ||||||||||
16 | Socialists--Iceland--Biographies, History and Miscellany, 1922-1938 and Undated | ||||||||||
17-18 | Socialists--India, 1912-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
19 | Socialists--Indochina, 1954 | ||||||||||
20 | Socialists--Indonesia, 1934-1961 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Socialists--International, 1904-1986 | ||||||||||
24 | Socialists--International (1st)--History and Miscellany, 1913-1988 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Socialists--International (2 ½), 1919-1922 | ||||||||||
26 | Socialists--International--Asian Socialist Conferences, 1951-1957 | ||||||||||
27 | Socialists--International--Attempted Unity of 2nd, 2 ½, and 3rd, 1922 | ||||||||||
28 | Socialists--International--Centenary and Conferences, 1964-1983 | ||||||||||
29 | Socialists--International--Chapter from Rift and Revolution "European Socialism and the Crisis in Central America," 1984 | ||||||||||
30 | Socialists--International--History and Miscellany, 1920-1932 and Undated | ||||||||||
31-32 | Socialists--International--Labor Socialist International (LSI), 1919-1946 and Undated | ||||||||||
33 | Socialists--International--Newsletter--Socialist International, 1970-1983 | ||||||||||
34-35 | Socialists--International--World War I, 1914-1920 and Undated | ||||||||||
36 | Socialists--International--Youth, 1910-1958 | ||||||||||
37 | Socialists--Iran (Persia), 1907 and Undated | ||||||||||
38 | Socialists--Iraq, 1968 | ||||||||||
39-40 | Socialists--Ireland, 1912-1982 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
40 | 1 | Socialists--Ireland--Biographies and Miscellany, 1922-1937 and Undated | |||||||||
2 | Socialists--Israel, 1919-1992 | ||||||||||
3-7 | Socialists--Italy, 1899-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
8 | Socialists--Italy--Biographies and Miscellany, 1914-1964 and Undated | ||||||||||
9 | Socialists--Italy--International Information, 1926-1937 | ||||||||||
10-11 | Socialists--Japan, 1899-1989 | ||||||||||
12 | Socialists--Japan--Biographies, History and Miscellany, 1920-1959 and Undated | ||||||||||
13 | Socialists--Jewish--Biographies and Miscellany, 1918-1977 and Undated | ||||||||||
14 | Socialists--Kenya, 1964 | ||||||||||
15 | Socialists--Korea--Miscellany, 1919-1962 | ||||||||||
16 | Socialists--Latin America, 1911-1952 and Undated | ||||||||||
17-18 | Socialists--Latin America--Argentina, 1910-1990 | ||||||||||
19 | Socialists--Latin America--Argentina--Anti-Perón, 1944-1945 | ||||||||||
20 | Socialists--Latin America--Argentina--Biographies, History and Press Releases, 1916- 1937 | ||||||||||
21 | Socialists--Latin America--Argentina--Flyers, 1932-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
22 | Socialists--Latin America--Argentina--Miscellany, 1917-1964 and Undated | ||||||||||
23 | Socialists--Latin America--Bolivia, 1946-1968 | ||||||||||
24 | Socialists--Latin America--Brazil, 1913-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Socialists--Latin America--Brazil--Partido dos Trabalhadores, Undated | ||||||||||
26-30 | Socialists--Latin America--Chile, 1908-1992 and Undated | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
41 | 1 | Socialists--Latin America--Colombia, 1924-1972 and Undated | |||||||||
2 | Socialists--Latin America--Costa Rica, 1920 | ||||||||||
3 | Socialists--Latin America--Cuba, 1912-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
4 | Socialists--Latin America--Curacao, 1969 | ||||||||||
5 | Socialists--Latin America--Ecuador, 1935-1962 and Undated | ||||||||||
6 | Socialists--Latin America--French West Indies (Guadeloupe), 1972 and Undated | ||||||||||
7 | Socialists--Latin America--Jamaica, 1940-1989 | ||||||||||
8 | Socialists--Latin America--Mexico, 1912-1978 and Undated | ||||||||||
9 | Socialists--Latin America--Miscellany, 1919-1970 | ||||||||||
10 | Socialists--Latin America--Panama, 1924-1947 | ||||||||||
11 | Socialists--Latin America--Paraguay, 1925 | ||||||||||
12 | Socialists--Latin America--Peru, 1919-1957 | ||||||||||
13 | Socialists--Latin America--Puerto Rico, 1908-1939 | ||||||||||
14 | Socialists--Latin America--Socialists International, 1978 | ||||||||||
15-16 | Socialists--Latin America--Uruguay, 1911-1966 and Undated | ||||||||||
17 | Socialists--Latin America--Venezuela, 1947-1976 | ||||||||||
18 | Socialists--Latvia--Biographies, Miscellany, 1913-1990 | ||||||||||
19 | Socialists--Lithuania--Biographies, History and Miscellany, 1913-1932 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Socialists--Luxembourg--Biographies, History and Miscellany, 1914-1932 | ||||||||||
21 | Socialists--Madagascar--Speech and Press Release, 1970 and Undated | ||||||||||
22 | Socialists--Malaya, 1955-1956 | ||||||||||
23 | Socialists--Malta, 1931-1960 | ||||||||||
24-26 | Socialists--Marx, Karl, 1919-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
27 | Socialists--Middle East, 1936-1959 | ||||||||||
28 | Socialists--Miscellany, 1917-1941 and Undated | ||||||||||
29 | Socialists--Morocco, 1926-1984 | ||||||||||
30-31 | Socialists--Netherlands, 1907-1990 | ||||||||||
32 | Socialists--Netherlands--Biographies, 19221937 | ||||||||||
33 | Socialists--Netherlands--International Information, 1925-1937 | ||||||||||
34-35 | Socialists--New Zealand, 1909-1983 | ||||||||||
36 | Socialists--Newfoundland, 1913-1931 | ||||||||||
37-38 | Socialists--Norway, 1899-1987 | ||||||||||
39 | Socialists--Norway--Biographies and History, 1918-1987 | ||||||||||
40 | Socialists--Norway--Research Seminar, 1960 | ||||||||||
41 | Socialists--Pakistan, 1958 | ||||||||||
42 | Socialists--Philippines, 1937 | ||||||||||
43-44 | Socialists--Poland, 1907-1970 and Undated | ||||||||||
45 | Socialists--Poland--Biographies and History, 1925-1983 | ||||||||||
46 | Socialists--Portugal, 1912-1986 | ||||||||||
47 | Socialists--Portugal--Biographies, History and Miscellany, 1930-1970 | ||||||||||
48 | Socialists--Rumania, 1915-1982 | ||||||||||
49 | Socialists--Russia--Biographies and History, 1914-1965 | ||||||||||
50-51 | Socialists--Russia--Post Revolution, 1918-1961 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
42 | 1 | Socialists--Russia--Pre-Revolution, 1907-1917 | |||||||||
2 | Socialists--Saar, 1933-1936 | ||||||||||
3 | Socialists--Scandinavia, 1914-1959 | ||||||||||
4 | Socialists--Scotland, 1977 | ||||||||||
5 | Socialists--Senegal, 1964 | ||||||||||
6 | Socialists--South Africa, 1909-1959 | ||||||||||
7-9 | Socialists--Spain, 1899-1990 | ||||||||||
10 | Socialists--Spain--Biographies, History and Miscellany, 1919-1985 | ||||||||||
11 | Socialists--Spain--P.O.U.M.(Party of Marxist Unification), 1937-1983 | ||||||||||
12-13 | Socialists--Sweden, 1909-1929,1930-1939 and 1940-1988 | ||||||||||
14 | Socialists--Sweden--Biographies and Miscellany, 1926-1946 | ||||||||||
15-16 | Socialists--Switzerland, 1909-1982 | ||||||||||
17 | Socialists--Switzerland--Biographies and History, 1926-1930 | ||||||||||
18 | Socialists--Syria, 1963 | ||||||||||
19 | Socialists--Thailand, 1976 | ||||||||||
20 | Socialists--Tunisia, 1931 | ||||||||||
21 | Socialists--Turkey, 1911-1972 | ||||||||||
22 | Socialists--Ukraine, 1930-1938 | ||||||||||
23 | Socialists--U.S.--African Americans [Negroes], 1911-1963 | ||||||||||
24 | Socialists--U.S.--Christian Socialism--History and Miscellany, 1906-1962 | ||||||||||
25 | Socialists--U.S.--Citizens' Party, 1980 | ||||||||||
26 | Socialists--U.S.--Democratic Socialist Federation--Newsletters and Miscellany, 1936- 1968 | ||||||||||
27 | Socialists--U.S.--Democratic Socialist Federation--Scholarly Papers, 1968-1969 | ||||||||||
28-29 | Socialists--U.S.--Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC), 1973-1980 | ||||||||||
30 | Socialists--U.S.--Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC)--Newsletter of the Democratic Left, 1973-1976 | ||||||||||
31-32 | Socialists--U.S.--Farm-Labor Parties, 1917-1945 and Undated | ||||||||||
33 | Socialists--U.S.--Farmers, 1914-1916 | ||||||||||
34 | Socialists--U.S.--Federations--Finns, 1909-1955 | ||||||||||
35 | Socialists--U.S.--Federations--Italian, 1915-1930 | ||||||||||
36 | Socialists--U.S.--Federations--Other Foreign Countries, 1910-1932 | ||||||||||
37 | Socialists--U.S.--Founding of Socialist Party, 1916-1934 | ||||||||||
38-39 | Socialists--U.S.--General, 1890-1922 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
43 | 1-4 | Socialists--U.S.--General, 1923-1989 | |||||||||
5 | Socialists--U.S.--General--Flyers and Miscellany, 1930s-1970s | ||||||||||
6 | Socialists--U.S.--General--History and Scholarly Papers, 1920-1982 | ||||||||||
7 | Socialists--U.S.--General--Minutes and Miscellany, 1930-1968 | ||||||||||
8 | Socialists--U.S.--General--Pamphlets, 1930s | ||||||||||
9 | Socialists--U.S.--Jewish (Fraternal)--Labor Organizations, 1916-1947 | ||||||||||
10-11 | Socialists--U.S.--Leaders, 1910-1978 | ||||||||||
12 | Socialists--U.S.--Leaders--Biographies, Undated | ||||||||||
13 | Socialists--U.S.--Marathon Group Newsletter The Real World, 1976 | ||||||||||
14 | Socialists--U.S.--New American Movement, 1977-1978 | ||||||||||
15 | Socialists--U.S.--Progressives, 1911-1959 | ||||||||||
16-17 | Socialists--U.S.--Social Democratic Federation (SDF), 1923-1976 | ||||||||||
18-19 | Socialists--U.S.--Social Democratic Federation (SDF)--Conventions of 1957-1958 and 1968 | ||||||||||
20 | Socialists--U.S.--Social Democratic Federation (SDF)--Flyers and Miscellany, 1957- 1975 and Undated | ||||||||||
21 | Socialists--U.S.--Social Democratic Federation (SDF)--Platform, 1966 | ||||||||||
22 | Socialists--U.S.--Social Democrats, U.S.A.--Constitution and Resolutions, 1972-1974 | ||||||||||
23 | Socialists--U.S.--Social Democrats, U.S.A.--Flyers and Miscellany, 1987-1991 and Undated | ||||||||||
24-25 | Socialists--U.S.--Socialist Labor Party, 1910-1983 | ||||||||||
26 | Socialists--U.S.--Socialist Labor Party--Biographies, Flyers and Miscellany, 1916- 1978 | ||||||||||
27 | Socialists--U.S.--Socialist Labor Party--Dissidents, 1958-1990 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
44 | 1 | Socialists--U.S.--Student Movement, 1909-1961 | |||||||||
2 | Socialists--U.S.--Women--Pre WWI, 1908-1920 | ||||||||||
3 | Socialists--U.S.--Young Socialist Review, 1963 | ||||||||||
4-5 | Socialists--U.S.--Zeidler Group, 1970-1992 | ||||||||||
6 | Socialists--Yugoslavia--Biographies and Miscellany, 1919-1958 | ||||||||||
7 | Sugar--Brazil, 1952 | ||||||||||
8 | Sugar--Central America, 1933-1954 | ||||||||||
9 | Sugar--Cuba, 1933-1964 | ||||||||||
10 | Sugar--Latin America, 1960-1965 | ||||||||||
11 | Sugar--Puerto Rico, 1964 | ||||||||||
12 | Technocrats, Utopias, etc., 1933-1981 | ||||||||||
13 | Titoism, 1948-1964 and Undated | ||||||||||
14 | Woman's Suffrage--General, 1913-1942 |
IX. LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRY FILES[See also Box 215 and map folder] 1926-1993 30.75 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by country and thereunder chronologically. General files about each region or country are placed first. | |||||||||||
Files documenting Latin-American countries collected by Robert J. Alexander. Document types, although preponderantly newspaper clippings, also include press releases, publications, reports, unpublished papers, correspondence, government documents and broadsides. | |||||||||||
Countries documented include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, and almost all the small islands of the Caribbean. Subjects documented include agriculture, civil liberties, common markets, cooperatives, the debt problem, drug traffic, economic development, education, energy, immigration, indigenous peoples, labor relations, land reform, military affairs, nationalism, political parties, relations with the United States, relations with the Soviet Union, religion, trade, and women's rights. | |||||||||||
The first part of the series (approximately four cubic feet) concerns Latin-American affairs generally, sub-divided into subjects. The remainder of the series is arranged by country, with subject headings under each country. Of particular interest is documentation of the economic and political situation in Chile before and after the regime of Salvador Allende. Also of interest is documentation of Alexander's fact-finding mission to Paraguay in 1975 to investigate the treatment of the Aché Indians. | |||||||||||
The series contains many publications of interest, such as broadsides and newsletters from opposition groups. | |||||||||||
Several oversize items are stored separately. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
44 | 15-31 | Latin America--General, 1926-1969 | |||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
45 | 1-4 | Latin America--General, 1970-1992 | |||||||||
5 | Latin America--Advertising, 1952 and Undated | ||||||||||
6-8 | Latin America--Agriculture, 1940-1976 | ||||||||||
9 | Latin America--Agriculture, Diversification of, 1958 | ||||||||||
10 | Latin America--Andean Group, 1973-1985 | ||||||||||
11 | Latin America--Asociación Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio (ALALC), 1966-1979 | ||||||||||
12 | Latin America--Bananas, ca. 1990 | ||||||||||
13 | Latin America--Common Market, 1986 | ||||||||||
14 | Latin America--Caribbean Area, 1981-1989 | ||||||||||
15 | Latin America--Catholic Church, 1974-1990 | ||||||||||
16 | Latin America--Central America, 1981-1989 | ||||||||||
17 | Latin America--Chambers of Commerce, 1946-1948 | ||||||||||
18 | Latin America--Communication, 1948 | ||||||||||
19-20 | Latin America--Cooperatives, 1923-1963 | ||||||||||
21 | Latin America--Culture, 1953-1976 | ||||||||||
22-25 | Latin America--Customs Union--Free Market, 1955-1979 | ||||||||||
26-29 | Latin America--Debt Problem, 1984-1993 | ||||||||||
30-36 | Latin America--Democracy, 1939-1991 | ||||||||||
37 | Latin America--Development,1950-1963 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
46 | 1-2 | Latin America--Development, 1964-1977 | |||||||||
3 | Latin America--Dictatorships, 1955-1983 | ||||||||||
4 | Latin America--Dollar Shortage, 1948-1949 | ||||||||||
5 | Latin America--Drug Problem, 1988-1990 | ||||||||||
6-8 | Latin America--Economic Development, 1940-1991 | ||||||||||
9 | Latin America--Economic Nationalism, 1945-1961 | ||||||||||
10 | Latin America--Economic Research Institute, 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
11 | Latin America--Economic Writing, 1946-1954 | ||||||||||
12-16 | Latin America--Economy General, 1940-1984 | ||||||||||
17-19 | Latin America--Economy (Free Trade Area, Common Market, Integration), 1959-1990 | ||||||||||
20-21 | Latin America--Education, 1948-1987 | ||||||||||
22 | Latin America--Empleados and Obreros | ||||||||||
23 | Latin America--Energy, Energy Crisis and OLADE (Latin American Organization for Energy), 1981-1982 | ||||||||||
24 | Latin America--Family Planning, 1975 | ||||||||||
25 | Latin America--Feminism, 1987 | ||||||||||
26 | Latin America--Foreign Imperialism, 1929-1957 | ||||||||||
27 | Latin America--Foreign Investment, 1987 | ||||||||||
28 | Latin America--Foreign Trade, 1951-1993 | ||||||||||
29 | Latin America--Freedom of Press, 1940-1979 | ||||||||||
30 | Latin America--Good Neighbor Policy--Scholarly Papers, ca. 1980 | ||||||||||
31 | Latin America--Immigration, 1947-1954 | ||||||||||
32 | Latin America--Indians, 1941-1989 | ||||||||||
33 | Latin America--Inflation, 1941-1982 | ||||||||||
34 | Latin America--Integration, 1975-1979 | ||||||||||
35 | Latin America--Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 1940-1988 | ||||||||||
36 | Latin America--Inter-American Grants and Scholarship, 1958 and 1973 | ||||||||||
37 | Latin America--Jewish Problem, 1940 and 1971-1973 | ||||||||||
38 | Latin America--Latin American Parliament, 1975-1980 | ||||||||||
39-42 | Latin America--Literature and Art, 1941-1991 | ||||||||||
43 | Latin America--Maritime Problems, 1946-1951 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
47 | 1 | Latin America--Marshall Plan, 1948 | |||||||||
2-3 | Latin America--Military and Militarism, 1940-1982 | ||||||||||
4 | Latin America--Miscellaneous, 1957-1992 | ||||||||||
5-8 | Latin America--Organization of American States/Pan-American Union, 1940-1988 | ||||||||||
9 | Latin America--Pan-American Highways, 1977-1979 | ||||||||||
10-15 | Latin America--Politics, 1960-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | Latin America--Population, 1944-1987 | ||||||||||
17 | Latin America--Prebisch, Raul, 1976 | ||||||||||
18 | Latin America--Public Finance, 1947-1951 | ||||||||||
19 | Latin America--Public Works, 1948 | ||||||||||
20 | Latin America--Relations with USSR, 1986-1989 | ||||||||||
21-31 | Latin America--Relations with the U.S., 1927-1977 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
48 | 1-4 | Latin America--Relations with the U.S., 1978-1991 | |||||||||
5-7 | Latin America--Religion, 1959-1970s | ||||||||||
8 | Latin America--Religion--Anglican, 1986-1991 | ||||||||||
9 | Latin America--Rockefeller--Venezuelan Basic Economy Corporation, 1947-1976 | ||||||||||
10 | Latin America--SELA (Sistema Económico Latinoamericano), 1979-1989 | ||||||||||
11 | Latin America--Sociedades Anónimas, 1948 | ||||||||||
12 | Latin America--Sociology, 1954-1970 | ||||||||||
13 | Latin America--Source of Raw Materials, 1945-1955 | ||||||||||
14 | Latin America--Soviet Influence, 1975 | ||||||||||
15 | Latin America--United Fruit Co., 1946-1975 | ||||||||||
16 | Latin America--U.S. Investments, 1951 | ||||||||||
17 | Latin America--Urbanization, 1963 | ||||||||||
18 | Latin America--War and Peace, 1981 | ||||||||||
19 | Latin America--West Indies, 1976-1986 | ||||||||||
20-22 | Latin America–"Who's Who in Latin America," 1940-1963 | ||||||||||
23 | Latin America--World War II, 1940 | ||||||||||
24 | Andean Bloc, 1973-1976 | ||||||||||
25 | Anguilla, 1967-1989 | ||||||||||
26 | Antigua, 1969-1989 | ||||||||||
27 | Antigua--General, 1999 | ||||||||||
28-31 | Argentina--General, 1940-1993 | ||||||||||
32-34 | Argentina--Economy, 1940-1979 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
49 | 1 | Argentina--Economy, 1984-1992 | |||||||||
2-4 | Argentina--Economy--Studies, 1979 and 1980 | ||||||||||
5 | Argentina--Falklands, 1982-1990 | ||||||||||
6 | Argentina--Foreign Relations, 1980-1986 | ||||||||||
7 | Argentina--Perón Regime, 1946-1971 | ||||||||||
8-23 | Argentina--Politics, 1931-1992 | ||||||||||
24 | Argentina--Politics--Clippings, 1977-1978 | ||||||||||
25 | Aruba--General, 1973-1992 | ||||||||||
26 | Bahamas--General, 1969-1978 | ||||||||||
27 | Barbados--Economics, 1985-1993 | ||||||||||
28-29 | Barbados--General, 1950-1976 | ||||||||||
30 | Barbados--Politics, 1974-1993 | ||||||||||
31 | Belize--General, 1973-1981 | ||||||||||
32-33 | Bermuda--General, 1968-1989 | ||||||||||
34 | Bolivia--General, 1945-1975 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
50 | 1-3 | Bolivia--General, 1945-1979 | |||||||||
4-5 | Bolivia--Access to Sea, 1974-1981 | ||||||||||
6 | Bolivia--Busch Regime, 1974 | ||||||||||
7 | Bolivia--Cocaine Problem, 1986 | ||||||||||
8-15 | Bolivia--Economy, 1940-1972 | ||||||||||
16-19 | Bolivia--Economy--Clippings, 1973-1976 | ||||||||||
20-29 | Bolivia--Economy, 1976-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
30-31 | Bolivia--Foreign Relations, 1973-1982 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
51 | 1 | Bolivia--Foreign Relations, 1981-1982 | |||||||||
2-18 | Bolivia--Politics, 1917-1993 | ||||||||||
19-28 | Bolivia--Politics--Clippings, 1970-1977 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
52 | 1-12 | Bolivia--Politics--Clippings, 1978-1982 | |||||||||
13 | Bolivia--U.S. Aid, 1957-1960 | ||||||||||
14-22 | Brazil--General, 1934-1994 | ||||||||||
23 | Brazil--Agriculture, 1961 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
53 | 1 | Brazil--Amazónia, 1985-1989 | |||||||||
2 | Brazil--Belem-Brasília Highway, 1965-1972 | ||||||||||
3 | Brazil--Boletim Informativo, 1949-1974 | ||||||||||
4 | Brazil--Brasília, 1984-1985 | ||||||||||
5 | Brazil--Church, 1974-1988 | ||||||||||
6 | Brazil--Debt Problem, 1984-1987 | ||||||||||
7 | Brazil--Conservation, 1990 | ||||||||||
8-27 | Brazil--Economy, 1930-1970s | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
54 | 1-8 | Brazil--Economy, 1980s | |||||||||
9 | Brazil--Estado Nôvo, 1932-1964 | ||||||||||
10 | Brazil--Expansion, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
11 | Brazil--Foreign Relations, 1974-1982 | ||||||||||
12 | Brazil--Freedom of the Press, 1964 | ||||||||||
13 | Brazil--Gasahol Program, 1990 | ||||||||||
14 | Brazil--Imperialism, 1974 | ||||||||||
15 | Brazil--Indians, 1989-1990 | ||||||||||
16 | Brazil--Japanese Immigration, 1990 | ||||||||||
17 | Brazil--Literature, 1988 | ||||||||||
18 | Brazil--Military Dictatorship, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
19-26 | Brazil--Politics, 1930-1979 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
55 | 1-13 | Brazil--Politics, 1967-1990s | |||||||||
14 | Brazil--Pollution, 1973-1975 | ||||||||||
15 | Brazil--Race Problem, 1989 | ||||||||||
16 | Brazil--Revolution, 1964 | ||||||||||
17 | Brazil--Sindicalismo, 1953 | ||||||||||
18 | British Commonwealth--General, 1973-1989 | ||||||||||
19 | British Honduras, 1940-1969 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
56 | 1 | British Honduras, 1970-1988 | |||||||||
2 | British West Indies--General, 1972-1980 | ||||||||||
3-6 | Caribbean Area--General, 1938-1984 | ||||||||||
7 | Caribbean--Common Market/Caricom, 1984 | ||||||||||
8 | Caribbean--Economics, 1975 | ||||||||||
9 | Cayman Islands, 1973-1984 | ||||||||||
10 | Central America--General--Bulletins and Miscellany, 1982-1988 and Undated | ||||||||||
11 | Central America--General--Magazine and Journal Articles, 1949-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
12 | Central America--General--Newspaper Articles, 1939-1987 | ||||||||||
13 | Central America--General--Press Releases, 1962-1973 | ||||||||||
14 | Central America--General--Scholarly Papers, 1961 and 1983 | ||||||||||
15 | Central America--General--U.S. Dept. of State Policy, 1982-1985 | ||||||||||
16-20 | Chile--General, 1933-1992 and Undated | ||||||||||
21 | Chile--General Digest of Newspaper Clippings, 1943-1945 | ||||||||||
22 | Chile--General--Press Releases--Various Organizations, 1948-1965 | ||||||||||
23 | Chile--General--Publications, 1953-1968 | ||||||||||
24 | Chile--General--Reports and Miscellany, 1955-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Chile--General--Report of ICARE (Chilean Institute of Rational Business Administration), ca. 1953 | ||||||||||
26 | Chile--General--Scholarly Papers, 1957-1969 | ||||||||||
27 | Chile--Agrarian Reform, 1975 and Undated | ||||||||||
28-30 | Chile--Allende--Civil Liberties and Freedom of Press, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
31 | Chile--Allende--Constitutional Issues, 1972-1976 | ||||||||||
32 | Chile--Allende--Economics--Hoja de Información Economica, 1972-1973 | ||||||||||
33 | Chile--Allende--Economics--Newspaper and Magazine Articles, 1970-1971 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
57 | 1-2 | Chile--Allende--Economics--Newspaper and Magazine Articles, 1972, 1973 and Undated | |||||||||
3 | Chile--Allende--Economics--Scholarly Papers, 1974 | ||||||||||
4-6 | Chile--Allende--Education--Newspaper Articles, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
7 | Chile--Allende--Foreign Aid, 1972-1973 | ||||||||||
8 | Chile--Allende--Foreign Exchange Crisis, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
9 | Chile--Allende--Foreign Relations, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
10 | Chile--Allende--General--Analysis, 1973-1977 | ||||||||||
11 | Chile--Allende--Government--Election, 1970 | ||||||||||
12-24 | Chile--Allende--Government, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
25 | Chile--Allende--Government--"Allende Walks a Tightrope," Undated | ||||||||||
26-27 | Chile--Allende--Military, 1970-1973 and Undated | ||||||||||
28-31 | Chile--Allende--Nationalization, 1965-1975 and Undated | ||||||||||
32 | Chile--Allende--Planning--Reports, 1971-1972 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
58 | 1 | Chile--Allende--Planning--Report, 1972 | |||||||||
2 | Chile--Allende--Rationing, Jan.- July, 1973 | ||||||||||
3-4 | Chile--Allende--Shortages and Inflation, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
5 | Chile--Castro's Visit, November, 1971 | ||||||||||
6 | Chile--Community Development, 1971 | ||||||||||
7 | Chile--Construction, 1964-1968 | ||||||||||
8-11 | Chile--Coup and After, 1973-1978 and Undated | ||||||||||
12 | Chile--Coup and After--Press Releases and Statements from/to UN and U.S., 1973- 1974 | ||||||||||
13 | Chile--Coup and After--Scholarly Papers, 1974 and Undated | ||||||||||
14 | Chile--Earthquake, 1965 | ||||||||||
15 | Chile--Economic Development, 1964-1971 | ||||||||||
16-21 | Chile--Economics, 1940-1992 | ||||||||||
22 | Chile--Economics--Government Documents, 1966-1967 | ||||||||||
23 | Chile--Economics--Hoja de Información Economica, 1971-1974 | ||||||||||
24 | Chile--Economics--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1940-1973 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Chile--Education, 1964-1970 | ||||||||||
26 | Chile--Labor, Undated | ||||||||||
27-30 | Chile--Politics, 1937-1969 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
59 | 1 | Chile--Politics, 1970-1993 and Undated | |||||||||
2 | Chile--Politics--Miscellany, 1983-1991 and Undated | ||||||||||
3 | Chile--Politics--Press Releases and Publications, 1963-1965 | ||||||||||
4-5 | Chile--Politics--Scholarly Papers, 1964-1976 and 1991 | ||||||||||
6 | Chile--Post-Allende--General, 1975-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
7 | Chile--Post-Allende--General--"Public Policy and Regime Consolidation: The First Four Years of the Chilean Junta," Undated | ||||||||||
8 | Chile--Post-Allende--Balance of Payments, 1973-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
9-10 | Chile--Post-Allende--Church, 1974-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
11 | Chile--Post-Allende--Church Catholic, 1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
12-14 | Chile--Post-Allende--Civil Liberties, 1974-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
15 | Chile--Post-Allende--Constitutional Issues, 1973-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
16 | Chile--Post-Allende--Constitution of Military Junta, 1981 | ||||||||||
17 | Chile--Post-Allende--Courts, 1975-1979 and Undated | ||||||||||
18 | Chile--Post-Allende--Cultural Matters, 1974 and Undated | ||||||||||
19 | Chile--Post-Allende--Denationalization, 1974-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
20-21 | Chile--Post-Allende--Freedom of Press, 1974-1979 and Undated | ||||||||||
22-31 | Chile--Post-Allende--Economy, 1973-1981 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
60 | 1-3 | Chile--Post-Allende--Economy, 1982-1990 and Undated | |||||||||
4 | Chile--Post-Allende--Economy--Chilean Social Program Document, 1986 | ||||||||||
5 | Chile--Post-Allende--Economy--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1973-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
6 | Chile--Post-Allende--Economy--Scholarly Papers, Undated | ||||||||||
7-9 | Chile--Post-Allende--Education, 1973-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
10 | Chile--Post-Allende--Foreign Aid, 1973-1976 and Undated | ||||||||||
11 | Chile--Post-Allende--Foreign Investment, 1974-1978 and Undated | ||||||||||
12-17 | Chile--Post-Allende--Foreign Relations, 1973-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
18 | Chile--Post-Allende--Foreign Relations--Statements and Miscellany, 1974-1983 | ||||||||||
19-21 | Chile--Post-Allende--Inflation, 1973-1979 and Undated | ||||||||||
22 | Chile--Post-Allende--Inflation--Scholarly Papers (Bryan Taylor), Undated | ||||||||||
23-24 | Chile--Post-Allende--Military, 1974-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Chile--Post-Allende--Military--Internal Memo, 1978 | ||||||||||
26 | Chile--Post-Allende--Politics, 1973-1974 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
61 | 1-10 | Chile--Post-Allende--Politics, 1974-1990 and Undated | |||||||||
11 | Chile--Post-Allende--Politics--"Electoral Change in Urban Chile: The Presidential Elections of 1958-1970", Undated | ||||||||||
12 | Chile--Post-Allende--Politics--Miscellany, 1976-1990 and Undated | ||||||||||
13 | Chile--Post-Allende--Politics--Press Releases and Bulletins, 1978- 1988 | ||||||||||
14-16 | Chile--Post-Allende--Social Problems, 1974-1979 and Undated | ||||||||||
17 | Chile--Post-Allende--Terrorism, 1974 | ||||||||||
18 | Chile--Post-Pinochet--Church, 1990 | ||||||||||
19 | Chile--Social Security, 1976 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Chile--Universities, 1965-1971 | ||||||||||
21 | Chile--Universities--"Chilean Universities under Military Rule: 1973-1984," 1985 | ||||||||||
22 | Chile--Universities--Peace Corps Program, 1964 | ||||||||||
23-24 | Colombia--General, 1937-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Colombia--General--Bibliography, 1971 | ||||||||||
26 | Colombia--General--Church, 1962-1964 | ||||||||||
27 | Colombia--General--Colombia Today, 1969-1991 | ||||||||||
28 | Colombia--General--Facts and Photo, 1971 and Undated | ||||||||||
29 | Colombia--General--National University, 1960 | ||||||||||
30 | Colombia--General--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1935-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
31 | Colombia--General--Scholarly Papers, 1954-1964 and Undated | ||||||||||
32-33 | Colombia--Economy, 1940-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
34-36 | Colombia--Economy--Colombia Today, 1966-1977 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
62 | 1-5 | Colombia--Economy--Colombia Today, 1978-1992 | |||||||||
6 | Colombia--Economy--International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), 1950-1977 | ||||||||||
7 | Colombia--Economy--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1959-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
8-9 | Colombia--Economy--Scholarly Papers, 1968-1975 and Undated | ||||||||||
10 | Colombia--Foreign Relations, 1978-1982 and Undated | ||||||||||
11 | Colombia--Narcoterrorism, 1989 | ||||||||||
12-14 | Colombia--Politics, 1940-1990 and Undated | ||||||||||
15 | Colombia--Politics--Colombia Today, 1974-1990 | ||||||||||
16 | Colombia--Politics--Miscellany, 1967-1980 | ||||||||||
17 | Colombia--Politics--Scholarly Papers, 1974-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
18-19 | Costa Rica--General, 1939-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
20 | Costa Rica--General--Press Releases, 1950-1974 | ||||||||||
21 | Costa Rica--General--Correspondence and Miscellany, 1945-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
22 | Costa Rica--General--Facts and History, 1946-1983 | ||||||||||
23 | Costa Rica--General--Scholarly Papers, 1955-1978 and Undated | ||||||||||
24 | Costa Rica--Economy--1940-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Costa Rica--Economy--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1947-1979 and Undated | ||||||||||
26 | Costa Rica--Employers, 1948-1967 | ||||||||||
27 | Costa Rica--Foreign Relations, 1982-1985 | ||||||||||
28-29 | Costa Rica--Politics, 1940-1990 and Undated | ||||||||||
30-33 | Cuba--General, 1932-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
34 | Cuba--General--History and Facts, Undated | ||||||||||
35 | Cuba--General--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1951-1992 and Undated | ||||||||||
36 | Cuba--General--Report on Cuba, 1957-1958 | ||||||||||
37 | Cuba--General--Scholarly Papers, 1970 and Undated | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
63 | 1 | Cuba--Arts and Culture, 1925-1971 | |||||||||
2 | Cuba--Arts and Culture--"Herberto Padilla," Undated | ||||||||||
3 | Cuba--Arts and Culture--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1963-1965 and Undated | ||||||||||
4 | Cuba--Batista, 1935-1960 and Undated | ||||||||||
5-15 | Cuba--Castro Regime and Revolution, 1957-1975 and Undated | ||||||||||
16 | Cuba--Castro Regime and Revolution, Cuban Communism, Chapter 10, 1972 | ||||||||||
17 | Cuba--Castro Regime and Revolution--Correspondence and Miscellany, 1959-1961 | ||||||||||
18 | Cuba--Castro Regime and Revolution--"Moscow, Havana, and the Venezuelan Communist Movement," 1967 | ||||||||||
19 | Cuba--Castro Regime and Revolution, Press Releases and Miscellany, 1962-1973 and Undated | ||||||||||
20-22 | Cuba--Castro Regime and Revolution--Scholarly Papers, 1959-1969 and Undated | ||||||||||
23 | Cuba--"Che" Guevara, 1967-1971 | ||||||||||
24 | Cuba--Civil Liberties, 1977-1985 | ||||||||||
25-26 | Cuba--Economy, 1940-1992 and Undated | ||||||||||
27 | Cuba--Economy--Miami Radio Monitoring Service, 1969 | ||||||||||
28 | Cuba--Economy--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1947-1985 | ||||||||||
29 | Cuba--Economy--Scholarly Papers, 1970-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
30-31 | Cuba--Exiled Groups, 1970-1989 | ||||||||||
32 | Cuba--Exiled Groups--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1969-1987 and Undated | ||||||||||
33-34 | Cuba--Foreign Relations, 1962-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
35 | Cuba--Foreign Relations--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1963-1993 | ||||||||||
36 | Cuba--Foreign Relations--Scholarly Papers, 1971 and Undated | ||||||||||
37 | Cuba--Guantanamo, 1963-1976 | ||||||||||
38 | Cuba--Industries, 1954-1965 | ||||||||||
39 | Cuba--Leaders, 1941-1971 and Undated | ||||||||||
40 | Cuba--Opposition, 1976-1979 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
64 | 1-6 | Cuba--Politics, 1940-1993 and Undated | |||||||||
7 | Cuba--Politics--Castro's Speeches/Interviews, 1968-1973 | ||||||||||
8 | Cuba--Politics--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1936-1993 | ||||||||||
9 | Cuba--Politics--Prisoners, 1979-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
10 | Cuba--Politics--Scholarly Papers, Undated | ||||||||||
11-14 | Cuba--Press Releases--Servicio de información, 1962-1964 | ||||||||||
15 | Cuba--Press Releases--Miscellaneous, 1963-1967 | ||||||||||
16 | Cuba--Relations with Africa, 1973-1979 | ||||||||||
17-18 | Cuba--Relations with Latin America, 1961-1976 and Undated | ||||||||||
19 | Cuba--Relations with Latin America--Study Group Reports of Council on Foreign Relations, 1962-1963 | ||||||||||
20 | Cuba--Relations with USA, 1951-1962 | ||||||||||
21 | Cuba--Relations with USA--Reports and Miscellany, 1958-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
22 | Cuba--Relations with USA--Scholarly Papers, 1963 | ||||||||||
23 | Cuba--Relations with USSR, 1974 and Undated | ||||||||||
24 | Curacao--General, 1985 | ||||||||||
25-27 | Dominican Republic--General, 1934-1986 and Undated | ||||||||||
28 | Dominican Republic--General--Facts and History, 1953-1982 and Undated | ||||||||||
29 | Dominican Republic--General--Press Releases, 1957-1975 and Undated | ||||||||||
30 | Dominican Republic--General--Reports and Miscellany, 1940-1972 and Undated | ||||||||||
31 | Dominican Republic--General--"Report on Political/Structural Development," Undated | ||||||||||
32-33 | Dominican Republic--General--Scholarly Papers, 1960-1971 and Undated | ||||||||||
34 | Dominican Republic--Economy, 1958-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
35 | Dominican Republic--Economy--News Service, 1972 | ||||||||||
36 | Dominican Republic--Economy--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1964-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
37 | Dominican Republic--Economy--Scholarly Papers, 1979-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
65 | 1 | Dominican Republic--Foreign Relations, 1956 | |||||||||
2-4 | Dominican Republic--Politics, 1956-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
5 | Dominican Republic--Politics--Memoranda and Miscellany, 1961-1991 and Undated | ||||||||||
6-7 | Dominican Republic--Politics--News Service, 1972-1973 | ||||||||||
8 | Dominican Republic--Politics--Scholarly Papers, 1986 | ||||||||||
9 | Dominican Republic--Revolution, 1965 | ||||||||||
10-11 | Dominican Republic--Trujillo Regime, 1934-1965 and Undated | ||||||||||
12-13 | Ecuador--General, 1938-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
14 | Ecuador--General--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1944-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
15-17 | Ecuador--General--Scholarly Papers, 1963-1974 and Undated | ||||||||||
18 | Ecuador--Economy, 1940-1987 | ||||||||||
19 | Ecuador--Economy--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1974-1985 | ||||||||||
20 | Ecuador--Economy--Scholarly Papers, 1963-1988 | ||||||||||
21 | Ecuador--Foreign Relations, 1982-1983 | ||||||||||
22 | Ecuador--Politics--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1980-1985 | ||||||||||
23-24 | Ecuador--Politics, 1940-1989 | ||||||||||
25-27 | El Salvador--General, 1931-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
28 | El Salvador--General--Scholarly Papers (In English), 1948 and 1980 | ||||||||||
29 | El Salvador--General--Scholarly Papers (In Spanish), 1964-1970 | ||||||||||
30 | El Salvador--General--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1944-1982 and Undated | ||||||||||
31 | El Salvador--Civil War, 1983-1989 | ||||||||||
32 | El Salvador--Economy, 1982-1989 | ||||||||||
33 | El Salvador--Economy--Press Releases and Scholarly Paper, 1977-1981 | ||||||||||
34-39 | El Salvador--Politics, 1970-1993 and Undated | ||||||||||
40 | El Salvador--Politics--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1979-1984 and Undated | ||||||||||
41 | El Salvador--Politics--Scholarly Papers and Nightline Reports, 1981 and Undated | ||||||||||
42-43 | Falkland Islands--General, 1975-1986 | ||||||||||
44-45 | French and Dutch Guiana--General, 1963-1986 | ||||||||||
46 | French West Indies--General, 1964-1984 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
66 | 1-5 | Grenada--General and Politics, 1969-1990 | |||||||||
6 | Guadeloupe--General and Politics, 1936 and 1979-1982 | ||||||||||
7-12 | Guatemala--General, 1934-1989 | ||||||||||
13-15 | Guatemala--Castillo Armas, Carlos--Newspaper, 1953-1954 | ||||||||||
16 | Guatemala--Economy, 1961 and 1973-1982 | ||||||||||
17-21 | Guatemala--Politics, 1947-1991 | ||||||||||
22 | Guatemala--Tropical Radio Workers Union, 1958 | ||||||||||
23 | Guyana--General, 1973-1982 | ||||||||||
24 | Guyana--Economics--Clippings, 1953-1982 | ||||||||||
25 | Guyana--Economics--Papers, 1970-1973 | ||||||||||
26 | Guyana--Man-Power Citizens' Association, 1960 | ||||||||||
27-30 | Guyana--Politics, 1949-1988 | ||||||||||
31 | Guyana-Venezuela Conflict, 1965 | ||||||||||
32-36 | Haiti--General, 1930-1980s | ||||||||||
37 | Haiti--Economics, 1971-1991 | ||||||||||
38-40 | Haiti--Politics, 1933-1991 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
67 | 1 | Hawaii--General, 1914-1987 | |||||||||
2-4 | Honduras--General, 1934-1993 | ||||||||||
5 | Honduras--Banco de Fomento, 1952 | ||||||||||
6 | Honduras--Economics, 1966-1990 | ||||||||||
7 | Honduras--Politics, 1975-1988 | ||||||||||
8-13 | Jamaica--General, 1938-1986 | ||||||||||
14 | Jamaica--General--Clippings, 1974 | ||||||||||
15-17 | Jamaica--Economy, 1975-1995 | ||||||||||
18 | Jamaica--Foreign Relations, 1976-1986 | ||||||||||
19 | Jamaica--Manley, Norman, 1957-1975 | ||||||||||
20-23 | Jamaica--Politics, 1949 and 1975-1991 | ||||||||||
24 | Leeward and Windward Islands, 1973 | ||||||||||
25-26 | Martinique--General, 1947-1989 | ||||||||||
27-37 | Mexico--General, 1916-1991 | ||||||||||
38 | Mexico--General--American Friends Service Committee, 1960-1964 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
68 | 1 | Mexico--General--Primer Congreso Nacional de la Industria de Transformación, ca. 1950 | |||||||||
2 | Mexico--Debt Crisis, 1984 and 1989-1990 | ||||||||||
3-13 | Mexico--Economy, 1917-1993 | ||||||||||
14-15 | Mexico--Economy--Newspaper Clippings, 1982-1992 | ||||||||||
16 | Mexico--Education, 1979 | ||||||||||
17 | Mexico--Foreign Relations, 1975-1985 | ||||||||||
18 | Mexico--Free Trade with United States, 1991 | ||||||||||
19 | Mexico--Inflation, 1940-1951 | ||||||||||
20 | Mexico--Mexican Revolution, 1916-1960 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Mexico--Mexican Revolution--Newspaper Clippings, 1910-1969 | ||||||||||
24 | Mexico--Oil Industry, 1986 | ||||||||||
25-31 | Mexico--Politics, 1940s-1990 | ||||||||||
32 | Mexico--Politics--Documents, 1945-1955 | ||||||||||
33-37 | Mexico--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1916-1982 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
69 | 1-3 | Mexico--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1983-1990 | |||||||||
4 | Mexico--Student Movement, 1968-1972 | ||||||||||
5 | Montserrat--General, 1969-1989 | ||||||||||
6 | Netherlands Antilles--General, 1946-1989 | ||||||||||
7 | Newfoundland--General, 1924-1948 | ||||||||||
8-11 | Nicaragua--General, 1940s-1980s | ||||||||||
12-14 | Nicaragua--General--Clippings, 1919-1980s | ||||||||||
15 | Nicaragua--Economy--Miscellany, 1941-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | Nicaragua--Economy--Newspaper Clippings, 1975-1988 | ||||||||||
17 | Nicaragua--Foreign Relations, 1980s | ||||||||||
18-25 | Nicaragua--Politics, 1967-1992 | ||||||||||
26 | Nicaragua--Politics--Intercontinental Press, 1980-1982 | ||||||||||
27-38 | Nicaragua--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1991 | ||||||||||
39 | Nicaragua--Politics--State Department Documents, 1987-1988 | ||||||||||
40-44 | Panama--General, 1916-1988 | ||||||||||
45-46 | Panama--General--Newspaper Clippings, 1960s-1991 | ||||||||||
47 | Panama--Canal Zone--Department of State, 1975-1983 | ||||||||||
48 | Panama--Canal Zone--Documents, 1907 and 1964 | ||||||||||
49 | Panama--Canal Zone--Intercontinental Press, 1977-1979 | ||||||||||
50 | Panama--Canal Zone--Miscellaneous, 1975-1976 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
70 | 1 | Panama--Canal Zone--Miscellaneous, 1977-1978 | |||||||||
2-3 | Panama--Canal Zone--Newspaper Clippings, 1975-1986 | ||||||||||
4 | Panama--Economy, 1940 and 1977-1988 | ||||||||||
5 | Panama--Politics, 1940 and 1972-1988 | ||||||||||
6-7 | Panama--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1972-1991 | ||||||||||
8 | Panama--U.S. Invasion, 1988-1990 | ||||||||||
9 | Paraguay--General, 1964-1990 | ||||||||||
10 | Paraguay--General--Estudios Paraguayos, 1975 | ||||||||||
11 | Paraguay--General--Newspaper Clippings, 1976-1991 | ||||||||||
12-16 | Paraguay--Church, 1960-1980 | ||||||||||
17-18 | Paraguay--Civil Rights, 1975 and 1976 | ||||||||||
19-21 | Paraguay--Economy, 1951-1990 | ||||||||||
22 | Paraguay--Economy--Newspaper Clippings, 1941-1976 | ||||||||||
23 | Paraguay--Foreign Relations, 1976 | ||||||||||
24-26 | Paraguay--Indians, 1974-1976 | ||||||||||
27 | Paraguay--Politics--Human Rights Report, 1977 | ||||||||||
28-34 | Paraguay--Politics--Miscellaneous, 1940-1989 | ||||||||||
35-36 | Paraguay--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1975-1991 | ||||||||||
37 | Paraguay--Politics--Publications--Desterrado Yo'á, 1980 | ||||||||||
38 | Paraguay--Politics--Publications--El Paraguay Libre, 1976-1981 | ||||||||||
39-43 | Peru--General--Clippings, 1919-1970s | ||||||||||
44 | Peru--General--Documents, 1940s | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
71 | 1-3 | Peru--General--Documents, 1950s and 1960s | |||||||||
4-6 | Peru--General--Miscellany, 1970s and 1980s | ||||||||||
7 | Peru--General--Publications, 1950s | ||||||||||
8-13 | Peru--Economy, 1924-1980s | ||||||||||
14 | Peru--Economy--Iowa Universities Mission, 1964-1966 | ||||||||||
15-16 | Peru--Economy--Newspaper Clippings, 1960s and 1970s | ||||||||||
17 | Peru--Economy--Reports and Articles, 1960s | ||||||||||
18 | Peru--Freedom of Press, 1974 | ||||||||||
19 | Peru--Military Regime, 1974 | ||||||||||
20-21 | Peru--Politics, 1935-1986 | ||||||||||
22 | Peru--Politics--Articles, 1971-1993 | ||||||||||
23-25 | Peru--Politics--Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1972 | ||||||||||
26 | Peru--Politics--Magazine and Newsletter Articles, 1978-1980 | ||||||||||
27-28 | Peru--Politics--Miscellany, 1981-1996 | ||||||||||
29-35 | Peru--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1962-1991 | ||||||||||
36 | Peru--Politics--Newspaper Clippings and Documents, 1972-1977 | ||||||||||
37 | Peru--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1978-1980 | ||||||||||
38 | Peru--Velasco Government, 1968-1972 | ||||||||||
39-44 | Puerto Rico--General, 1887 and 1921-1989 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
72 | 1-2 | Puerto Rico--General--Newspaper Clippings, 1960-1969 | |||||||||
3 | Puerto Rico--Cooperatives, 1958-1962 | ||||||||||
4-8 | Puerto Rico--Economic Development, 1917-1977 | ||||||||||
9-10 | Puerto Rico--Economy, 1962-1991 | ||||||||||
11 | Puerto Rico--Economy--Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico, 1970-1981 | ||||||||||
12 | Puerto Rico--Economy--Newspaper Clippings, 1962-1985 | ||||||||||
13 | Puerto Rico--Education, 1909 and 1962-1964 | ||||||||||
14-17 | Puerto Rico--General Development, 1923-1980 | ||||||||||
18 | Puerto Rico--Industry, 1950-1958 | ||||||||||
19 | Puerto Rico--Industry--Newspaper Clippings, 1955-1973 | ||||||||||
20 | Puerto Rico--Migration, 1953-1962 | ||||||||||
21 | Puerto Rico--Nationalists, 1976-1979 | ||||||||||
22 | Puerto Rico--Operation Bootstrap, 1957-1962 | ||||||||||
23-24 | Puerto Rico--Politics, 1960-1980s | ||||||||||
25-28 | Puerto Rico--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1923-1991 | ||||||||||
29 | Puerto Rico--Politics--Speeches, 1949 and 1958-1960 | ||||||||||
30 | Puerto Rico--Status in Relation to the U.S.--Newspaper Clippings, 1960s and 1970s | ||||||||||
31-32 | Puerto Rico--Status in Relation to the U.S., 1925-1975 | ||||||||||
33 | St. Lucia--General, 1959-1987 | ||||||||||
34 | St. Maarten, St. Barts, and St. Kitts, 1982-1985 | ||||||||||
35 | St. Pierre et Miquelon, 1975 | ||||||||||
36 | St. Vincent, 1975-1989 | ||||||||||
37-38 | Surinam--General, 1952-1989 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
73 | 1-5 | Trinidad and Tobago--General, 1949-1984 | |||||||||
6 | Trinidad and Tobago--Economy, 1970-1978 | ||||||||||
7 | Trinidad and Tobago--Politics, 1969-1980 | ||||||||||
8 | Trinidad and Tobago--Politics--Newspaper Clippings, 1970-1989 | ||||||||||
9 | Uruguay--General, 1944-1969 | ||||||||||
10 | Uruguay--General--Newspaper Clippings, 1919-1990 | ||||||||||
11 | Uruguay--Economy, 1940-1975 | ||||||||||
12 | Uruguay--Economy--Newspaper Clippings, 1968-1991 | ||||||||||
13-19 | Uruguay--Politics, 1940-1993 | ||||||||||
20 | Uruguay--Politics--Partido Colorado (Liberal), 1946 | ||||||||||
21 | Uruguay--Politics--Partido Nacional (Blanco Conservative), 1946 | ||||||||||
22-30 | Venezuela--General, 1930s-1972 | ||||||||||
31 | Venezuela--Conference, 1976 | ||||||||||
32 | Venezuela--Economic Development, 1961-1980 | ||||||||||
33 | Venezuela--Economy, 1947-1968 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
74 | 1-14 | Venezuela--Economy, 1970-1992 | |||||||||
15 | Venezuela--Economy--Papers, 1984-1989 | ||||||||||
16 | Venezuela--Education, 1960-1969 | ||||||||||
17 | Venezuela--Energy Conservation, ca. 1960 | ||||||||||
18-19 | Venezuela--Foreign Relations, 1975-1985 | ||||||||||
20 | Venezuela--Military, Housing, Social Problems, Agrarian Reform, and Universities, 1961-1978 | ||||||||||
21-25 | Venezuela--Politics, 1940s-1964 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
75 | 1-15 | Venezuela--Politics, 1965-1993 | |||||||||
16 | Venezuela--Politics--Papers, 1972 and 1974 |
X. COUNTRY FILES (NON-LATIN AMERICAN, 1900(1950)-1991 47 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Arranged alphabetically by country. | |||||||||||
Files kept by Robert J. Alexander on countries throughout the world excluding Latin America. Document types are primarily newspaper, newsletter and magazine clippings, but also include government documents, biographical notes, and unpublished papers. Newspapers include the major U.S. and European papers as well as smaller papers and obscure newsletters. | |||||||||||
Includes practically every country in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Countries are subdivided by subject and further subdivided chronologically. Primary subjects are economics, politics and foreign relations of each country, but also includes agriculture, the arts, the military, social conditions, women's rights, and a general or miscellaneous category. Although the majority of the material dates from the 1950s to the 1980s, also includes notes on each country collected by M. Oran in the early part of the century. | |||||||||||
Includes some very small countries such as Vanuatu in the South Pacific and San Marino in Italy. Some countries are filed under former names such as Abyssinia. Yugoslavia, which was filed under "J" was moved to Y, however. Includes some areas which are no longer countries such as Danzig, and regions within countries such as the Saar, Memel, Alsace Lorraine, and the Dodecanese. Larger regions such as Europe include, along with the general materials, files on regional organizations such as the European Economic Community and NATO. | |||||||||||
The largest amount of material documents the United States (approximately eight cubic feet) dating primarily from the 1970s and 1980s. Subjects are primarily economics related, including files on numerous individual industries, but also include education, politics and religion. | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
75 | 17 | Abu Dhabi, 1978-1980 | |||||||||
18 | Abyssinia--General, 1986-1987 | ||||||||||
19 | Aden--General, 1948-1972 | ||||||||||
20 | Afghanistan--Economics, 1948-1975 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Afghanistan--General, 1951-1989 | ||||||||||
24 | Afghanistan--Politics, 1989 | ||||||||||
25 | Africa--Economics, 1963-1983 | ||||||||||
26 | Africa--Famine, 1985 | ||||||||||
27-30 | Africa--General, 1950-1987 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
76 | 1-4 | Africa--General, 1950-1987 | |||||||||
5 | Africa--Organization of African Unity (OAU), 1942-1982 | ||||||||||
6-7 | Albania--General, 1972-1990 | ||||||||||
8-13 | Algeria--General, 1955-1980 | ||||||||||
14 | Algeria--Economy, 1975-1980 | ||||||||||
15-16 | Algeria--Foreign Relations, 1965-1980 | ||||||||||
17 | Algeria--Politics, 1982-1990 | ||||||||||
18 | Alsace-Lorraine--General, 1915-1932 | ||||||||||
19 | Andorra--General, 1941-1984 | ||||||||||
20 | Anglican Commission, 1978-1990 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Angola--General, 1962-1988 | ||||||||||
24 | Angola--Politics, 1991 | ||||||||||
25 | Arab League, 1982-1984 | ||||||||||
26 | Arabia--General, 1939-1975 | ||||||||||
27 | Armenia--General, 1923-1987 | ||||||||||
28-29 | Asia--General, 1955-1977 | ||||||||||
30 | Asia--Agrarian Reform, 1976 | ||||||||||
31 | Asia--Bandung Conference, 1955 | ||||||||||
32 | Asia--Economics--ASEAN, 1976-1988 | ||||||||||
33-34 | Asia--Economic Development--Colombo Plan, 1950-1961 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
77 | 1 | Asia--Overpopulation, 1954 | |||||||||
2 | Asia--Southeast Asia, 1976-1982 | ||||||||||
3 | Australia--Economy, 1948-1992 | ||||||||||
4-6 | Australia--General, 1917-1986 | ||||||||||
7 | Australia--Politics, 1970-1988 | ||||||||||
8-9 | Austria--Economics, 1952-1989 | ||||||||||
10-11 | Austria--Foreign Relations, 1919-1986 | ||||||||||
12-15 | Austria--General, 1911-1960s | ||||||||||
16 | Bahrain--General, 1956-1986 | ||||||||||
17 | Balkans--General, 1920-1980 | ||||||||||
18-22 | Bangladesh--General, 1971-1985 | ||||||||||
23 | Baltic Countries--General, 1920-1944 | ||||||||||
24 | Bavaria--General, 1973 | ||||||||||
25 | Belgium--General, 1948-1982 | ||||||||||
26 | Belgium--Politics, 1937-1985 | ||||||||||
27-28 | Benelux--General, 1919-1959 | ||||||||||
29 | Benin--General, 1960-1988 | ||||||||||
30-31 | Botswana--General, 1977-1984 | ||||||||||
32 | Botswana--Economics, 1976-1984 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
78 | 1 | Botswana--Economics, 1976-1982 | |||||||||
2 | Botswana--Politics, 1976-1983 | ||||||||||
3 | British Commonwealth, 1948-1987 | ||||||||||
4 | British East Africa--General, 1944-1964 | ||||||||||
5 | British West Africa--General, 1915-1955 | ||||||||||
6 | Brunei--General, 1975-1987 | ||||||||||
7 | Bhutan--General, 1965-1982 | ||||||||||
8 | Bukovina and Bessarabia, 1940-1944 | ||||||||||
9 | Bulgaria--General and Politics, 1943-1980 | ||||||||||
10 | Bulgaria--Economics, 1969-1982 | ||||||||||
11 | Bulgaria--Foreign Relations, 1976-1981 | ||||||||||
12 | Burma--Economics, 1975-1984 | ||||||||||
13-17 | Burma--General, 1948-1988 | ||||||||||
18 | Burundi--General, 1969-1977 | ||||||||||
19-23 | Cambodia--General, 1970-1986 | ||||||||||
24 | Cameroon--Economics, 1975-1981 | ||||||||||
25-28 | Cameroon--General, 1954-1984 | ||||||||||
29 | Canada--Co-Ops, 1974-1984 | ||||||||||
30-36 | Canada--Economy, 1949-1990 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
79 | 1-2 | Canada--Economy, 1980-1990 | |||||||||
3 | Canada--Foreign Relations--Canada Reports, 1985-1986 | ||||||||||
4-5 | Canada--Foreign Relations--Canada Weekly, 1974-1985 | ||||||||||
6 | Canada--Foreign Relations--Embassy Information, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
7-8 | Canada--Foreign Relations--Embassy--Press Comment, 1973-1978 | ||||||||||
9 | Canada--Foreign Relations--External Affairs--Reference Papers, 1973-1975 | ||||||||||
10-26 | Canada--Foreign Relations--External Affairs--Statements and Speeches, 1973-1991 | ||||||||||
27 | Canada--Foreign Relations--Miscellaneous Articles, 1948-1989 and Undated | ||||||||||
28-33 | Canada--General, 1921-1978 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
80 | 1 | Canada--Immigration, 1975-1979 | |||||||||
2-11 | Canada--Politics, 1940s-1980s | ||||||||||
12 | Canada--Social Problems, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
13 | Cape Verde--General, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
14-15 | Catholic Church--General, 1977-1987 | ||||||||||
16 | Central African Republic--General, 1960-1980 | ||||||||||
17-21 | Ceylon (Sri Lanka)--General, 1946-1978 | ||||||||||
22 | Ceylon--Economics, 1972-1983 | ||||||||||
23-25 | Ceylon--Politics, 1971-1986 | ||||||||||
26 | Chad--General, 1968-1983 | ||||||||||
27-28 | China--General, 1922-1979 | ||||||||||
29-30 | China--Agriculture, 1974-1993 | ||||||||||
31-32 | Chinese–Agriculture and Communist Reform, 1953-1964 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
81 | 1 | China--Arts and Literature, 1939-1959 | |||||||||
2 | China--Cultural Revolution, 1966-1970 | ||||||||||
3-13 | China--Economics, 1947-1993 | ||||||||||
14-19 | China--Foreign Relations, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
20-26 | China--General, 1922-1983 | ||||||||||
27-28 | China--Hong Kong--General, 1949-1991 | ||||||||||
29-30 | China--Industrialization, 1950-1963 | ||||||||||
31 | China--Inner Mongolia, 1933-1981 | ||||||||||
32 | China--Japanese Puppet Regimes, 1940-1945 | ||||||||||
33 | China--Leaders, 1915-1955 | ||||||||||
34 | China--Manchuria, 1964 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
82 | 1 | China--Mao, 1976-1988 | |||||||||
2 | China--Military, 1980 | ||||||||||
3-6 | China--Politics, 1946-1979 | ||||||||||
7 | China--Population Problems, 1949-1985 | ||||||||||
8-10 | China--Politics, 1981-1990 | ||||||||||
11 | China--Repression, 1989 | ||||||||||
12 | China--Singkiang, 1937-1969 | ||||||||||
13 | China--Sino-Soviet Spit, 1966-1976 | ||||||||||
14 | China--SunYat Sen, 1921-1958 | ||||||||||
15 | China--Tibet, 1980-1987 | ||||||||||
16 | Comoro Islands--General, 1978 | ||||||||||
17 | Congo--General, 1962-1985 | ||||||||||
18 | Cook Islands--General, 1984 | ||||||||||
19 | Council of Europe, 1949 | ||||||||||
20-24 | Cyprus--General, 1963-1990 | ||||||||||
25 | Cyprus--Economy, 1987-1991 | ||||||||||
26 | Cyprus--Politics, 1973-1989 | ||||||||||
27-29 | Czechoslovakia--Economy, 1975-1992 | ||||||||||
30-33 | Czechoslovakia--General, 1922-1989 | ||||||||||
34 | Czechoslovakia--Munich Agreement, 1978 | ||||||||||
35-37 | Czechoslovakia--Politics and Foreign Relations, 1968-1990 | ||||||||||
38 | Czechoslovakia--Russian Invasion, 1968-1978 | ||||||||||
39 | Danzig--General, 1926-1945 | ||||||||||
40 | Denmark--Economics, 1975-1984 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
83 | 1 | Denmark--General, 1922-1963 | |||||||||
2 | Denmark--Politics, 1975-1986 | ||||||||||
3 | Diego Garcia--General, 1982 | ||||||||||
4 | Djibouti--General, 1977-1981 | ||||||||||
5 | Dodecanese--General, 1944 | ||||||||||
6 | Dubai--General, 1975-1986 | ||||||||||
7 | Eastern Europe--General & Politics, 1956-1970 | ||||||||||
8 | Eastern Europe--Economy, 1974-1990 | ||||||||||
9 | East Africa--General, 1969-1982 | ||||||||||
10 | East Timor--General, 1986 | ||||||||||
11 | Economic Development of Backward Countries--Asia & Africa, 1939-1989 | ||||||||||
12-13 | Egypt--General, 1964-1989 | ||||||||||
14-15 | Egypt--Agricultural Reform, 1936-1963 | ||||||||||
16 | Egypt--Economy, 1975-1989 | ||||||||||
17 | Egypt--Politics, 1975-1985 | ||||||||||
18 | Equatorial Guinea--General, 1981-1984 | ||||||||||
19 | Eritrea--General, 1955-1971 | ||||||||||
20-22 | Ethiopia--General, 1950-1988 | ||||||||||
23 | Europe--Clearing Union, 1948-1949 | ||||||||||
24 | Europe--Council for Multi Economic Assistance (CMEA), 1979-1988 | ||||||||||
25 | Europe--Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 1985 | ||||||||||
26 | Europe--East Europe--Economics, 1991 | ||||||||||
27 | Europe--East Europe--1989 Revolution, 1989-1991 | ||||||||||
28 | Europe--Economy, 1977-1987 | ||||||||||
29-31 | Europe--EEC, 1984-1989 | ||||||||||
32 | Europe--General, 1951-1981 | ||||||||||
33 | Europe--Helsinki, 1983-1985 | ||||||||||
34 | Europe--Marshall Plan, 1948-1951 | ||||||||||
35 | Europe--Politics, 1975-1990 | ||||||||||
36 | Europe--Refugees & Jews, 1949-1980 | ||||||||||
37 | Europe--Religious Problems, 1989 | ||||||||||
38 | Europe--Schuman Plan, 1950-1969 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
84 | 1 | Europe--Space, 1983 | |||||||||
2 | Europe--Strasbourg Assembly, 1949-1984 | ||||||||||
3 | European Union, 1948 | ||||||||||
4 | European Unity, 1948-1983 | ||||||||||
5 | Europe--Warsaw Pact, 1980-1989 | ||||||||||
6-11 | European Economic Community (EEC), 1948-1989 | ||||||||||
12 | Fiji--General, 1971-1987 | ||||||||||
13 | Finland--Economy, 1975-1982 | ||||||||||
14-15 | Finland--General, 1917-1980 | ||||||||||
16 | Finland--Politics, 1945-1983 | ||||||||||
17 | France--Agriculture, 1922-1968 | ||||||||||
18-27 | France--Economic Affairs, 1900-1991 | ||||||||||
28 | France--Foreign Relations, 1977-1984 | ||||||||||
29-31 | France--General, 1900-1949 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
85 | 1-9 | France--General, 1950s-1970s | |||||||||
10-20 | France--Politics, 1952-1991 | ||||||||||
21-22 | French Africa--General, 1950-1981 | ||||||||||
23 | French Polynesia, 1977-1984 | ||||||||||
24 | Gabon--General, 1961-1981 | ||||||||||
25 | Gambia--General, 1950-1981 | ||||||||||
26 | Germany, Before 1918 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
86 | 1-2 | Germany, 1918-1945 | |||||||||
3 | Germany--Berlin, 1961-1988 | ||||||||||
4 | Germany--East German Foreign Relations, 1973-1986 | ||||||||||
5-10 | Germany--East Germany--General, 1948-1989 | ||||||||||
11-14 | Germany--East Germany--Economy, 1981-1989 | ||||||||||
15-17 | Germany--East Germany--Politics, 1981-1990 | ||||||||||
18 | Germany--General--Post WWII, 1933-1990 | ||||||||||
19 | Germany--Nazi Germany--Jewish Persecution, 1990-1992 | ||||||||||
20 | Germany--Nazi Period, 1969-1981 | ||||||||||
21 | Germany--Post WWII--Berlin, 1948-1981 | ||||||||||
22 | Germany--Reunification, 1989-1990 | ||||||||||
23-27 | Germany--West Germany--Economics, 1959-1991 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
87 | 1-2 | Germany--West Germany--Economics, 1978-1991 | |||||||||
3-10 | Germany--West Germany- Foreign Relations, 1975-1988 | ||||||||||
11-15 | Germany--West Germany--General, 1949-1988 | ||||||||||
16-28 | Germany--West Germany--Politics, 1947-1990 | ||||||||||
29 | Germany--West Germany--Relations with East Germany, 1984-1987 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
88 | 1-5 | Ghana--General, 1954-1987 | |||||||||
6 | Ghana--Agriculture, 1968-1978 | ||||||||||
7-8 | Ghana--Ghana Today, 1954-1976 | ||||||||||
9 | Ghana--[Gold Coast] Politics, 1976-1982 | ||||||||||
10-13 | Ghana--Politics, 1948-1968 | ||||||||||
14 | Great Britain--Anglican Church, 1988 | ||||||||||
15-24 | Great Britain--Economics, 1900s-1990s | ||||||||||
25 | Great Britain--Education, 1942-1977 | ||||||||||
26 | Great Britain--Foreign Politics, 1974-1977 | ||||||||||
27-28 | Great Britain--General, 1900-1940s | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
89 | 1-13 | Great Britain--General, 1940s-1990s | |||||||||
14 | Great Britain--Health Services, 1963-1988 | ||||||||||
15 | Great Britain--Isle of Man, 1985 | ||||||||||
16 | Great Britain--Nationalization, 1976 | ||||||||||
17-23 | Great Britain--Politics, 1921-1991 | ||||||||||
24 | Great Britain--Race Problem, 1976-1988 | ||||||||||
25 | Great Britain--Royal Family, 1987 | ||||||||||
26 | Great Britain--Scotland, 1928-1979 | ||||||||||
27 | Great Britain--Women--Leaders in Politics and Labor, 1889- 1927 | ||||||||||
28-29 | Greece--Economy, 1975-1991 | ||||||||||
30 | Greece--Foreign Relations, 1978-1989 | ||||||||||
31-34 | Greece--General, 1950-1990s | ||||||||||
35-37 | Greece--Politics, 1948-1990 | ||||||||||
38 | Greenland--General, 1973-1982 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
90 | 1 | Guam--General, 1983 | |||||||||
2 | Guinea--General, 1975-1990 | ||||||||||
3 | Guinea-Bissau, 1973-1978 | ||||||||||
4 | Hungary--Economics, 1966-1985 | ||||||||||
5-7 | Hungary--General, 1951-1981 | ||||||||||
8 | Hungary--Politics, 1956-1984 | ||||||||||
9 | Iceland--General, 1916-1978 | ||||||||||
10 | India--Agriculture, 1944-1989 | ||||||||||
11 | India--Armed Forces, 1942-1946 | ||||||||||
12-25 | India--Economy, 1942-1991 | ||||||||||
26 | India--Education, 1947-1956 | ||||||||||
27-28 | India--Foreign Relations, 1975-1979 | ||||||||||
29-30 | India--General, 1946-1985 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
91 | 1-5 | India--General, 1946-1985 | |||||||||
6 | India--Government, 1946 | ||||||||||
7 | India--Independence, 1946-1973 | ||||||||||
8-10 | India--Industrialization, 1942-1973 | ||||||||||
11 | India--Land Reform, 1951-1956 | ||||||||||
12-21 | India--Politics, 1932-1991 | ||||||||||
22 | India--Political & Social Interests, 1920-1978 | ||||||||||
23 | India--Railways, 1944-1973 | ||||||||||
24-26 | India--WWII, 1941-1984 | ||||||||||
27 | Indo China--General, 1951-1972 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
92 | 1-2 | Indo China--General, 1951-1972 | |||||||||
3-6 | Indonesia--Economics, 1951-1989 | ||||||||||
7 | Indonesia--Foreign Relations, 1986 | ||||||||||
8-13 | Indonesia--General, 1948-1986 | ||||||||||
14-15 | Indonesia--Political, 1950-1976 | ||||||||||
16-22 | Iran--Economics, 1972-1989 | ||||||||||
23-28 | Iran--General, 1951-1979 | ||||||||||
29-30 | Iran--Politics, 1975-1981 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
93 | 1-8 | Iran--Politics, 1975-1981 | |||||||||
9 | Iran--Foreign Aid Program, 1975-1976 | ||||||||||
10-12 | Iran--Foreign Relations, 1975-1981 | ||||||||||
13 | Iran--Investments Abroad, 1976 | ||||||||||
14 | Iran--Oil Crisis, 1975 | ||||||||||
15 | Iran--Social Problems, 1975-1978 | ||||||||||
16-18 | Iraq--General, 1937-1979 | ||||||||||
19 | Iraq--Economy, 1981-1985 | ||||||||||
20 | Iraq--Politics, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
21-24 | Ireland--Economics, 1976-1987 | ||||||||||
25 | Ireland--Foreign Affairs, 1978-1987 | ||||||||||
26-29 | Ireland--General, 1910s-1988 | ||||||||||
30-32 | Ireland--Politics, 1957-1987 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
94 | 1 | Ireland--Politics, 1957-1987 | |||||||||
2-8 | Israel--General, 1946-1988 | ||||||||||
9-17 | Israel--Arabs--International Problems, 1947-1986 | ||||||||||
18 | Israel--Arabs--War, 1973 | ||||||||||
19-22 | Israel--Economics, 1958-1984 | ||||||||||
23-24 | Israel--Foreign Relations, 1974-1985 | ||||||||||
25-30 | Israel--Politics, 1945-1990 | ||||||||||
31 | Israel--Religious Problems, 1977-1986 | ||||||||||
32 | Italy--Economy, 1973-1990 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
95 | 1-5 | Italy--General, 1917-1979 | |||||||||
6 | Italy--Agricultural Reform, 1922-1968 | ||||||||||
7 | Italy--Economy, 1973-1990 | ||||||||||
8 | Italy--Foreign Relations, 1948-1985 | ||||||||||
9-11 | Italy--Politics, 1948-1986 | ||||||||||
12-13 | Ivory Coast--General, 1954-1987 | ||||||||||
14-19 | Japan--General, 1922-1991 | ||||||||||
20-29 | Japan--Economy, 1945-1991 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
96 | 1 | Japan--Cooperatives, 1920-1925 | |||||||||
2 | Japan--Economy, 1982-1991 | ||||||||||
3 | Japan--Emigration, 1922-1925 | ||||||||||
4 | Japan--International Relations, 1919-1989 | ||||||||||
5-6 | Japan--Politics, 1970-1990 | ||||||||||
7-11 | Jordan--General, 1925-1988 | ||||||||||
12 | Jordan--Economics, 1985-1988 | ||||||||||
13 | Jordan--Politics, 1984-1991 | ||||||||||
14 | Katanga--General, 1961 | ||||||||||
15-19 | Kenya--General, 1958-1989 | ||||||||||
20 | Kenya--Economy, 1974-1981 | ||||||||||
21-24 | Korea--General, 1947-1976 | ||||||||||
25-27 | Korea--North Korea, 1970-1987 | ||||||||||
28 | Korea--Korean War, 1975 | ||||||||||
29 | Kurdistan--General, 1987 | ||||||||||
30 | Kuwait--General, 1962-1991 | ||||||||||
31 | Laos--General, 1963-1985 | ||||||||||
32 | Latvia--General, 1920-1983 | ||||||||||
33-35 | Lebanon--General, 1955-1984 | ||||||||||
36 | Lebanon--Politics, 1970-1988 | ||||||||||
37 | Lesotho--General, 1964-1983 | ||||||||||
38 | Liberia--General, 1962-1990 | ||||||||||
39 | Libya--General, 1949-1983 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
97 | 1 | Libya--General, 1982-1987 | |||||||||
2-3 | Libya--Politics, 1984-1986 | ||||||||||
4 | Liechtenstein--General, 1938-1989 | ||||||||||
5 | Lithuania--General, 1912-1990 | ||||||||||
6 | Luxemburg--General, 1914-1972 | ||||||||||
7 | Macao--General, 1975-1982 | ||||||||||
8 | Madagascar--General, 1960-1975 | ||||||||||
9 | Malawi--General, 1970-1978 | ||||||||||
10-12 | Malaya--Economics, 1975-1986 | ||||||||||
13 | Malaya--Foreign Relations, 1976-1984 | ||||||||||
14-19 | Malaya--General, 1949-1987 | ||||||||||
20-21 | Malaya--Politics, 1949-1986 | ||||||||||
22 | Maldive Islands--General, 1952-1984 | ||||||||||
23 | Mali--General, 1960-1977 | ||||||||||
24 | Malta--General, 1935-1985 | ||||||||||
25 | Maghreb--General, 1971 | ||||||||||
26 | Maldive Islands--General, 1976 | ||||||||||
27 | Manchuria--General, 1919-1934 | ||||||||||
28 | Mauritania--General, 1964-1981 | ||||||||||
29-30 | Mauritius--General, 1963-1983 | ||||||||||
31 | Memel--General, 1932-1939 | ||||||||||
32 | Micronesia--General, 1983-1985 | ||||||||||
33-34 | Middle East--General, 1947-1982 | ||||||||||
35 | Monaco--General, 1949-1978 | ||||||||||
36-41 | Morocco--General, 1953-1987 | ||||||||||
42 | Mozambique--General, 1963-1989 | ||||||||||
43 | Muscat and Oman, 1957-1976 | ||||||||||
44 | NATO, 1982-1988 | ||||||||||
45-46 | Nepal--General, 1969-1986 | ||||||||||
47 | Netherlands--Agricultural Reform, 1982 | ||||||||||
48 | Netherlands--Economics, 1984-1989 | ||||||||||
49-50 | Netherlands--General, 1920-1985 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
98 | 1-2 | Netherlands--General, 1920-1990 | |||||||||
3-5 | Netherlands--Politics, 1981-1989 | ||||||||||
6 | New Caledonia--General, 1979-1985 | ||||||||||
7 | New Caledonia--Politics, 1982-1985 | ||||||||||
8 | New Hebrides--General, 1977-1986 | ||||||||||
9 | New Zealand--Economics, 1975-1989 | ||||||||||
10 | New Zealand--Foreign Relations, 1985-1987 | ||||||||||
11-12 | New Zealand--General, 1920-1973 | ||||||||||
13 | New Zealand--Politics, 1984-1990 | ||||||||||
14 | Niger--General, 1964-1981 | ||||||||||
15-16 | Nigeria--General, 1953-1983 | ||||||||||
17-20 | Nigeria--Economic, 1958-1983 | ||||||||||
21-23 | Nigeria--Politics, 1948-1984 | ||||||||||
24 | Northern Ireland--General, 1968-1983 | ||||||||||
25 | Northern Ireland--Politics, 1975-1976 | ||||||||||
26-28 | Norway--General, 1953-1983 | ||||||||||
29-30 | Norway--Economics, 1975-1989 | ||||||||||
31 | Norway--Politics and Foreign Relations, 1974-1991 | ||||||||||
32 | Oceanica--General, 1949-1984 | ||||||||||
33 | Okinawa--General, 1957-1971 | ||||||||||
34 | Oman--General, 1973-1978 | ||||||||||
35 | Outer Mongolia--General, 1939-1988 | ||||||||||
36-38 | Pakistan--General, 1950-1984 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
99 | 1 | Pakistan--General, 1950-1984 | |||||||||
2-5 | Pakistan--Economics, 1961-1983 | ||||||||||
6-9 | Pakistan--Politics, 1964-1990 | ||||||||||
10 | Pakistan--Foreign Relations, 1975-1983 | ||||||||||
11 | Palestine--General, 1945-1969 | ||||||||||
12-13 | Papua New Guinea--General, 1955-1986 | ||||||||||
14-16 | Phillippines--General, 1945-1988 | ||||||||||
17 | Phillippines--Agrarian Reform, 1981 | ||||||||||
18 | Phillippines--Economics, 1975-1988 | ||||||||||
19-21 | Phillippines--Politics, 1971-1987 | ||||||||||
22-23 | Poland--Economics, 1976-1991 | ||||||||||
24 | Poland--Exile Government, 1953-1987 | ||||||||||
25-29 | Poland--General, 1947-1987 | ||||||||||
30 | Poland--Jews, 1920-1973 | ||||||||||
31-32 | Poland--Politics, 1977-1986 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
100 | 1-5 | Poland--Politics, 1948-1991 | |||||||||
6 | Poland--Solidarity, 1986 | ||||||||||
7 | Portugese Africa--General, 1951-1976 | ||||||||||
8 | Portugal--Economics, 1975-1982 | ||||||||||
9-10 | Portugal--General, 1913-1981 | ||||||||||
11-14 | Portugal--Politics, 1918-1981 | ||||||||||
15 | Qatar--General,1953-1982 | ||||||||||
16 | Religious Problems, 1979-1986 | ||||||||||
17 | Reunion--General, 1978-1982 | ||||||||||
18-20 | Rhodesia and Nyasaland--General, 1949-1987 | ||||||||||
21 | Rumania--Agriculture, 1950-1969 | ||||||||||
22-31 | Rumania--Economic Affairs, 1950-1991 | ||||||||||
32-34 | Rumania--Foreign Relations, 1976-1980 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
101 | 1-3 | Rumania--Foreign Relations, 1976-1984 | |||||||||
4-11 | Rumania--General, 1956-1982 | ||||||||||
12-15 | Rumania--Politics, 1974-1991 | ||||||||||
16 | Rumania--Short Document on Rumania, 1960 | ||||||||||
17 | Russia--Pre Bolshevik, 1933-1991 | ||||||||||
18 | Russia--March-November, 1917 | ||||||||||
19 | Rwanda--General, 1964-1982 | ||||||||||
20 | Saar--General, 1934-1955 | ||||||||||
21 | San Marino--General, 1920-1964 | ||||||||||
22 | São Tomé--General, 1975 | ||||||||||
23 | Sarawak and Borneo--General, 1949-1978 | ||||||||||
24 | Samoa--General, 1937-1986 | ||||||||||
25-27 | Saudi Arabia--General, 1959-1991 | ||||||||||
28 | Saudi Arabia--Economics, 1985-1990 | ||||||||||
29 | Scandinavia--General, 1917-1969 | ||||||||||
30-31 | Seychelles--General, 1972-1988 | ||||||||||
32-33 | Senegal--General, 1958-1981 | ||||||||||
34 | Siam--General, 1988 | ||||||||||
35-36 | Sierra Leone--General, 1951-1987 | ||||||||||
37 | Sikkim--General, 1965-1975 | ||||||||||
38-42 | Singapore--General, 1966-1988 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
102 | 1-5 | Singapore--Economy, 1975-1988 | |||||||||
6-7 | Singapore--Politics, 1975-1985 | ||||||||||
8 | Slovakia--General, 1929 | ||||||||||
9 | Solomon Islands--General, 1984 | ||||||||||
10 | Somalia--General, 1958-1983 | ||||||||||
11-16 | South Africa--General, 1943-1986 | ||||||||||
17 | South Africa--Economy, 1965-1992 | ||||||||||
18 | South Africa--Foreign Relations, 1976-1983 | ||||||||||
19 | South Africa--Politics, 1943-1988 | ||||||||||
20 | South Africa--Protectorates, 1950-1977 | ||||||||||
21-24 | South Africa--Race Problems, 1976-1986 | ||||||||||
25 | South Korea--General, 1976-1992 | ||||||||||
26-27 | South Korea--Economic Affairs, 1950-1987 | ||||||||||
28 | South Korea--Foreign Relations, 1984 | ||||||||||
29-30 | South Korea--Politics, 1962-1987 | ||||||||||
31 | Southwest Africa, 1969-1986 | ||||||||||
32 | Spanish Africa--General, 1960-1980 | ||||||||||
33 | Spanish Sahara--General, 1982 | ||||||||||
34 | Spain--Agrarian Reform, 1985 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
103 | 1 | Spain--Church, 1984-1986 | |||||||||
2-3 | Spain--Civil War, 1936-1968 | ||||||||||
4-7 | Spain--Economics, 1951-1984 | ||||||||||
8-9 | Spain--Exile Politics, 1945-1987 | ||||||||||
10-16 | Spain--General, 1916-1986 | ||||||||||
17 | Spain--Foreign Relations, 1984-1986 | ||||||||||
18-21 | Spain--Material Collected from Ministries on National Income, 1951-1984 | ||||||||||
22 | Spain--Opposition, 1964-1986 | ||||||||||
23-27 | Spain--Politics, 1977-1984 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
104 | 1-3 | Spain--Politics, 1984-1991 | |||||||||
4 | Spain--Politics--Post Franco, 1985-1989 | ||||||||||
5 | Sudan--General, 1949-1977 | ||||||||||
6 | Suez--General, 1956 | ||||||||||
7 | Surinam--General, 1982-1989 | ||||||||||
8 | Swaziland--General, 1963-1974 | ||||||||||
9-10 | Sweden--Economics, 1948-1992 | ||||||||||
11 | Sweden--Foreign Relations, 1991 | ||||||||||
12-14 | Sweden--General, 1935-1992 | ||||||||||
15 | Sweden--Politics, 1949-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | Sweden--Social Problems, 1985 | ||||||||||
17-21 | Switzerland--Economy, 1973-1990 | ||||||||||
22 | Switzerland--General, 1920-1986 | ||||||||||
23 | Switzerland--Politics, 1978-1987 | ||||||||||
24-25 | Syria--General, 1952-1987 | ||||||||||
26 | Tahiti--General, 1977 | ||||||||||
27-28 | Taiwan--General, 1959-1985 | ||||||||||
29 | Tangier--General, 1953-1962 | ||||||||||
30-31 | Tanzania--General, 1964-1988 | ||||||||||
32-34 | Thailand--General, 1959-1986 | ||||||||||
35 | Thailand--Economy, 1972-1985 | ||||||||||
36 | Thailand--Politics, 1975-1985 | ||||||||||
37 | Tibet--General, 1954-1959 | ||||||||||
38 | Timor--General, 1975-1985 | ||||||||||
39-40 | Togo--General, 1954-1986 | ||||||||||
41 | Tonga--General, 1967 | ||||||||||
42 | Tristan Da Cunha--General, 1950-1951 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
105 | 1 | Tunisia--Economy, 1972-1979 | |||||||||
2-3 | Tunisia--General, 1953-1985 | ||||||||||
4 | Tunisia--Politics, 1970-1984 | ||||||||||
5 | Turkey--Economics, 1975-1984 | ||||||||||
6 | Turkey--Foreign Relations, 1982-1986 | ||||||||||
7-10 | Turkey--General, 1957-1988 | ||||||||||
11 | Turkey--Politics, 1971-1991 | ||||||||||
12 | Turks & Caicos--General, 1986 | ||||||||||
13 | Uganda--General, 1954-1984 | ||||||||||
14 | Uganda--Agricultural Reform, 1975-1978 | ||||||||||
15 | Uganda--Economy, 1975-1976 | ||||||||||
16 | Uganda--Politics, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
17 | United Arab Emirates--Abu Dhabi, 1975-1978 | ||||||||||
18 | United Arab Republic--General, 1958-1972 | ||||||||||
19 | Vanuatu--General, 1977-1986 | ||||||||||
20 | Upper Volta--General, 1983-1986 | ||||||||||
21 | Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE), Undated | ||||||||||
22-23 | U.S.--Academic Freedom, 1950-1983 | ||||||||||
24-27 | U.S.--Agriculture, 1921-1988 | ||||||||||
28 | U.S.--Airline Industry, 1987- 1991 | ||||||||||
29 | U.S.- Aluminum Industry, 1985 | ||||||||||
30 | U.S.--Anti-Imperialism, 1954-1960 | ||||||||||
31 | U.S.--Antitrust, 1976-1989 | ||||||||||
32 | U.S.--Arms Race, 1974-1984 | ||||||||||
33 | U.S.- Atomic Industry, 1975- 1985 | ||||||||||
34-37 | U.S.--Automotive Industry, 1958-1991 | ||||||||||
38-42 | U.S.--Balance of Payments, 1952-1989 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
106 | 1-3 | U.S.--Balance of Payments, 1952-1989 | |||||||||
4 | U.S.--Balance of Trade, 1984-1990 | ||||||||||
5-14 | U.S.--Banking, Eurodollar and Industry, 1957-1992 | ||||||||||
15 | U.S.--Bicentennial, 1976 | ||||||||||
16 | U.S.--Big Business, 1975-1985 | ||||||||||
17 | U.S.--Biotech Industry, 1984-1992 | ||||||||||
18 | U.S.--Boys Club of N.Y., 1978 | ||||||||||
19-22 | U.S.--British Empire, 1950-1961 | ||||||||||
23 | U.S.--British vs. U.S. Industries, 1948-1972 | ||||||||||
24 | U.S.--Budget Deficit, 1982-1990 | ||||||||||
25 | U.S.--Bureau of Public Affairs--Allen Wallis's Address, 1985 | ||||||||||
26-28 | U.S.--Business & Industry: Problems, 1968-1987 | ||||||||||
29 | U.S.--Catholic Church, 1982-1986 | ||||||||||
30 | U.S.--Chemical Industry, 1983-1990 | ||||||||||
31 | U.S.--CIA, 1980-1987 | ||||||||||
32 | U.S.--Colonial Areas--General, 1931-1964 | ||||||||||
33 | U.S.--Communication Industry, 1970-1985 | ||||||||||
34 | U.S.--Computer Industry, 1981-1989 | ||||||||||
35 | U.S.--Conservation, 1975-1983 | ||||||||||
36 | U.S.--Constitution, 1979-1982 | ||||||||||
37 | U.S.--Corporate Technostructure, 1968-1986 | ||||||||||
38 | U.S.--Cost of Living & Inflation, 1948-1991 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
107 | 1 | U.S.--Current History, 1948-1986 | |||||||||
2 | U.S.--Decline of Industry, 1988 | ||||||||||
3-4 | U.S.--Deficit, 1986-1993 | ||||||||||
5 | U.S.--Deindustrialization, 1986-1990 | ||||||||||
6 | U.S.--Dependency, 1976 | ||||||||||
7 | U.S.--Depression, 1974-1992 | ||||||||||
8 | U.S.--Deregulation, 1989-1992 | ||||||||||
9-10 | U.S.--Detente, 1974-1985 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--Draft Evaders, 1977 | ||||||||||
12 | U.S.--Economics, 1977-1990 | ||||||||||
13-21 | U.S.--Economic Theory, 1909-1987 | ||||||||||
22 | U.S.--Economists in U.S., 1967-1992 | ||||||||||
23-31 | U.S.--Education, 1968-1990 | ||||||||||
32-37 | U.S.--Education Problems, 1957-1991 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
108 | 1-3 | U.S.--Education Problems, 1957-1991 | |||||||||
4 | U.S.--Election, 1968 | ||||||||||
5 | U.S.--Electricity Industry, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
6 | U.S.--El Paso Natural Gas Company, 1961-1964 | ||||||||||
7-9 | U.S.--Energy Crisis & Progress, 1966-1989 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--Entertainment Industry, 1989 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--Environment, 1973-1990 | ||||||||||
12 | U.S.--Environment--Air & Water Pollution, 1960-1990 | ||||||||||
13 | U.S.--Environment--Conservation, 1945-1986 | ||||||||||
14 | U.S.--Environment--Natural Resources & Raw Materials, 1969-1975 | ||||||||||
15 | U.S.--Environment, Problems of, 1970-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | U.S.--Fair Trade Laws, 1955-1977 | ||||||||||
17 | U.S.--Federal Reserve, 1988-1989 | ||||||||||
18 | U.S.--Federal Union, 1941 | ||||||||||
19 | U.S.--Feminism, 1977-1990 | ||||||||||
20 | U.S.--Flag Problem, 1989 | ||||||||||
21 | U.S.--Food and Drug Administration, 1977-1978 | ||||||||||
22 | U.S.--Food and Drug Industry, 1975-1989 | ||||||||||
23 | U.S.--Food Stamps, 1984 | ||||||||||
24 | U.S.--Foreign Aid--Peace Corps, 1966-1970 | ||||||||||
25 | U.S.--Foreign Economic Relations, 1990 | ||||||||||
26-28 | U.S.--Foreign Investments, 1963-1989 | ||||||||||
29 | U.S.--Foreign Policy & Relations, 1988 | ||||||||||
30 | U.S.--Gambling, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
31 | U.S.--Gasohol, 1987 | ||||||||||
32 | U.S.--General--Aging, 1967-1985 | ||||||||||
33 | U.S.--General--Arts, 1946-1983 | ||||||||||
34 | U.S.--General--Brain Drain, 1948-1982 | ||||||||||
35-37 | U.S.--General--Civil Liberties, 1919-1982 | ||||||||||
38 | U.S.--General--Class Structure, 1936-1949 | ||||||||||
39 | U.S.--General--Consumerism, 1970-1983 | ||||||||||
40-42 | U.S.--General--Crime and Delinquency, 1957-1987 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
109 | 1 | U.S.--General--Cultural Problems, 1963-1969 | |||||||||
2 | U.S.--General--Drugs, 1960-1989 | ||||||||||
3-7 | U.S.--General--Economic Conditions, 1967-1989 | ||||||||||
8-15 | U.S.--General--Economy, 1941-1983 | ||||||||||
16-18 | U.S.--General--Family & Health, 1949-1987 | ||||||||||
19 | U.S.--General--Freedom of the Press, 1918-1984 | ||||||||||
20 | U.S.--General--Housing, 1972-1989 | ||||||||||
21-24 | U.S.--General--Miscellaneous, 1919-1982 | ||||||||||
25 | U.S.--General--Movies, 1974-1978 | ||||||||||
26 | U.S.--General--Music, 1955-1987 | ||||||||||
27 | U.S.--General--Philately, 1954-1979 | ||||||||||
28 | U.S.--General--Population and Problems of, 1946-1982 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
110 | 1 | U.S.--General--Poverty, 1964-1986 | |||||||||
2 | U.S.--General--Prohibition, 1984 | ||||||||||
3 | U.S.--General--Science, 1968-1981 | ||||||||||
4 | U.S.--General--Space Program, 1962-1985 | ||||||||||
5-6 | U.S.--General--Taxes, 1951-1988 | ||||||||||
7 | U.S.--General--Theater, 1976-1977 | ||||||||||
8 | U.S.--General--Urban Problems, 1966-1982 | ||||||||||
9 | U.S.--General--Women's Liberation, Gays, and Lesbians, 1902-1977 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--General--Youth and Problems of, 1960-1984 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--GNP, 1989-1990 | ||||||||||
12 | U.S.--Gold Standard, 1984 | ||||||||||
13 | U.S.--Government--CIA, 1963-1980 | ||||||||||
14 | U.S.--Government--City Planning, 1956 and 1969 | ||||||||||
15 | U.S.--Government--Congress, 1971-1983 | ||||||||||
16 | U.S.--Government--Democracy, 1912-1972 | ||||||||||
17 | U.S.--Government--FBI, 1975-1987 | ||||||||||
18 | U.S.--Government--Federalism, 1966-1977 | ||||||||||
19 | U.S.--Government--Finance, 1975-1984 | ||||||||||
20 | U.S.--Government--Municipal Government, 1911-1977 | ||||||||||
21 | U.S.--Government--Postal Service, 1977-1980 | ||||||||||
22 | U.S.--Government--Regulations, 1978-1988 | ||||||||||
23 | U.S.--Government--Supreme Court, 1962-1987 | ||||||||||
24 | U.S.--Handicapped, 1977 | ||||||||||
25 | U.S.--Healthcare Industry--Drugs, Doctors, Hospitals, etc., 1971-1991 | ||||||||||
26 | U.S.--Health Problems, 1988-1991 | ||||||||||
27 | U.S.--History, 1972-1985 | ||||||||||
28 | U.S.--Homeless, 1986-1989 | ||||||||||
29 | U.S.--Housing Industry, 1959-1983 | ||||||||||
30 | U.S.--Human Rights, 1976-1984 | ||||||||||
31 | U.S.--Idle Rich, 1979 | ||||||||||
32 | U.S.--Immigration, 1988-1990 | ||||||||||
33 | U.S.--Imperialism, 1986 | ||||||||||
34 | U.S.--Income Distribution, 1988 | ||||||||||
35 | U.S.--Independent Countervailing Power, 1961 | ||||||||||
36 | U.S.--Industrial Policies, 1983-1989 | ||||||||||
37 | U.S.--Industry--Power Elite, 1948-1964 | ||||||||||
38-39 | U.S.--Inflation, 1974-1991 | ||||||||||
40 | U.S.--Infrastructure Crisis, 1989 | ||||||||||
41 | U.S.--Insurance, 1979-1992 | ||||||||||
42-43 | U.S.--International--Art and Literature, 1935-1979 | ||||||||||
44 | U.S.--International--Dictatorship, 1978-1980 | ||||||||||
45-49 | U.S.--International Monetary Fund, 1958-1992 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
111 | 1 | U.S.--International Monetary Fund, 1958-1992 | |||||||||
2-3 | U.S.--International Monetary Problems, 1951-1978 | ||||||||||
4 | U.S.--International Red Cross, 1979 | ||||||||||
5 | U.S.--International Relations, 1965-1979 | ||||||||||
6 | U.S.--Irangate, 1987-1989 | ||||||||||
7 | U.S.--Iraq War, 1991 | ||||||||||
8 | U.S.--Jewish Problems, 1987-1991 | ||||||||||
9 | U.S.--Job Opportunities, 1967-1983 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--Judicial Problems, 1972-1979 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--Labor, 1986-1991 | ||||||||||
12 | U.S.--Law of Sea, 1975-1982 | ||||||||||
13 | U.S.--League of Nations, 1935 | ||||||||||
14 | U.S.--Legal Affairs, 1976-1986 | ||||||||||
15 | U.S.--Libertarian Party, 1978 | ||||||||||
16 | U.S.--Management--General, 1963-1984 | ||||||||||
17 | U.S.--Management--Scientific, 1948-1959 | ||||||||||
18 | U.S.--Managerial Revolution, 1949-1984 | ||||||||||
19 | U.S.--Maritime Industry, 1980 | ||||||||||
20 | U.S.--Mature Economy, 1947 | ||||||||||
21 | U.S.--McCarthyism, 1969-1980 | ||||||||||
22 | U.S.--Medical Problems, 1979-1988 | ||||||||||
23 | U.S.--Mergers, 1983-1988 | ||||||||||
24 | U.S.--Military, 1968-1985 | ||||||||||
25 | U.S.--Mining, 1962-1989 | ||||||||||
26 | U.S.--Miscellaneous, 1987 | ||||||||||
27-29 | U.S.--Miscellaneous Industries, 1964-1990 | ||||||||||
30-33 | U.S.--Monetary & Fiscal Matters, 1954-1983 | ||||||||||
34 | U.S.--Monetary Policy, 1984-1992 | ||||||||||
35 | U.S.--Monopolies & Oligopolies, 1975-1976 | ||||||||||
36-37 | U.S.--Multinationalists, 1973-1987 | ||||||||||
38 | U.S.--National Defense, 1972-1987 | ||||||||||
39 | U.S.--Nationalists, 1978-1984 | ||||||||||
40 | U.S.--NATO, 1967-1984 | ||||||||||
41 | U.S.--Negro Problems, 1991-1992 | ||||||||||
42 | U.S.--New Conservatism, 1963-1989 | ||||||||||
43 | U.S.--New Deal, 1957-1983 | ||||||||||
44-45 | U.S.--Nixon Administration--Watergate, etc., 1973-1983 | ||||||||||
46 | U.S.--No Growth Movement, 1977-1986 | ||||||||||
47 | U.S.--Nobel Prizes, 1985 | ||||||||||
48 | U.S.--Non Aligned Nations, 1978-1983 | ||||||||||
49 | U.S.--North/South, 1981-1982 | ||||||||||
50 | U.S.--North South Relations, 1987 | ||||||||||
51 | U.S.--National Recovery Act (NRA), 1933-1936 | ||||||||||
52 | U.S.--Nuclear Problems, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
53 | U.S.--Nuclear Proliferation, 1976-1980 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
112 | 1 | U.S.--Nuremberg Trials, 1947 | |||||||||
2 | U.S.--Nutrition Problem, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
3 | U.S.--Oil Crisis, 1973-1986 | ||||||||||
4-7 | U.S.--Peace & Disarmament, 1951-1983 | ||||||||||
8 | U.S.--Peace Dividend, 1990 | ||||||||||
9 | U.S.--PEN Clubs, 1939 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--Perestroika, 1990 | ||||||||||
11-17 | U.S.--Petroleum, 1963-1991 | ||||||||||
18-29 | U.S.--Politics, 1960-1991 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
113 | 1-8 | U.S.--Politics, 1960-1991 | |||||||||
9 | U.S.--Politics--1972 Campaign & Election, 1972-1980 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--Politics--Conservatives, 1990 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--Politics--Democratic Party, 1968-1991 | ||||||||||
12-15 | U.S.--Politics--New Right, 1983-1986 | ||||||||||
16 | U.S.--Politics--Republican Party, 1986-1990 | ||||||||||
17 | U.S.--Political Theory, 1963-1975 | ||||||||||
18 | U.S.--Pollution, 1976-1992 | ||||||||||
19 | U.S.--Post War Economy, 1946 | ||||||||||
20 | U.S.--Privatization, 1989 | ||||||||||
21 | U.S.--Productivity Problems, 1989 | ||||||||||
22 | U.S.--Professions, 1988 | ||||||||||
23 | U.S.--Profits of Corporations, 1948-1962 | ||||||||||
24 | U.S.--Profit Sharing, 1917-1957 | ||||||||||
25 | U.S.--Proposition 13, 1978-1979 | ||||||||||
26 | U.S.--Protectionism & Tariffs, 1973-1987 | ||||||||||
27 | U.S.--Public Finances, 1976-1991 | ||||||||||
28 | U.S.--Publishing Industry, 1976-1991 | ||||||||||
29 | U.S.--Raw Materials, 1975-1981 | ||||||||||
30-32 | U.S.--Reaganomics, 1981-1990 | ||||||||||
33 | U.S.--Reagan Prosperity, 1987-1988 | ||||||||||
34-37 | U.S.--Recession, 1975-1980s | ||||||||||
38 | U.S.--Recycling, 1990 | ||||||||||
39 | U.S.--Regional Problems--Family, 1974-1982 | ||||||||||
40 | U.S.--Reindustrialization, 1981-1985 | ||||||||||
41 | U.S.--Religion--General, 1985-1987 | ||||||||||
42 | U.S.--Religion--Ecumenical, 1985-1989 | ||||||||||
43-44 | U.S.--Religion--Episcopal, 1984-1991 | ||||||||||
45 | U.S.--Religion--Methodists, 1985 | ||||||||||
46-47 | U.S.--Religion--Problems of, 1971-1989 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
114 | 1-7 | U.S.--Religion--Problems of, 1971-1989 | |||||||||
8 | U.S.--Religion--Problems (Amish & Mennonite), 1991 | ||||||||||
9 | U.S.--Research & Development, 1978-1989 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--Rockefeller, 1985-1989 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--Rubber Industries, 1977-1989 | ||||||||||
12 | U.S.--Rutgers--Bergel-Hauptmann Case, 1991 | ||||||||||
13-17 | U.S.--Rutgers--General, 1969-1980 | ||||||||||
18-19 | U.S.--Rutgers--Student Revolts, 1969 | ||||||||||
20 | U.S.--SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks), 1979 and Undated | ||||||||||
21 | U.S.--Savings, 1988-1991 | ||||||||||
22 | U.S.--Savings Problem, 1989-1991 | ||||||||||
23-24 | U.S.--Sexual Problems, 1975-1990 | ||||||||||
25 | U.S.--Smoking Problem, 1969 | ||||||||||
26 | U.S.--Social Science Revisionism, 1972-1980 | ||||||||||
27 | U.S.--Social Security, 1916-1986 | ||||||||||
28 | U.S.--Socialized Medicine, 1933-1983 | ||||||||||
29 | U.S.--Southern Problems, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
30 | U.S.--Speculative Economy, 1987 | ||||||||||
31 | U.S.--Sperry Rand, 1961-1963 | ||||||||||
32 | U.S.--Stagflation, 1980-1981 | ||||||||||
33 | U.S.--Star Wars, 1986-1987 | ||||||||||
34 | U.S.--Steel Industry, 1963-1989 | ||||||||||
35 | U.S.--Stock Market, 1978-1990 | ||||||||||
36 | U.S.--Supply Side Economics, 1981-1983 | ||||||||||
37-38 | U.S.--Supreme Court, 1985-1991 | ||||||||||
39 | U.S.--Synthetic Fuel Industry, 1984-1985 | ||||||||||
40-41 | U.S.--Takeover Mania, 1984-1989 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
115 | 1-2 | U.S.--Takeover Mania, 1984-1989 | |||||||||
3 | U.S.--Takeover Mania--Texaco, 1985-1990 | ||||||||||
4-5 | U.S.--Takeovers, 1981-1990 | ||||||||||
6 | U.S.--Technology, 1978-1980 | ||||||||||
7 | U.S.--Technological Unemployment, 1962-1990 | ||||||||||
8 | U.S.--Technostructure, 1982-1992 | ||||||||||
9 | U.S.--Telephone Industry, 1989 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--Terrorism, 1984-1987 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--Texaco Corp., 1987-1988 | ||||||||||
12 | U.S.--Textiles--Garment Industry, 1977-1985 | ||||||||||
13 | U.S.--Trade--Legislation, 1974-1977 | ||||||||||
14-15 | U.S.--Transportation, 1963-1990 | ||||||||||
16 | U.S.--TV, 1978-1988 | ||||||||||
17 | U.S.--United Nations, 1985 | ||||||||||
18 | U.S.--United Nations, UNICEF and Amnesty International, 1979-1982 | ||||||||||
19-20 | U.S.--Unemployment, 1933-1988 | ||||||||||
21 | U.S.--United States Information Agency (USIA) , 1984 | ||||||||||
22 | U.S.--UNESCO, 1976-1987 | ||||||||||
23-24 | U.S.--United Nations, 1947-1983 | ||||||||||
25-26 | U.S.--University Crisis, 1968-1975 | ||||||||||
27 | U.S.--Venture Capital, 1989 | ||||||||||
28-29 | U.S.--Veterans--Organizations & Problems, 1919-1985 | ||||||||||
30 | U.S.--Wage/Price Controls, 1977-1980 | ||||||||||
31-32 | U.S.--War & Peace Problems, 1930-1979 | ||||||||||
33 | U.S.--Watergate, 1974-1979 | ||||||||||
34 | U.S.--Welfare, 1985-1987 | ||||||||||
35-36 | U.S.--Welfare State--General, 1967-1982 | ||||||||||
37-42 | U.S.--World Bank, 1949-1965 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
116 | 1-8 | U.S.--World Bank, 1966-1987 | |||||||||
9 | U.S.--World's Fair, 1974 | ||||||||||
10 | U.S.--WWI & WWII, 1930s-1980 | ||||||||||
11 | U.S.--Youth Revolt, 1973-1976 | ||||||||||
12 | USSR, 1996 | ||||||||||
13-15 | USSR--Agriculture, 1919-1985 | ||||||||||
16 | USSR--Art and Painting, 1922-1975 | ||||||||||
17-18 | USSR--Baltic States, 1952-1983 | ||||||||||
19 | USSR--Banking, 1973 | ||||||||||
20 | USSR--Birobijan, 1923-1962 | ||||||||||
21 | USSR--Bukovina & Bessarabia, 1940-1978 | ||||||||||
22-23 | USSR--Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1977 | ||||||||||
24-25 | USSR--Caucasus Region, 1924-1985 | ||||||||||
26 | USSR--Central Asia, 1969-1983 | ||||||||||
27-29 | USSR--Central Asia--Development, 1903-1963 | ||||||||||
30-31 | USSR--Civil War, 1917-1961 | ||||||||||
32 | USSR--Class Structure, 1936-1983 | ||||||||||
33 | USSR--Collectives, 1985-1988 | ||||||||||
34 | USSR--Constitution, 1934-1978 | ||||||||||
35 | USSR--Crime, 1955-1979 | ||||||||||
36 | USSR--Crimea, 1946-1969 | ||||||||||
37 | USSR--Culture, 1958-1979 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
117 | 1-8 | USSR--Diplomacy, 1917-1974 | |||||||||
9-13 | USSR--Dissidents, 1962-1985 | ||||||||||
14 | USSR--Economic Development, 1971-1973 | ||||||||||
15-18 | USSR--Economic Planning, 1947-1983 | ||||||||||
19-26 | USSR--Economics, 1948-1991 | ||||||||||
27 | USSR--Education, 1957-1973 | ||||||||||
28 | USSR--Elections, 1937-1946 | ||||||||||
29 | USSR--Ethnic Germans, 1987-1988 | ||||||||||
30 | USSR--Exiles, 1975-1977 | ||||||||||
31 | USSR--Foreign Aid, 1963-1990 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
118 | 1 | USSR--Foreign Policy, 1948-1983 | |||||||||
2-4 | USSR--Foreign Relations, 1967-1985 | ||||||||||
5 | USSR--Foreign Relations--U.S., 1974-1984 | ||||||||||
6 | USSR--Foreign Trade, 1962-1990 | ||||||||||
7-14 | USSR--General, 1922-1985 | ||||||||||
15 | USSR--Glasnost, 1987-1990 | ||||||||||
16 | USSR--Gorbachev, 1987 | ||||||||||
17 | USSR--Government Apparatus, 1919-1984 | ||||||||||
18 | USSR--GPU (Secret Police), 1948-1964 | ||||||||||
19 | USSR--Housing, 1964 | ||||||||||
20 | USSR--Human Rights, 1989 | ||||||||||
21 | USSR--Industrialization, 1979-1990 | ||||||||||
22-23 | USSR--Intellectuals (Biographical Notes), 1890-1937 | ||||||||||
24 | USSR--Intellectuals (Culture--General), 1921-1988 | ||||||||||
25 | USSR--Intellectuals (Writers--General), 1938-1982 | ||||||||||
26-28 | USSR--Intellectuals--Literature, 1921-1977 | ||||||||||
29 | USSR--Intellectuals--Literary Wars & Purges, 1934-1979 | ||||||||||
30-32 | USSR--Jews, 1923-1983 | ||||||||||
33 | USSR--Jewish Affairs, 1990s | ||||||||||
34 | USSR--Karelia, 1920-1936 | ||||||||||
35 | USSR--Leaders, 1923-1985 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
119 | 1-3 | USSR--Leaders, 1923-1985 | |||||||||
4 | USSR--Leaders--Gorbachev, 1986-1988 | ||||||||||
5 | USSR--Leaders--Khrushchev, 1959-1971 | ||||||||||
6-7 | USSR--Lenin, 1919-1987 | ||||||||||
8 | USSR--Leaders--Stalin, 1946-1980 | ||||||||||
9 | USSR--Leaders--Trotsky, 1917-1976 | ||||||||||
10 | USSR--Malenkov, 1948-1949 | ||||||||||
11 | USSR--Maxim Gorki, 1921-1968 | ||||||||||
12 | USSR--Military, 1977-1984 | ||||||||||
13 | USSR--Moldavia, 1946 | ||||||||||
14-16 | USSR--Moscow--Trials, 1934-1972 | ||||||||||
17 | USSR--Music, 1924-1962 | ||||||||||
18 | USSR--Navy, 1969-1970 | ||||||||||
19 | USSR--NEP (New Economic Policy), 1973 | ||||||||||
20 | USSR--Objectives of Communist Society, 1944-1961 | ||||||||||
21-27 | USSR--Opposition, 1926-1986 | ||||||||||
28-29 | USSR--Opposition--Intercontinental Press, 1970-1976 | ||||||||||
30 | USSR--Outer Mongolia, 1982 | ||||||||||
31-33 | USSR--Perestroika, 1987-1991 | ||||||||||
34 | USSR--Planning, 1934-1976 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
120 | 1 | USSR--Politics--General, 1917-1983 | |||||||||
2 | USSR--Politics, 1990-1991 | ||||||||||
3 | USSR--Pollution Problems, 1972-1974 | ||||||||||
4 | USSR--Propaganda, 1986 | ||||||||||
5 | USSR--Purge Trials, 1957-1988 | ||||||||||
6 | USSR--Red Army, 1936-1960 | ||||||||||
7 | USSR--Religion, 1946-1982 | ||||||||||
8 | USSR--Sakhalin, 1935-1946 | ||||||||||
9 | USSR--Satellites, 1964-1970 | ||||||||||
10 | USSR--Science, 1936-1966 | ||||||||||
11 | USSR--Secret Police, 1951-1982 | ||||||||||
12 | USSR--Siberia, 1977-1983 | ||||||||||
13 | USSR--Social Problems, 1972-1988 | ||||||||||
14 | USSR--Soviet Press, 1921-1968 | ||||||||||
15 | USSR--Space Matters, 1971-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | USSR--Supreme Soviet, 1920-1937 | ||||||||||
17 | USSR--Tartar Republic, 1925-1935 | ||||||||||
18 | USSR--Theater and Cinema, 1934-1961 | ||||||||||
19 | USSR--Ukraine, 1930-1956 | ||||||||||
20 | USSR--Volga Germans, 1929-1947 | ||||||||||
21 | USSR--White Russia, 1935-1971 | ||||||||||
22 | USSR--WWII, 1969-1972 | ||||||||||
23 | USSR--Women, 1919-1975 | ||||||||||
24 | USSR--Youth, 1951-1964 | ||||||||||
25 | Vatican--General, 1954 | ||||||||||
26-27 | Vietnam--Economy, 1973-1991 | ||||||||||
28 | Vietnam--Foreign Relations, 1973-1978 | ||||||||||
29-32 | Vietnam--General, 1963-1978 | ||||||||||
33 | Vietnam--Politics, 1977-1985 | ||||||||||
34 | Vietnam--Postwar--General, 1976-1985 | ||||||||||
35 | Vietnam--Relations with U.S., 1976-1979 | ||||||||||
36-37 | Vietnam--War & Post War, 1969-1986 | ||||||||||
38 | Virgin Islands--General, 1936-1975 | ||||||||||
39 | West--General, 1960-1978 | ||||||||||
40 | West Africa--General, 1950-1972 | ||||||||||
41 | Western Samoa--General, 1974 | ||||||||||
42 | Yemen--General, 1943-1989 | ||||||||||
43-44 | Yugoslavia--Croatia, 1964-1980 | ||||||||||
45 | Yugoslavia--Economy, 1983-1988 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
121 | 1 | Yugoslavia--Foreign Relations, 1948-1983 | |||||||||
2-17 | Yugoslavia--General, 1900s-1990s | ||||||||||
18-24 | Yugoslavia--Politics, 1948-1988 | ||||||||||
25-29 | Zaire--General, 1960-1982 | ||||||||||
30 | Zambia--General, 1961-1974 | ||||||||||
31 | Zanzibar--General, 1960-1964 | ||||||||||
32-34 | Zimbabwe--General, 1959-1984 | ||||||||||
35 | Zimbabwe--Economy, 1985 | ||||||||||
36 | Zimbabwe--Politics, 1981-1984 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
122 | 1 | Zimbabwe--Rhodesia Broadcasting, 1969-1980 |
XI. RESEARCH FILES GENERATED BY OTHERS, 1965-1988 1.3 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Grouped by subject and thereunder chronologically. | |||||||||||
Research files donated to Professor Alexander for his collection. Document types include interviews, questionnaires, and summaries. | |||||||||||
Consists of two discrete research collections: the interviews done by Professor John W.F. Dulles in 1965-1968 for his biography Carlos Lacerda: Brazilian Crusader (1991). The interviews are in English, and are bound in volumes by date with a numbered key. The second collection consists of questionnaires and a summary from a survey of leaders of rural workers unions in Pernambuco, Brazil, conducted by Anthony Perella in 1988 for his unpublished doctoral dissertation. The questionnaires are filled out in Portuguese. | |||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
122 | Interviews by John W.F. Dulles for his Biography of Carlos Lacerda, 1965-1968 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
123 | 1-6 | Pernambuco Labor Survey and Questionnaires, 1988 |
See Appendix I | |||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
124 | Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
125 | Argentina-Bolivia | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
126 | Bolivia-Brazil | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
127 | Brazil | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
128 | Brazil-Colombia | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
129 | Costa Rica-Mexico | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
130 | Mexico-Puerto Rico | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
131 | Puerto Rico-Venezuela, United States | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
132 | U.S., Europe | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
133 | Miscellaneous Countries | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
134 | Miscellaneous Economics and Politics | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
135 | Miscellaneous Economics and Politics |
XIII. MANUSCRIPTS OF WRITINGS, ca. 1945-1999 76 cubic feet | |||||||||||
Grouped roughly by subject and format. | |||||||||||
Typescripts of published and unpublished works written by Robert J. Alexander. Document types include notes, drafts and proofs. Includes manuscripts of books, articles, book chapters, edited works, encyclopedia and almanac entries, reports, reviews and comments, as well as Alexander's Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis and research material. | |||||||||||
Of interest are unpublished works such as the autobiographical "A Yank's Eye View of England, 1943-45" and "In Revolutionary Catalonia;" a novella "Of Little Faith," under the pseudonym Robert Jackson; a biography of Norman Thomas; and the monographs "Brazil's Emergence as a Great Power" (1967), "Labor in Franco Spain," and "Evolution of the Cuban Revolution." Also of interest is a typescript of Alexander's biography of Rómulo Betancourt with annotations by Betancourt. | |||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
136 | Drafts of articles, reviews, etc., mostly on Latin America; writings on Cuba | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
137 | Typescript drafts of books and articles–Latin American Politics | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
138 | "A Yank's Eye View of England 1943-45"; Latin American Relations: Brazil, Argentina and Chile; biographies of Latin American leaders | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
139 | Manuscript of book on Brazil | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
140 | Communism in Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
141 | Manuscript of Struggle for Democracy in Latin America; galley for Prophets of the Revolution; miscellany | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
142 | Writings on Venezuela, Colombia, Spain, Bolivia | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
143 | Writings on Brazil | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
144 | Writings: Latin American Politics, Labor & Economics; on Paraguay and Peru | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
145 | Writings: The Communists in Latin America; on Brazil, Argentina and Chile; miscellany on Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
146 | Latin American politics and government; Labor and Management Development | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
147 | Typescript drafts of books and articles, predominantly on Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
148 | Typescript drafts: Prophets of the Revolution; Revolutions in Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
149 | Typescript drafts: Latin American economics and labor | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
150 | Typescript drafts of articles: Latin American nations; miscellaneous writings | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
151 | Miscellaneous notes and articles on Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
152 | Industria articles; Struggle for Democracy in Latin America; comparative systems text | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
153 | Materials on Venezuela, Ecuador, articles on Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
154 | Manuscript copy, proofs and galley sheets of An Introduction to Argentina | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
155 | Typescript drafts, proofs, etc. for The Venezuelan Democratic Revolution | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
156 | Typescript drafts: writings on Argentina and Perón | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
157 | Galley sheets for A Primer of Economic Development, Labor Relations in Brazil, Argentina and Chile | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
158 | Typescript drafts, etc. for Labor History; Labor in Franco Spain; Perón | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
159 | Typescript drafts of writings on Brazil, Argentina and Chile, Central America and miscellaneous Latin American countries | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
160 | Proofs for Bolivian National Revolution | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
161 | Typescript drafts of writings on Communism; labor relations–Chile; miscellaneous Latin American writing; miscellaneous notes | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
162 | Typescript drafts of books and articles | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
163 | Typescript drafts of books and articles | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
164 | Typescript drafts of books and articles | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
165 | Typescript drafts of books and articles | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
166 | Typescript drafts of books and articles | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
167 | Typescript drafts: The Venezuelan Democratic Revolution (1964); article "Organized Labor and Social Change in Latin America,"; galley proof of Latin American Politics and Government (1958) | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
168 | Corrected typescripts for The Communist Party of Venezuela, 1970; typescript for Argentina: Nation in Crisis | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
169 | Corrected typescript for "Brazil's Emergence as a Major Power–A Study in Politics and Economic Development, 1967 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
170 | Miscellaneous writings on Brazil | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
171 | Notes and corrected typescript for "Brazil's Emergence...." | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
172 | Corrected typescript for "Norman Thomas," 1967 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
173 | Drafts for unpublished second edition of "Politics and Government of Latin America," 1971 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
174 | Notes and corrected typescript for "Political Parties in Latin America," Miscellaneous Latin American writings | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
175 | Corrected typescript and galley for "Aprismo: The Ideas and Doctrines of Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre," 1972 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
176 | Corrected typescript for "Competing Economic Systems," 1965 and "Trotskyism in Latin America" | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
177 | Corrected typescript for Agrarian Reform in Latin America (1970), and "Progress and Prospects of Latin America" (1971); typescripts for various unpublished articles and reviews | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
178 | Materials for Ph.D. thesis on labor relations in Chile, 1947 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
179 | Corrected typescripts for "Labor in Franco Spain" and "Communism in Latin America" | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
180 | Corrected typescript for "Latin American Political Parties," 1972; notes, corrected typescripts on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, socialism, etc., ca. 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
181 | Notes, corrected typescripts on Latin American politics, etc., ca. 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
182 | Corrected typescript for "Latin American Political Parties," 1972 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
183 | Typescript: "The Ideas and Doctrines of Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre," 1968; reminiscence of his mother, 1973 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
184 | Corrected draft of "Trotskyism in Latin America," 1971 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
185 | "Trotskyism in Latin America;" Argentina; Chile (social security); Agrarian Reform in Latin America; Brazilian Communism Party | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
186 | "Lovestoneites," "Chile," The Tragedy of Cuba | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
187 | Reviews and critiques; Elementary Economics text | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
188 | Book reviews and articles, 1960-1961; 1972; writings on Chile | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
189 | Book reviews, articles, short biographies of 20th century Latin American leaders (mostly Brazil), 1970-1971 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
190 | The Chilean Tragedy, Bolivia; Evolution of Cuban Revolution | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
191 | Corrected typescripts for "Brazil's Emergence as a Major Power," 1967 and "Norman Thomas," 1965 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
192 | Four Alexander Families of Wayne County; Eastern Europe and South American Communism; The Yank's Eye View of England, 1945-45 (unpublished); Labor Relations in Chile (diss.) Labor and Socialist Movements of Chile (M.A. thesis); Rómulo Betancourt (with Betancourt's annotations) | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
193 | Political Parties of the Americas, 1982 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
194 | Emergence of Brazil as a Great Power (unpublished); The Tragedy of Chile | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
195 | MACLAS Proceedings (published); Conversations and Correspondence with Betancourt; International Trotskyism | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
196 | Anarchism and the Spanish Civil War | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
197 | Presidents of Central America, Cuba and Hispaniola: Conversations and Correspondence; Arturo Alessandri; Import Substitution Strategy of Economic Development; The Lovestoneites and the International Communist Opposition of the 1930s; Juan Domingo Perón | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
198 | Rómulo Betancourt and the Transformation of Venezuela Trotskyism–research materials | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
199 | Emergence of Brazil as a Great Power; Lovestoneites and the Communist Opposition; Labor in Franco Spain | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
200 | Perspectives for the U.S.–Latin America; Reviews; Venezuela's Voice for Democracy The ABC presidents; The Bolivarian Presidents; Political Parties of the Americas MACLAS Latin American Essays, 1990 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
201 | Political Parties in Latin America | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
202 | The Case for Latin America Rómulo Betancourt and the Transformation of Venezuela | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
203 | Information Please Almanac; The ABC Presidents; Biographical Dictionary of Latin American Politics Betancourt and the Transformation of Venezuela Bolivia 1982: Past, Present and Future of its Politics | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
204 | International Trotskyism | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
205 | Conversation and Correspondence with Rómulo Betancourt Yearbook of International Communist Affairs; Almanacs; Encyclopedias; MACLAS Conference, 1981; Reviews Recommendations of Galbraith and Raúl Prebisch for the Economics Nobel Prize Conferences; Ebert Foundation; short articles; Tragedy of Chile notes | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
206 | Encyclopedias; short articles The Evolution of the Cuban Revolution (unpublished) "Of Little Faith" Novella by Robert Jackson (pseudonym) A Yank's Eye View of Britain (Unpublished) In Revolutionary Catalonia Causes and Cures which Aren't Conferences | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
207 | Yearbooks; Conferences; Reports for Rutgers University; Articles for Freedom at Issue Miscellaneous articles and comments Chapter for Don Herman Book Juan Perón biography The Lovestoneites; The Tragedy of Chile | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
208 | The Venezuela Democratic Revolution Biographical Dictionary of Latin American Political Leaders | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
209 | Arturo Alessandri The Lovestoneites Memorandum on Latin American Trade Unions and Labor Relations After the Castro Revolution: A first hand report on Cuba | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
210 | French Fascism Biographical Dictionary of Latin American Political Leaders MACLAS, 1987 | ||||||||||
Box | |||||||||||
211 | Juscelino Kubitschek biography |
XIV. SUBJECT FILES | |||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
212 | 1-6 | Labor--U.S.--General, 1902-1986 and Undated | |||||||||
7 | Labor--U.S.--General--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1920-1983 | ||||||||||
8 | Labor--U.S.--General--Scholarly Papers, 1942-1967 | ||||||||||
9 | Labor--U.S.--Accidents/Safety, 1946-1955 | ||||||||||
10-13 | Labor--U.S.--Agricultural Workers Unions, 1916-1985 | ||||||||||
14 | Labor--U.S.--Agricultural Workers Unions--Press Releases and Miscellany, 1935-1983 and Undated | ||||||||||
15 | Labor--U.S.--Airline Industry, 1976-1988 | ||||||||||
16 | Labor--U.S.---American Federation of Labor (AFL), 1946-1950 and Undated | ||||||||||
17-19 | Labor--U.S.--American Federation of Labor (AFL)--Conventions, 1907-1955 | ||||||||||
20-23 | Labor--U.S.--American Federation of Labor--Committee for Industrial Organization (AFL/CIO) Unity, 1937-1990 | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--U.S.--Apprenticeship, 1959-1969 | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--U.S.--Arbitration, 1914-1980 | ||||||||||
26-27 | Labor--U.S.--Automation, 1954-1963 and Undated | ||||||||||
28-29 | Labor--U.S.--Building Trades Workers Union, 1908-1985 and Undated | ||||||||||
30 | Labor--U.S.--Building Trades Workers Union--History, 1933-1934 | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--U.S.--Central Labor Unions, 1913-1977 | ||||||||||
32 | Labor--U.S.--Chemical Workers Union, 1984-1985 | ||||||||||
33-36 | Labor--U.S.--Child Labor, 1907-1989 | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--U.S.--Clerical Workers Union, 1916-1979 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--U.S.--Closed Shop, 1942-1982 | ||||||||||
39 | Labor--U.S.--Collective Bargaining, 1982-1990 | ||||||||||
Box | Folder | ||||||||||
213 | 1 | Labor--U.S.--Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO), 1939-1985 | |||||||||
2 | Labor--U.S.--Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO)--Conventions, 1938-1953 | ||||||||||
3-4 | Labor--U.S.--Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO)--1930s Fight, 1933-1940 and Undated | ||||||||||
5 | Labor--U.S.--Communications Workers' Unions, 1969-1987 | ||||||||||
6-7 | Labor--U.S.--Communists in U.S. Unions, 1920-1979 | ||||||||||
8 | Labor--U.S.--Coopers' Unions, 1947 | ||||||||||
9 | Labor--U.S.--Democracy in Unions, 1944-1988 | ||||||||||
10 | Labor--U.S.--Democracy in Unions--Proposed Research by Northern Illinois University, 1965 | ||||||||||
11 | Labor–U.S.–Democracy in Unions–Survey by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 1943 | ||||||||||
12 | Labor--U.S.--Department of Labor, 1937-1983 | ||||||||||
13 | Labor--U.S.--Domestic Workers Unions, 1934-1977 | ||||||||||
14-17 | Labor--U.S.--Educational Programs, 1911-1980 and Undated | ||||||||||
18-19 | Labor--U.S.--Eight-Hour Day Fight, 1906-1962 | ||||||||||
20 | Labor--U.S.--Electrical and Utility Workers' Unions, 1934-1987 | ||||||||||
21 | Labor--U.S.--Employers' Associations, 1947 and Undated | ||||||||||
22 | Labor--U.S.--Finances (Union Dues), 1948 and 1959 | ||||||||||
23 | Labor--U.S.--Firemen's Union, 1984 | ||||||||||
24 | Labor--U.S.--Food and Drink Workers, 1908-1988 and Undated | ||||||||||
25 | Labor--U.S.--Fringe Benefits, 1988 | ||||||||||
26 | Labor--U.S.--Fur Workers' Union, 1922-1935 | ||||||||||
27 | Labor--U.S.--Furniture Workers' Union, 1984 | ||||||||||
28-30 | Labor--U.S.--Garment Workers' Union, 1909-1987 | ||||||||||
31 | Labor--U.S.–Glass Workers' Unions, 1910-1958 and Undated | ||||||||||
32 | Labor--U.S.–Glass Workers' Unions--History, 1931 | ||||||||||
33 | Labor--U.S.--Government Employees, 1972-1977 and Undated | ||||||||||
34 | Labor--U.S.--Government Employees Unions, 1925-1988 | ||||||||||
35 | Labor--U.S.--Grievances, 1948-1986 | ||||||||||
36 | Labor--U.S.--Hatters' Unions, 1933-1954 | ||||||||||
37 | Labor--U.S.--Health and Welfare Funds, 1910-1982 | ||||||||||
38 | Labor--U.S.--Health and Welfare Funds--Scholarly Papers and Reports, 1945-1961 | ||||||||||
39-43 | Labor--U.S.--History, 1907-1985 and Undated |
Oversize | Folder | ||||||||||
214 | 1 | Christian Democrats (Dominican Republic, Venezuela), 7 items, 1953- 1961 [see also: box 14] | |||||||||
2 | Labor (Spain--CNT, U.S. Garment Workers), 2 items, 1970 and ca. 1983[see also: boxes 25-29] | ||||||||||
3 | National Revolutionary Parties ( Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela- Acción Democrática), 6 items, 1946- 1959[see also: box 30] | ||||||||||
4 | Socialists (Spain, United States), 2 items, 1937 and Undated [see also: boxes 42-44] | ||||||||||
Folder | |||||||||||
1 | Anarchism--Argentina, 1956 [see also: box 13]Labor--Spain, 1984 [see also: boxes 25- 26]Labor--U.S.--Maritime Unions, 1985[see also: boxes 26- 27]Unions--International Activities, 1959 |
Oversize | Folder | ||||||||||
215 | 5 | Uruguay, 5 items, 1942 and 1946 [see also: box 73] | |||||||||
6 | Various Countries (Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Puerto Rico), 9 items, 1948- 1982 [see also: boxes 62-69][see also: boxes 71-72] | ||||||||||
Folder | |||||||||||
1 | Cuba--Politics, 1975 [see also: box 64]Paraguay--Politics, 1958[see also: box 70]Venezuela--Elections, 1988 [see also: boxes 73- 75] |